Ok, I'm gonna solve this problem to the best of my abilities.. I have made it impossible for guests to post or reply (I hope lol) We are doing everything we can to keep this forum going.
For the future, we plan to make it only possible for REAL PAID FOR email addresses to be accepted. If the email is fake then it is rejected, if the email is hotmail or yahoo then it is rejected. If you pay for your email (such as aol or whatever) then you can come in. If you do not want people emailing you at that email address then simply go to your profile and click the little button to hide your email. I know this is too much for one little site but we can thank all this security stuff to the one "little man".
ALSO, a tech will be adding more security for the site. If anybody gets through this proffessionals stuff, then for all I care, they can have the site :P lol