Porverb 6 :16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: :|
A proud look, a lying tongue :P , and hands that shed innocent blood, :x
An heart that devisthe wicked imaginations :shock: feet that be swift in running to mischief :mrgreen:
a false witness (oh no) that speaks lies, and he that soweth discord among the brethern. :crazyeye:

Folks i found this in my daily readings in the bible and i just had to share it with you.
Many people do not realize or maybe just don't care that all this stuff we are messing with down here we are some day gonna have to give an account for. And whether we beleive it or not ain't gonna matter, we still gonna have to face the judgement. it is a very scarey thing.
I was not there to see my daddy leave this world (he was 84 yrs ole) but they say he kept staring into the ceiling shaking his head hollering "No, NO, NO!
What was he seeing?? Who was he seeing?? I hope it was Jesus, but I don't know and don't want to find out. Not yet anyway still alot of catfish in the water.
When we were little growing up on the farm and we would mess up, my mama would say; just wait til your daddy gets home and when he got home we would run and hide causin we knew we were in deep poop.
I would venture to say that's how we'll be when Jesus comes back, except there won't be any place to run and hide and no oneto blame , you won't be able to blame me for it. I'll have my own score to settle.
I am going to stop here this is giving me the heevy, jeeeveys.
I think i'll just go back to bed!!