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Thread: Muster Day(pics)

  1. #1
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003

    Muster Day(pics)

    Inspite of everything else that went on we did manage a few cats in the fillet box

  2. #2
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    BGbluecat brought in a variety of fish, one a big ole talapia we thought was a state record but it probably was not.
    A special tahnks to all who came out and endured ,Reedlv for the BBQ pit , Stinger rode hos MC in theh environmen t and the Medic1292and his bro who came all the way from San Antonio to join us , Don Dieg for hos Contribution of one limit of blues , Fred made large another big contribution one limit , HamourKilleer made an appearenc e from Sauid Arabia but is still suffering from Jet Lag,,The Rainfather and son team Sam and sa m Swampgass and Rivercat.Jr fro mole river Dan ,Corey, Cody BGBlue and grandaughter lexus, Paul and Sam fro mliberty County,Too many to maention i 'lll get better lsi trhis evening!!Oh Yeah and Jerrynta, the Warden Debbie(ms BigDave)

  3. #3
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX
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    Jul 2004
    Although you guys didn't see me... I made a top secret appearance last night around 1 or 2 AM. I spent all day working on my brothers boat getting it ready, and I wasn't going to give up. Finally hit the marina at 2 AM and couldn't get the boat to start again. I'm sure my engine cranking and two boys yelling woke up BigDave and who ever other two campers were there. Wayne Saunders also passed by around 2:30 AM before heading to work... again nobody else was awake though. Had some stuff come up this morning, but might swing by there later this afternoon.
    A bad day of fishing is better than a good day at the office!!!!

  4. #4
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    For all those who could not make it you missed one heck of a Muster, i say it that way causing it was hot, hot, hot and in spite of the heat and the enviernoment many many fish were caught that we fed everyone many times and gave fish away.The courageous men and woman who braved the weather were ,Don Diego , Fred and Norman , Jimmy Ray, BigDave & Levie.....A million thanks to Crappie Tracker for all the crappie they brought, man that was great.....
    Swampgrass and RiverRat wanted to r&R so we ventured out and did not cach a thing while the jugliners of texas were steadily pullling those mudcats in .Jugs a flagging and fish in the box.
    Crappie tracker and his bride came in this morning.
    Medic 1292 and his bro Carlos came in late last night they had to leave their dog at the emergency room due to heat related stress.
    Sorry we missed you al and wayne but we were honking at that time of morning.
    1ts pic is me holding the big cat i killed , 2nd is DD holdin gone of his fish, 3 Mr Gibbs holding fish; 4th is Rick and Carlos Rodrigues all the way from San Antonio Tx this young men and their dog came all the way from SA and i really want to thank them , it seemed like more people from out of town showed up than the regulars guess the heat kep you all by the AC.............
    Last shot is Jr holding his back while Ct cleans some crappie and Piper poses for the Kodak.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX JonW's Avatar
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    Crosby, TX
    Too bad I'm stuck at work. Glad everyone had a good time and the experience at BJ's was much better than the last!

    What are the odds of having another muster there in the fall?

  6. #6
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Many people came; top shot is CastNblast asking question in the Q&A session ; then T-Bone and mr Gibbs talking with Capt. Albert Lynch from TPWD;; 3rd shot is Bandy actting silly for the camera;4 th was the Sgt Hardings latest ride and last is Medic 1292 and Carlos in their yatch

  7. #7
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Jonw you host it you can have it whenever you want..

  8. #8


    You guys just KILL me! What an absolute blast that must have been to attend. I appreciate the report and all the pictures so much folks. keep 'em coming ok? =)

    What? no one got a picture of Ben pearl diving off the bulkhead? LOL


  9. #9
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    You are quiet welcome CT we enjoyed having you and your bride , only lady fishing my hat is off to you....!!

    Steve, you know me, like the wind in the dark i move and noone knows where i come or where I goes the spalsh would 've given it away cept weren't no one there to hear it :multi: : :multi: I kind ah looked like that little guy it was hilarious but my butts dragging right now with all the brass we had today dya had to smile alot and try to be nice, it was hard though, then DD asked how much a permit cost to road hunt, Game Warden Susan Webb said $500 .oo :razz:

  10. #10
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Mar 2003
    Special thanks to my son Dan , his wife Corey; this couple does so much that is not noticed ; we appreciate , they brought the camper over for our out of town guests to sleep in and hauled ice and groceries all weekend , plus they entertained BgBluecat friday night , my son and Mike have alot of the same interests.

    To Hamourkiller (Hank Austin) and his family , Hank supplied drinks, ice , fish cooker and lots of stories from the desert land about Osama and his crew and some he could not talk about
    Don Diego for all the fish he caught and also he entertained us with his jokes and stuff.

    The great T-Bone came down to have his pic made with Captain Albert Lynch
    oh yes also brought two bags of fish fillets :agrue: :turn-l:

    To Fred Swalleoux who brought and donated a sinker mold for the flagging juggs and caught alot of fish he and Norman workd real hard .

    I appologize for the light in in the shower room we will have it repaired by the next muster.

    To Medic1292 Rick and Carlos Rodriguez for braving the heat all the way from San Antonio Tx to come and be part of the group. hope your dawg is doing better.They ran into some bad luck with their pet having some heat related problems..We thank you guys for coming down keep an eye on the board believe there is muster brewing for Oct maybe it will be cooler.

    CastnBlast was down (flexing his muscles) to eat and entertained the Game Wardens and Lake Patrol with some ineteresting questions. Blake is one of our secret service (bouncer) who throws people in the lake when they misbehave , you all noticed he is always around when i hit the drink??

    To Jimmy Ray and Mr Gibbs for being my special guests, I have known JR since the 70's and Mr Gibbs is my daughter in laws daddy so they always have a place in the tri-toon.

    Paul Logino (our retired constable and peace keeper) and Sam the deputy man were there for a visit on friday and shared some stories about me and my sinking boats and all the swims i have taken in the lake, the hogs I have not gone to get , what happened to the ham??

    But the very most special thanks goes out to BigDave Taylor , his wife Debbie and Levie for sharing his daddy with us .Debbie cooks all this sweets and stuff then she even serves them to us , if this man ever left this website we'd never have another Muster!!
    BigDave sets up camp and works from the time he gets there til he leaves , the man is a jewel, no piper not a jew a jewel and we got to be proud that he is our Hospitality Coordinator and Senior Site Admin , why with all the web sites around he could be part of any one of them; they are forever e mailing him and inviting him so they can learn from him on how to attract and keep members coming back................... ;-)

    Thanks to Rivercat and Swampgas(Sam and Sam jr Rain) for coming down
    and joining us.

    To Crappie Tracker (Morris Taymon ) and his lovely bride(Marie) who came next to the farthest from Katy Tx , bringing some crappie and sharing some stories , added alot of life to the group. Thank s
    Jerrynta the young man what hosts this website , his boy and nephew were there also , Jerry brought this boat and looked for some stumps desperately i don't beleive he found any but did manage drag bottom!!

    To BgBluecat , he hurried back from Baltimore just to be a part of this rodeo , caught fish bait and talapia s , his granddaughter is 11 yrs old , can drive a boat, throw a castnet better than any man i know , shot deere and hawgs , mike is training here right,
    It was funny we would loose the kids friday night Mike would whistle and she would appear standing there with a coolie in her hand for him!!
    I told my grandson Cody (he is 10 yrs old), you need to stay close to that girl , she's the kind of woman every no fish catching man needs, hehehh

    And to all the Lake Patrol and Sgt Harding.
    The Texas Parks and Wildlife and Captain Albert Lynch , it was a real honor to have all this men in public service to come by and vist for our Q&A session. :multi:

    Thanks to te members who came but were not seen;Randy frezina, Wayne Saundec , Algonzo crew and El Pescador ,sure was sorry to missed you guys !! :infinity:

    And oh how could i 4 get the main actor; DONALD PIPER and steven his right hand man!!Thanks Pipe.
    The catfishboat made a show brought me a depth finder Humming Bird 200 dx, sweet!! I got to hear Baby catfishboat cry in spanglish he was cool but hated the heat ,Nicko was there also their babaysitter had ran off or something like that!!
    Thank you

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