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Thread: Somewthing to think about!!

  1. #1
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Somewthing to think about!!

    I moved this post here from the private mod section because I beleive every American white ,black brown or yellow needs to read it and take a good look at their heart!!
    Thank you Dewaynez for posting it.

    Something to Think About


    I wanted to post this article here first for approval, let me know what you all think. I think there are some very interesting points in this article, makes you step back and think about society and the world we live in.

    The following column is from a Rabbi who is a radio talk show host and also is published in Jewish World Review. I found it interesting to read and thought you might get something out of it too.

    When God is our focus all other things will dim.
    by Rabbi Aryeh Spero Posted Sep 7, 2005

    In New Orleans, beginning Tuesday morning, August 30, I saw men in helicopters risking their lives to save stranded flood victims from rooftops. The rescuers were White, the stranded Black. I saw Caucasians navigating their small, private boats in violent, swirling, toxic floodwaters to find fellow citizens trapped in their houses. Those they saved were Black.

    I saw Brotherhood. New York Congressman Charlie Rangel saw Racism.

    Yes, there are Two Americas. One is the real America, where virtually every White person I know sends money, food or clothes to those in need now and in other crises -- regardless of color. This America is colorblind.

    The other is the America fantasized and manufactured by Charlie Rangel, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who constantly cry "racism!" even in situations where it does not exist, even when undeniable images illustrate love, compassion and concern.

    These three men, together with today's NAACP, want to continue the notion of Racist America. It is their Mantra, their calling card. Their power, money, and continued media appearances depend on it.

    Often, people caught up in accusing others of neglect and sin need to undergo their own personal introspection. They begin to think they alone inhabit the moral high ground. It is high time these men peered into their own hearts at the dark chamber that causes this unceasing labeling of their fellow Americans as racist." They may find in that chamber their own racism -- against Whites.

    There is only one real America. Beginning Friday morning in Houston, thousands of regular citizens poured into the astrodome offering water, food, clean clothes, personal items, baby diapers and toys, love and even their homes to the evacuees who had been bused in from New Orleans. Most of the givers were White, most of those being helped were Black. But there was Jesse Jackson, busy on TV, accusing the country of not putting Blacks --i. e., him -- on some type of Commission he is demanding. Where was he early in the week? Not sweating with others from around the country who had scraped their last dollar to come help. With Jesse, it's always about Jesse.

    After decades of hearing accusations from Jesse, Al, Charlie, the NAACP and certain elitists about how racist America is, it would have been refreshing to hear them for once give thanks to those they for years have been maligning. These self-anointed spokesmen for the Black community lead only when it comes to foisting guilt and condemnation, and not when it comes to acknowledging the good in those they have made a career in castigating.

    As a Rabbi I have a message I wish to offer to my fellow members of the cloth, Reverends Jackson and Sharpton: It is time to do some soul searching. Your continued efforts to tear this country apart, even in light of the monumental goodness shown by your White brothers, is a sin.

    There are no churches in the world like the American churches. And there are no better parishioners and members of churches anywhere in the world.

    These churches are saving the day. Their members -- infused by the special and singular teachings of our unique American Judeo-Christian understanding of the Bible -- are, at this moment, writing an historic chapter in giving, initiative, and selflessness.

    They are opening their homes to strangers. They are doing what government is incapable of doing.

    America works because of its faith-based institutions. It always has. That is what makes it America.

    So next time the ACLU tries to diminish and marginalizes the churches, saying there is no role for religion in American public life, that an impenetrable wall must be erected separating the citizens from their faith, cry out "Katrina.

    Next time the ACLU goes to court asking that U. S. soldiers not be allowed to say Grace in the Mess Hall and that communities be forbidden from setting up a nativity scene, ask yourself: without the motivation of Goodness sourced in Faith, would people offer such sacrifice? Where else does this Brotherhood come from but the Bible which teaches "Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself."

    I saw brotherhood on Fox News, where 24/7 reporters used their perch as a clearing-house for search-and-rescue missions and communication between the stranded and those in position to save. In contrast, the Old-line networks continued with their usual foolish, brain-numbing programming.

    Those who always preach "compassion" chose profit over people.

    The New York Times has utterly failed America. Its columnists could have used their talents and word skills to inspire and unite a nation.

    Columnists such as Frank Rich and Paul Krugman, however, revealed their true colors by evading their once-in-a-lifetime chance to help and instead chose to divide, condemn, and fuel the fires and poison the waters of Louisiana. In them, I saw no Brotherhood. The newspaper always preaching "compassion" verifies Shakespeare's "They protest too much."

    Similar elitists here in the northeast and on the west coast have over the years expressed their view of the South as "sophisticated" and Texans as "cowboys." Well, the South has come through, especially Houston and other parts of Texas, hereas, as I write this on Labor Day, the limousine oralizers are lying on east and west coast beaches thinking they're doing their part by reading Times' editorials and calling George Bush "racist."

    How sanctimonious life becomes when proving you are not a racist depends not on living in a truly integrated neighborhood, but by simply calling others racist.

    Like so often in history, facts trump platitudes. Reality reigns.

    Those who always preach brotherhood, thus far have acted devoid of it.

    Those who for decades have been accused by elitists of not having compassion are the ones living it. They are: the churches, the military, and the sons and daughters of the South.
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
    -Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Although I'm only nine months old today :bday:, I wasn't born yesterday. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton would have to get a real job and WORK for a living if they didn't keep fueling racism. I won't even comment on the ACLU (Anti-Christian Liberals Union).


  3. #3
    I have had the opurtunity to meet many folks from New Orleans, recently. I won't get on my soap box on here. But I will vent some.
    I have heard that they were not shooting at the rescue helicopters but that they were shooting at the helicpoters that were "blowing up tha levee"(what a Jesse Jackson/Louis Faracon Joke!!!!!)
    I was even told that "you guys just had a fire drill here", (referring to Houston/RITA) evacuation.
    If you lived in a HUD property, subsidised by my weekly donation, and you lost it from a flood, you did not loose your home, WE did, now, we got to start over and buy you a new one.
    You know where I am going with this, so I will stop here.
    The only rasicim I see, is that from those that take no responsibility for them self, or their future, and point blame at others for their own ineptness.
    It was tragic what happend to our fellow AMERICAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS from both the storms. And it is and has been Our duty as Americans to help each other out,
    BUT, the racial card don't float any more, The American people are smarter than that!!!!!

  4. #4
    Registerd user Master in FishingTX dwaynez's Avatar
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    I could not agree more Randy
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
    -Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    We buy some acid has from some folks south of Baton Rouge so I communicate with them alot as to per where our trailers are and ect.
    when I finally was able to reach them this is how our conversation went;
    Hey good morning how ya doing?well it's all messed up and no one to help.
    I said well we been helping some refugees here at mt belvieu . She said why you call them refugees ?? I said well what do you want us to call them?? she said "Louisianners". I sad ok we been feeding "louisianers" and helping them out.She said yo uknow it is just a black and white thing .I said whoa jus ta minute, 80% of the refugees in mt Belvieu were BLACK. They just had enough sense to get out!!.
    She said why it took you all so long to get them flooded poeple out? I said, well heck they were shooting at us when we went in to get them!!! She said what you expect??
    Folks ,I am an emergency responder and ain't never had anybody here in Tex okla or Lousianan shoot at me when I went to help them, I have had wounded dawgs bite when they get run over and I tried to move them out of harms way, but that's a dawg ,don't know no better.
    She said they were not shooting at the helicopters and boats but they were firing shots so they would know where they were?? Kinda ah to get their attention.Give me a break!! i decided then it was time to talk about busines and that's where we been since.
    Don't know if this stories are true but i have heard a story of some people who took in a family from there and when they went to work the next day and came home they had moved out and cleaned them out!!
    Another story about a fellow rescuer was removing people from the flooded houses one of them pulled a gun and told him to get out, start swimming and hug a tree!!
    Except for Randy I have not heard of any of our Rita victims screaming for Rick Perrys head or our presdents we have managed the best way we could .
    Our city and state officilas did what is right and that's where theirs failed .They did not listen nor did they follow their evacuation procedures.
    Instead of building Super Domes and Casinos they should have fixed their levie !!
    The other folks mooch where ever they can , Jesse Jackson ain't read his bible in a long time or he would not even be in the public scene he'd be hid somewhere repenting and asking forgiveness for some of the things he has done, that we know about......
    Ok that's all i really don't have tthe time to waste on this, nonsense!!

  6. #6
    Registerd user Master in FishingTX dwaynez's Avatar
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    People always want someone to give them something, well sometimes you have to work for it and make it on your own. What did people do a long time ago when there was no FEMA or assistance, they helped each other and they survived. People have forgotten what it is like to have to work for something they are used to people giving them something.

    At times we all need a little help, but then there are those who feel they are owed something. All of the rescuers and people donated their time and risking their lives to help people they don't even knowed are owed something to, its called RESPECT.

    I take claim calls all day long and some people are rude some are upset, and some feel they have been wronged by the system. One thing that needs to happen out of all of this is for people to get some self respect and earn a living by making it on their own not relying on hand outs and assistance.

    If you need assistance and have no other means that is what it is meant for, but for the people who rely on assistance and do not want to have to break a sweat by working for a living then I have have lost Respect for you. It is sad that some will put themselves above others and feel they are owed something for free, I was raised to respect a dollar and earn my own way. If I wanted something I worked for it, it was not given to me.

    Some people have lost the will to work and make it on their own and it is sad to see the money and efforts of all of those involved in this tragedy wasted by those who feel they are owed something and do not feel they have to give something back or make an effort to better themselves.

    Enough for me just had to get that out.

    For all of those who have given time and given love in their hearts to help others out during this I congratulate you for giving of yourself above your own needs and wants to help out those less fortunate. You should all be commended and recognized for your selfless acts of human kindness and compassion.
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
    -Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Dwaynez ,I agree with you about having to earn respect, but there are very many people i know that still go out and risk their lifes and take time away from their families to help in one way or another.I feel like i am getting too old but i still will jump out on a 1/2" rope and rescue some in need!!
    Luke Reed and Eric Johnson were going to go and help rescue those New Orleans folks who would not come out , I say leave them there wh yshopudl we have to go risk everythin gfor folks who would mot elave for what ever reason.
    The Incident Commander talked them out of going and so they helped those who had gotten out ,
    Many others , tomorrow nigh twe receive our thanks for being part of the Emergency Respond Team, they feed us give us a mug and a litle cash for our efforts but there is not one man or woman in there that does it for the mug or the money , maybe the meal !!
    My little brother has been cleaning his place and fixing it up, he is not sitting with his hand out waiting on FEMA to write him a check ..
    He called me today was looking for a 2" weather head they were out at Beaumont there was not one to be found ., I stopped by the hardware store and they had one so i bought it and I stopped my rat killing and called him back meet me half way bro he said where is 1/2 way i said don't know maybe Devers , so we took off.
    As I pulled in to Devers he was pulling into a store there so we exchanged stuff and he headed back. i will help those who help themselfs thats' what family is for!!

  8. #8
    Registerd user Master in FishingTX dwaynez's Avatar
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    There are lots of people who give of themselves to help others, but there are also those who have become so dependent on freebies that they don't know any other way to survive. When something of this magnitude happens it's a reality check and they don't want to live in reality, they choose to live in the pre-paid existence that they have relied on for so many years.

    I think when there is financial assistance and you need it and have no other means then by all means use it, but if you are able to work and able to earn a wage then do it, don't just sit back and expect something for nothing.
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
    -Mark Twain

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