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Thread: Guide injured on Texas border.

  1. #1
    Administrator Master in FishingTX vett0111's Avatar
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    Guide injured on Texas border.

    Remember, always help who you can, whether you know them or not, blessings come when you least expect it.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Master in FishingTX dan_wrider's Avatar
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    That's a crazy story alright.
    Oh, my friend . What time is this . To trade the handshake for the fist

  3. #3
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    Thanks vetto very interesting subject matter, we'll soon see if there is gonna be a change or not.....wheres our NG?? our BP??
    Last edited by Gentleben; 01-09-2017 at 10:29 AM.

  4. #4
    My feelings on this are mixed.
    1) Just another proof that we need that wall built.
    2) With so many places to fish IN this Country ... why go to the border, where you know there's a chance for this sort of event?
    It's like going to Iran, to buy a rug!
    ... Going to to Columbia to see what Coca Plants look like!

    I have no sympathy for these people.

  5. #5
    Moderator Master in FishingTX dan_wrider's Avatar
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    East Mont. Co.
    Oh, my friend . What time is this . To trade the handshake for the fist

  6. #6
    Administrator Master in FishingTX vett0111's Avatar
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    Yeah I saw this too. Crazy
    Remember, always help who you can, whether you know them or not, blessings come when you least expect it.
    My intro -

  7. #7
    Yep ... there's dishonest and disreputable people. What matters, to me, is not what color you are, just what you do.

    Prejudice and hatred, because of color or race, have no place in modern society. ANYONE who uses racial slurs or harbors racist thoughts is ignorant of scientific fact (we are all the same, species-wise) or religious context (we are all God's children).

    But it's not racist to want illegal foreigners out of our Country. It self preservation.
    There's no such thing as an illegal immigrant.
    We gladly accept immigrants ... people who legally applied and were accepted to our Country.
    We SHOULD NOT accept foreigners who are in our Country illegally.

    Yes, our forefathers were illegal immigrants ... and look what they did to the indigenous people at that time.
    Do we really want to let that happen to us, now?
    Learn from History ... or it repeats itself !!!

    Sorry ... I got off on a rant ... I now return you to your regularly scheduled lives.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX AthensMike's Avatar
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    Not a rant Mike. Common sense.
    I work for a small construction here in TX. Half of our subs are illegal. They can't work on govt. jobs, ISD jobs etc. these guys are some of the hardest workers I know. I know they have my back and they know I have theirs also. I speak as much Spanish as they do English. We communicate just fine. We get the job done.
    My buddy's wife came here from the Philippines. Our top project manager is from South Africa. I can vividly remember when both of them celebrated becoming US citizens. They spent the cash and passed tests that I prolly couldn't. There were a few tears shed on both occasions.
    My view is this. As if it matters or anyone cares. We have laws. I would absolutely love to not have to pay for health or auto insurance. I have never caused an auto accident and I avoid the doctor unless I need stitches. Yet I have to according to our laws.
    I could go on but the pond has been a bit active today. Think I'll fish instead.

  9. #9
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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