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Thread: Taking the Kids Fishing

  1. #1
    Web Owner Master in FishingTX
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    Huffman Tx

    Taking the Kids Fishing

    Spring time is almost here, And Fishing, Boating and Camping is starting to be on alot of folks minds.
    Here are somethings to keep in mind when planning those family fishing trips with the kids.
    First Safety, I don't know how many times I have seen small children in a boat not wearing a properly fitting life jacket or even wearing one at all. Or seen the kids sitting on the bow or rear of a boat as the boat is bouncing across the water. It is even a good idea to make the small children wear a life jacket around the boat ramp and boat dock.

    When it comes to Fishing. As adults, our drive and will power to go fishing and stay out on the water, even when it is slow, is alot greater than a childs. If we are not careful, we can burn out a child, even a teenager, on fishing. My son recently told me, "Dad there is other stuff to do besides fishing".
    Here are some things to keep in mind when planning that fishing trip.
    #1 Safety!!!!!!
    #2 comfort, pick a good day,not to cold or to hot. Take snacks and drinks and figure in restroom breaks. Take enough clothing if it is cool weather. It is alot colder out on the open water than back at the dock.
    #3 Maybe keep the fishng trip short,if the fishing is slow, a few hours to a non interested child can seem like an eternity. And the child won't say anything, they are just glad to be with you. If the fish aren't biting, call it a day and go another time.
    #4 The younger the child, the more attention the child needs. BE PATIENT. Remember you have been fishing a bunch already and now you want to pass it on.There are three learning modalities to remember:
    1: kinesthetic- they learn from hands on
    2: visual- they can learn from watching
    3: auditory- some can just be told how to
    Sometimes, We need to keep all three modalities, in mind when teaching or helping a child how to fish.
    #5 Keep it fun and interesting.
    With the days of laptop computers, DVD players, Playstations, X-BOX, and over 100+ cable TV channels, we have alot to compete with, for a childs attention.
    To sum it up, You are the role model, be patient, lead by example, practice good sportsmanship, and be safe.

  2. #2
    Great post Randy.

    Some day soon we need to put a trip together just for the youngins.

  3. #3
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    4 stars foe you!!!

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