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Thread: Needy family needs a blessing

  1. #21
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX Pawpop's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Thats what makes this a great site the careing people, and my prays are with them, the Lord knows who they are.
    And GOD said:

  2. #22

    God has Truely Blessed FishingTx by bringing such a great group of people together.

    First of all I would like to apologize for taking so long in making this post.

    I meet up with Brett Radabaugh and his boy Payton Tuesday night after work and dropped off the gift that my extended family here at FishingTx generously donated to the Christmas fund. It was a good thing for us to do. This family is going through a very trying time.

    It brought great pleasure for me to see Brett's gratitude peppered with several "Y'all shouldn't have". It couldn't have come at a better time for this family. The wife was getting out of the hospital the next day and the son was starting to have issues with his mom being away from home in the hospital so much. This family has been getting spiritual and moral support from their family and church. This is a strong christian family. I'm not sure how spiritual this family was prior to the cancer but I believe this adversity has brought them closer together and closer to God.

    I just regret all of my FishingTx family couldn't experience the satisfaction and Heart swelling I had when I gave the gift. Thanks FishingTx.

    Merry Christmas to all and God Bless this great group of people.

    Below is an email Brett sent me the next morning.

    To start off I would like to share w/ you, a little bit about Peyton {my 10 yrold son} he has been struggling w/ his Mom being gone so much and has recently like yesterday made statements to the effect that "mom want be home long and shell be back in the hospital" another one was blaming Dr's because she didnt come home when expected! last night after we parted company and me and peyton was returning home I shared w/ him what the folks on fishing tx had done, and expalained to him that even though bad things happen, God can still turn it around and he uses people {good people} to work it to his glory!! I believe I seen a little light go off in his head and heart!! please continue to pray for my son!! and that this trial will make him strong but not bitter!

    I would like to thank all of Fishing for there genorous gift @ this time in our lives!
    I am humbled by the mere thought and action that has taken place, Am glad to be associated w/ such incredible, and carring folks such as y'all!
    I consider myself and my family a blessed man to have the friends and family that God has brought our way thru recent events in our family's life.
    My wife Regina is coming home tomorrow, and we look forward to a wonderfull Christmass together!! Thanks so much and God Bless!!!

    Brett Radabaugh

  3. #23
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks Pipe for me it is "better to give, than to recieve"!!

  4. #24
    Amen Ben!

  5. #25
    I love this place.

  6. #26
    That just goes to show how great the fishingtx members are and that people really do care.

  7. #27
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Das amlos a sermon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #28
    Ole Bill


    it sure brings happiness to all when you see such gratitude and joy thanks for sharing D

  9. #29
    Senior Member FishingTX Skilled Angler
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Oakwood Texas
    Thanks D for sharing with us,true meaning of the season.

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