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Thread: Feb 13,14& 15 gathering (pictures & stories)

  1. #41
    Web Owner Master in FishingTX
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Huffman Tx
    ben, you are ok. everyone one was legal and all the fish we kept was way above legal, all the 12-16 inchers was thrown back anyway, with all the high water they where washing over from conroe.
    the only way you could get in trouble would be streching tales and stiirring poop

  2. #42
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Yeah, but you see I have a BS as in B*** S*** degree so i can do it :shock: :evil: Just wanted Sgt. Jones to see his men were out doing their job in making sure that we were safe and legal.
    Lake Patrol said they could have had you on a violation ****, but let you go causin they knew me so you best be nice :evil: :x
    this guys caught a state record how did this get here , ok

  3. #43
    Web Owner Master in FishingTX
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    Mar 2003
    Huffman Tx
    aal them wardens and stuff are always hunting for me, keeps me on my toes, you know.

  4. #44
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Listen if you are on Americas most wanted or camera shy do not come around One guy the other day said "get that camera out of my face i just got out of prison" , so I took his picture, hahhahahahha
    Top picture Gator telling Nine Lives how he didn't catch the big one-- Engineer & **** in bottom pic

  5. #45
    Thin Water Tracker

    Iron Man fishing

    I think we could call running out at midnight to run the jug lines with Ice and what the feel was snow some hardcore fishing.

    I have to say Medulla my friends call me a hordcore fisherman. I think I have me work cut out if I'm going to try and stay up with you my friend. I really injoy fishing with you and the whole group. I learned a lot this weekend. and hope to put it to good use ove then next few months and years to come.

    This was the pay off for making that run at midnight. It was Medulla , Brain and myself. Cold but had a ball.

  6. #46
    Thin Water Tracker I consider it an honor to have you run my q-beam anytime.

    Hey the fish we caught on that run wasn't the main thing. All the lines were 'bout out of bait and if we had not of went on that hoot owl run we would not have pulled all those quality fish off Saturday morning.

    'preciate you and Brian going out in the elements and giving me a hand.

    It would not have been near as much fun by myself....but it would have still happened...hahaha...

    What's the skinny on your boat?

    You are more than welcomed to borrow my boat during the week ANYTIME. But as you know I will need it weekends, but you are invited to go with me.

    Let me know.

  7. #47
    Thin Water Tracker

    Ok I sewed up the thread !

    I think I have the sizing down now.
    Here one with the of Mudcat After landing Medulla's big cat. Proof that his product works. Way to go Medulla and My hat is off to you Mudcat. Can't wait to get mine out there and get after it.

  8. #48
    Thin Water Tracker

    She going to need a week of rest.

    Took it in this morning they said it would be a week. Bill said they will grind all of that weld out and redo the whole thing. Show him the others and had a few other small things for them to do that was covered.

    I would take you up on the the boat but I have somethings I need to do before heading dow to baffin next month got a rod to build and one to rebuild. So I'm going to take this week to get that done. Hey we missed some fish I pull the ice chests out of the boat this morning to take it in and found We had left 8 cats on ice.

    Here you go Medulla one more time.

  9. #49
    Thin Water Tracker

    Blues eat Channels?

    This one is of **** and Brian show How Blues in lake Houston can swallow the channels from some lake up North. **** I want to thankyou for giving me the INFO about the lake and the fish and how to fish them I learn a lot from you this weekend my friend hope to do it again real soon. ANd Brian My hat is off to you for the work you did around camp you made the whole cold weather thing a lot better keep the pot on the fire and something to snak on ready for the fishermen coming back to camp after that cold run on the lake.

  10. #50
    hahaha... it'll be a while before I tire of looking at that...hehehe...

    You ended up with some more fillets. GREAT! I was afraid you didn't get plenty.

    You hear that Tim, add 8 to the total. So what does that make?

    C & S may want to consider welding another plate above the tunnel in that high sress zone.

    You will never believe what I did when I got home. I fried fish...hahaha...and dang, it sure was good too...

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