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Thread: Welcome benmaples

  1. #1

    Welcome benmaples

    Welcome to FishingTx benmaples!! Where do you fish and what for? Share some fishing adventures and enjoy the site.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    :question: Welcome how did you find us ??

  4. #4
    Welcome to fishingtx!!!!

  5. #5


    Thanks for the Big ol' Texas welcome. Found ya'll by accident. My neighbor moved today & while helping her I inquired about an ol Evinrude [Lark maybe] 35 hp sittin in the corner of her garage in a 55 gal drum. She said it ran a year ago when her ex tried it out & she said I could have it for $5 Well she wound up packing the 6-way ***** driver I was letting her use to take stuff apart so now we're even? I was trying to find a value on the motor,did a search for evinrude motors for sale in texas & here I am thanks to the fella that's selling about 135 motors down south of Houston LOL. Looks like a great site. I stopped fishing when all my kids were coming along. my dad passed back in Feb & my stepmom just gave me a bunch of his fishing stuff as well as suits & dress clothes for Church [no more jeans & Pierre Cardin Hawain print shirt Woo Hoo!] & now a boat motor. I think someones tryin' to tell me something like "you need to get those kids fishing" which is what my dad used to say but I didn't have the money to re-outfit myself & the kids. Now I have no excuse & some of the best times I had with my Dad was fishing out at the gravel pits near Bell Helicopter years ago. I remember catching about a 4' alligator gar there, my dad laughing his head off as I hacked at it with my hatchet while it was laying in the mud. Never did chop it in half but I sure wore myself & I think my Dad too from laughing so hard. Guess the biggest fishing adventure I ever had was 13 sandies on 12 minnows on Ceder Creek Lake back when I was 11. I lost the 12th minnow on #13,ran back to the bait shop,got another dozen & didn't get another bite the rest of the day. Time to start making some adventures with my younguns'. The youngest of 4 [a boy finally] is 1 yo now so I'm getting caught up on time & money. If any ya'll come to Lake Worth to fish shoot me an email & I'll send ya my ph# so if you get in trouble or whatever maybe I can help out. I live about 1/4 mile from the lake. Yeah I know & have no boat. Hopefully that's getting ready to change. Out a breath now. Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Welome to FishingTX!!!

  7. #7
    Benmaples, thanks for sharing a very good story with us!!! I truly enjoyed it. That is what we are all about; sharing stories.

    Many of my best fishing experiences were with my Dad, too.

  8. #8
    Senior Member FishingTX Angler Supreme
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    April Sound, Montgomery Texas
    Welcome to FishingTx
    Everyone ought to believe in something; I believe I'll go fishing

  9. #9
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX BIGDAVE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ben, it's great to have you part of the FishingTx family! You don't have to have a boat, However you do have to have a camera. Saving the memories while fishing with the kids is priceless. Just make sure it is a digital so you can share whith us also!
    IF You Don't Go, You Won't Know

  10. #10
    Registerd user Master in FishingTX dwaynez's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Welcome to FishingTx
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
    -Mark Twain

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