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  1. Gettin old !! (1 replies)
  2. Got a laugh out of these. (3 replies)
  3. How I Look . . (5 replies)
  4. Can't wait (4 replies)
  5. How to speed up covid vacinations (2 replies)
  6. Double respiratory protection (2 replies)
  7. Two alligators (2 replies)
  8. New pics of Trump fishing....good for a laugh (5 replies)
  9. Dream boat budget (1 replies)
  10. Finally a parking spot for me (3 replies)
  11. Real Men are Cowboys (11 replies)
  12. Communist Taken Out by Nissan of Justice™ (6 replies)
  13. Daughter Finds Mom Having An Affair. Then Dad Calls (2 replies)
  14. So true. Hehe (2 replies)
  15. Barroom brawler vs. Boxer (4 replies)
  16. Ha! (10 replies)
  17. West Texas shade tree (2 replies)
  18. The Imagined History of “Tenkara” (6 replies)
  19. mirrors (6 replies)
  20. Joggers! (3 replies)
  21. What kind of tree is this? (7 replies)
  22. One for Gil (13 replies)
  23. Friday funny (2 replies)
  24. My crappie boat is for sale. (8 replies)
  25. Funny, fishing related pictures??? Contest (177 replies)
  26. My birthday present (4 replies)
  27. Nor really a joke ... but watching it will lighten any mood. (3 replies)
  28. Football playoffs (10 replies)
  29. Teach a man to fish picture (6 replies)
  30. For cat lovers (2 replies)
  31. Wife missing (1 replies)
  32. Aggie (4 replies)
  33. Texans plays cowbouyz tomorrow nite (21 replies)
  34. Prescription running low (2 replies)
  35. Cowboys practice delayed this morning. Could be serious. (14 replies)
  36. Fishing Stereotypes (3 replies)
  37. Chuck Norris Facts (5 replies)
  38. Early Christmas present from my daughter. (2 replies)
  39. Chicken Dinner (3 replies)
  40. When those Deers have had enough hunting!!!!!! (3 replies)
  41. Washington Redskins (3 replies)
  42. precise casting (8 replies)
  43. Mexican or as Gilbert would say Meskin HEB (8 replies)
  44. Not a joke but funny, to me anyway (4 replies)
  45. 5 year old girl speaks the truth in church (2 replies)
  46. Marital Romance (3 replies)
  47. My new truck (5 replies)
  48. A cure for your husband's temper (3 replies)
  49. Eating Carp (3 replies)
  50. Mother-in-Law (0 replies)
  51. Welcome home (3 replies)
  52. Brother wins a bass boat (2 replies)
  53. Value Engineering (2 replies)
  54. Doo Wop Test (1 replies)
  55. The hypnotist (5 replies)
  56. The Kansas crow mystery is finally solved (0 replies)
  57. Arkansas state fish (4 replies)
  58. Laws of the Natural Universe (1 replies)
  59. Only the Irish have jokes like these: (0 replies)
  60. The Old Cow (1 replies)
  61. Hillary and Arnold (2 replies)
  62. Here something for sider lovers (3 replies)
  63. "Automotive History (50's - 60's) (1 replies)
  64. Taste it. (0 replies)
  65. Old Dog (5 replies)
  66. What should I do? (2 replies)
  67. Non-GM Car Show Game - 1960s (8 replies)
  68. Wrecked Buggy (3 replies)
  69. 1950 Car Game (7 replies)
  70. Bar Joke (3 replies)
  71. APRONS (2 replies)
  72. A touching story (1 replies)
  73. Funny (0 replies)
  74. You've Been Out Drinking (4 replies)
  75. Tex-Mex Night Before Christmas (1 replies)
  76. One Day After Christmas (1 replies)
  77. A Redneck Christmas (1 replies)
  78. A soldier’s night before christmas (1 replies)
  79. A Parents Night Before Christmas (1 replies)
  80. A Few E-Commerce Nights Before Christmas (1 replies)
  81. Roadkill café (3 replies)
  82. Needs a Push (1 replies)
  83. The Irish (1 replies)
  84. Lesson learned from a can of Worms (2 replies)
  85. Pi R Squared (3 replies)
  86. A Christmas Tale (2 replies)
  87. Twas the Night Before Christmas - Senior Version (1 replies)
  88. Gettin' Pregnant (1 replies)
  89. Cajun vacation (1 replies)
  90. Boudreaux's Sister is Pregnant (3 replies)
  91. Tools Explained (3 replies)
  92. Just a little sumpin'-sumpin' (1 replies)
  93. Redneck Engineer Challenge (1 replies)
  94. Father Boudreaux (1 replies)
  95. Cajun Mama (1 replies)
  96. Cajun Airlines (1 replies)
  97. A Cajun’s Ten Commandments - Version 1 & 2 (3 replies)
  98. Breakfast (2 replies)
  99. First Drivers Permit (2 replies)
  100. John's Bull (1 replies)
  101. The Cajun Ghost Car (2 replies)
  102. Turkey hunting (2 replies)
  103. Grandma Boudreaux’s Humor (1 replies)
  104. Dating Ads for Seniors found in a Florida Newspaper (2 replies)
  105. Boudreaux's Daughter (0 replies)
  106. Boudreaux the mortician (2 replies)
  107. Something Different (2 replies)
  108. MAN RULES (4 replies)
  109. Boudreaux and the Outhouse (1 replies)
  110. Boudreaux the Cajun Cop (2 replies)
  111. Men Are Just Happier People, I wonder why? (2 replies)
  112. Boudreaux and the War (1 replies)
  113. Boudreaux's Mistress (1 replies)
  114. Boudreaux and the Duck Hunter (3 replies)
  115. 2 fish bang into a concrete wall (3 replies)
  116. For sale, Corevete tail lights, good condition! (1 replies)
  117. Harvard Business Review (2 replies)
  118. Are you smarter than a 60 year old? (10 replies)
  119. Wreck in Dallas (2 replies)
  120. Yogi Berra (3 replies)
  121. The importance of walking for Seniors (4 replies)
  122. Hey, wasn't this us? (3 replies)
  123. Boudreaux out fishing (2 replies)
  124. 'You Can Be The Man of Your House'. (3 replies)
  125. Bath Tub Test (1 replies)
  126. How did we survive? (4 replies)
  127. Who is lost? (2 replies)
  128. The Land That Made Me, Me (2 replies)
  129. 7 degrees of cajun (3 replies)
  130. Old Man Died (2 replies)
  131. My new crappie rig (6 replies)
  132. Help the Lawyers (3 replies)
  133. Guard Duty (2 replies)
  134. Bear Removal Service (2 replies)
  135. jugging trip gone bad on lh (12 replies)
  136. this would not be fun... (9 replies)
  137. How to protect your deer feeder from hogs... (5 replies)
  138. Talk about a SENIOR moment! (3 replies)
  139. The older we get (3 replies)
  140. Daytona 500 (1 replies)
  141. The 2.99 Special (5 replies)
  142. The Man Clock (2 replies)
  143. Breast feeding in public causes problems (13 replies)
  144. Sheep herding rabbit (3 replies)
  145. Funny video (4 replies)
  146. The Basic Rules For Clotheslines: (2 replies)
  147. How children perceive their Grandparents (2 replies)
  148. Red Neck Cadillac (2 replies)
  149. Why men are happier than women (2 replies)
  150. Be Careful (1 replies)
  151. Getting married (1 replies)
  152. Hospital Rules (1 replies)
  153. Age old question (1 replies)
  154. Warning for Older Men! (7 replies)
  155. Fast Chickens (1 replies)
  156. Newspaper Report (1 replies)
  157. Snow Up North (2 replies)
  158. Just for the cat people (2 replies)
  159. Some kids are so serious about thier Christmas! (3 replies)
  160. Debt Story (2 replies)
  161. Fried Chicken (3 replies)
  162. Old men still have it. (4 replies)
  163. Can Cold Water Clean Dishes? (3 replies)
  164. Walmart Trip (5 replies)
  165. Ode to Thanksgiving (1 replies)
  166. Just One Wish (2 replies)
  167. Happy Thanksgiving (3 replies)
  168. Too Funny (3 replies)
  169. Play on words (1 replies)
  170. Great Truths (0 replies)
  171. Pregnant lady on a bus (3 replies)
  172. SHOTGUN !!! (2 replies)
  173. New Texas Priest (1 replies)
  174. The Yellow Light (3 replies)
  175. Dog, cat and mouse (2 replies)
  176. Longer Blanket (2 replies)
  177. The wunder boner (1 replies)
  178. Ride of a lifetime. (2 replies)
  179. Corn Maze for Blondes (1 replies)
  180. Warning:Only Read this When You are Able To Laugh Out Loud! (6 replies)
  181. Short Fairy Tale (2 replies)
  182. Two funny squirrel stories (2 replies)
  183. New Taser for the wife (4 replies)
  184. Fred's night out (1 replies)
  185. Investment Tips for 2011 (0 replies)
  186. Daddy sleeps naked. (2 replies)
  187. 5000 years ago (1 replies)
  188. Surgeons Debate (2 replies)
  189. The baby Skunk. (1 replies)
  190. Diary (3 replies)
  191. Sounds Fishy (5 replies)
  192. The pharmacy (5 replies)
  193. The economy is REALLY getting bad! (7 replies)
  194. The Tiny Cabin (2 replies)
  195. Have you ever just felt "SPECIAL" (7 replies)
  196. Baby Boats (15 replies)
  197. How Hot Is It (2 replies)
  198. The Blonde and the Porch (4 replies)
  199. Boudreaux & Band-Aids (1 replies)
  200. The Marriage Counselor Advise (4 replies)
  201. They'll let anyone in here! (4 replies)
  202. Southern Charm (3 replies)
  203. here's a good laugh (5 replies)
  204. The Veterinarian (1 replies)
  205. fishing joke (2 replies)
  206. Gynecologist or Mechanic? (3 replies)
  207. Traffic Stop (5 replies)
  208. Texan's Assistance (2 replies)
  209. The Cow, an Ant and an Old Fart (3 replies)
  210. Ultimate Dog Tease.... (3 replies)
  211. Jackie's $10.00 talking dog (7 replies)
  212. New drink (1 replies)
  213. Bin Laden's punishment (6 replies)
  214. Semper Fi (1 replies)
  215. Blondes shoes (2 replies)
  216. Witticisms of Ignorance (5 replies)
  217. Gotta love goverment employees! (2 replies)
  218. OLD JOKE (1 replies)
  219. Clear Communication! (1 replies)
  220. Southern Ingenuity (2 replies)
  221. Advice From A Retired Husband (4 replies)
  222. Good old Boudreaux (2 replies)
  223. Maid to Order (1 replies)
  224. Written by a third grader (5 replies)
  225. A husbands Revenge (1 replies)
  226. Old woman driving (1 replies)
  227. Mission Impossible Squirrel (1 replies)
  228. Jokes that can be told in church (1 replies)
  229. For the Older Crowd (2 replies)
  230. DUI --- Texas Style (2 replies)
  231. Darla's defensive driving joke #2 (4 replies)
  232. Boudreaux and the lawyer (2 replies)
  233. You’ve got MAIL! (4 replies)
  234. Darlas' defensive driving class, funny!! (2 replies)
  235. Smart Kids (2 replies)
  236. Boudreaux's Breathalyzer Test (5 replies)
  237. Paraprosdokians (2 replies)
  238. Two fish swimming along when... (2 replies)
  239. Bar Stool (4 replies)
  240. Silly question,Good answer (7 replies)
  241. Bar Joke (4 replies)
  242. To celebrate or to Make Resolutions (10 replies)
  243. Deer Hunting (5 replies)
  244. The Night before Christmas (0 replies)
  245. Been to the Deer lease again (16 replies)
  246. Just for a laugh (3 replies)
  247. paw paw (3 replies)
  248. Dear Santa... (5 replies)
  249. Medical bills are out of control (8 replies)
  250. Ratman (5 replies)