View Full Version : Pics of tonights and tomorrows table fare........

gator gar
11-07-2007, 08:12 PM
Let this be known..........I did not bake those cookies!!!! That is my wife trying to cook. they are so ugly, I couldn't get them to post.

gator gar
11-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Okay, I think I found the cookies......... She tries hard, but forgetting to add a whole cup of flour?????????

11-07-2007, 08:41 PM
i will come and sup with you anytime and i will bring the cookies ask layton

gator gar
11-07-2007, 08:55 PM
That chicken and sausage gumbo is getting gone quick. My sauce is simmering and that top round is on the pit, just cooking away, low and slow. Oh, and those cookies are stuck to the pan, like cement. Gator, you're welcome to come eat anytime. We'll all get together someday soon I hope and do some cooking and eating.

Ole Bill
11-07-2007, 11:16 PM
now that sounds like a winner but i would be careful about talkin about the wifes cooking. that can get dangerous bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh

11-08-2007, 01:58 PM
Ok just so that some will know ole cuzz cant stand seeing all this food on the web,it will drive him nuts. That sure does look good, aint nothing wrong with any of it. And them cookies all you got to do is pour the milk in a bucket & get after it. Guess its time for me to start postin the food again!!!!!! John he started it not me.

gator gar
11-08-2007, 04:27 PM
Well, I brought that hunk of meat to work and that slow cooker full of sauce and they went crazy over it. There are some good ol country boys in there that I work with and they know good BBQ. They were real satisfied with the outcome of my BBQ. There wasn't a piece of scrap left. They ate it all.

Now that the practice piece of meat is out of the way, I have nine more to cook tomorrow night. Maybe these guys will put the word out and our fundraiser will be that more of a success.