View Full Version : Good game

03-29-2008, 09:17 PM
I beleive that is Cody under that dust storm !!Kids played a good game opposite team won , 12-10 , COdy was not piching :icon_confused: Course teh said thing is to see a coach make his kid cry because he can not mee tup to his expectations , should be about having fun and learning the game :applause:

Ole Bill
03-29-2008, 09:23 PM
i agree a good coach will lead not intimidate if they wanna do that tell them to go coach the pros its about having fun and learning good sportsmanship no matter if ya win or lose.

03-30-2008, 01:21 PM
I agree ben but looks like a good game with a lot of offense. Thanks for the pictures.

03-31-2008, 11:08 PM
you welcome Scottuy!:secret:

04-01-2008, 01:26 AM
yes sir ,them kids are playing with heart,, no big league money,, maybe a coke or snow cone after the game, and that ataboy goes a long way in there life,, support from the stands win or not, everyone part of the team ,,gotta love it,,all the practice for the 3 cuts at the ball, a crack of the bat, roar of the crowd,,chance to hear the support of the stands, games over,, pizza time yhea

04-01-2008, 06:00 AM
lAsT NIGHT tHE oTEHR TEAM CHEATED!! , IT BReAKS MY HEART TO HEAR THAT THIS IS WHAT THIS WORLD HAS COME TO where GRoWN MEN ARE TEACHING OUR kids to cheat so they can win a stinking ball game .I gonna find out who they were so i can give them a ticket when I catch them poaching or littering!!
Whats has socitey gained by cheating to win?? iz am gald tha tmy garndson has played for good men of mora lcharcter , this year he was asked to play on a "Select team" but 1 of the coaches has henhouse ways so we declined to let him play ......

04-01-2008, 10:59 AM
good for you Ben, let your grandson enjoy his summers, about half of the ones that play select, get burned out on baseball by high school,,,,if a player did not get his required number of outs playing time or a time at bat in a 5 inning game,, said player is required to start and play entire next game or it is a forfeiture,, but the protest has to be made to the umpire before 1ST pitch, umpire will check the official score book of the teams last game,, yes grown men and women cheat, manipulate the rules as they see fit until they are put in check,, calling cheat and proving are 2 different things

04-01-2008, 11:38 AM
my son plays little league an I help coach. One of the other teams players stole home and our catcher tagged him, but dropped the ball. The ump called him out , and the other team did not see him drop/recover the ball. We told the ump the player was NOT out and our catcher dropped the ball. He stated well i didnt see it hes out.

Our manager argued for the other team and gave them their run to over rule the ump. I wonder if the other team would have done that for us.

04-01-2008, 11:55 AM
They cauhgt thsi guys cheating, and were told about it but what does that do for teh kids ??Heck last year at the end of teh game the coaches got into a fist fight as you end teh game nad congradtulate each otehr when teh 2 coaches met they started punchuing each other out !!:grrr: , i tbroke into a rio t........:lighting:
last game i was at iwas takin gpois a t1st base , tehy called our kid safe , catcher ump called him out, the coahces ( one wit hhen hose ways ) ,argues with 1 st base umppppp. ump said it's my call and i said he is safe .I said "hey coach got an instant replay of the right here he said " Oh i know he's safe i jsut liek to argue !!:confused: I did not knwo wheatehr to cry or laugh at his ignorance!!!!!!!!!!!!:offtopic:

04-01-2008, 12:32 PM
I had, or should I say my 5 year old had a horrible experience in pee-wee football last year. They only had two teams, for the whole district. They had 5 year olds playing with 8 year olds. The coach was ruthless on the little kids, telling them they weren't hitting hard enough, yanking them around by their football helmets, etc.... He wouldn't even let the kids use the restroom during practice, yes several of the kids had to stand on the field and pee in there pants. Won't name the coach ( he is still a baseball coach and football coach in Huffman ). I confronted the coach after practice, while not being around the kids, and he told me he had to be hard on them, claiming that is what "toughens 'em up".

04-01-2008, 12:38 PM
I went to a girls softball game once and two dads got into a shouting almost fisticuffs session and both got kicked from the game. If either softball or baseball gets to that point in my league we will no longer participate. I take my kids to teach them about teamwork and sportsmanship, not fighting and whining.

04-01-2008, 10:08 PM
i am glad we are with the group that we play with........we do the politically incorrect thing of saying a prayer before we start the game.......and walk across the field and shake the opponenets hand after the game. Albeit they are just little guys but you got to start somewhere.......it is a shame when people have to lie, cheat or steal to get ahead.

will try to add pics later.......system not working at the moment

04-02-2008, 06:16 AM
Back in the early 60's Coach Fred Acres was our high school coach and he taught us 2 things ,Good sportsmanship and the fundamnetals of the game:applause: , maybe 1961-62...Now we are teachin gour kids to hurt the other players and how to cheat. :( Cody my grandson pitched teh 1st game they won , 2nd game he could not pitch casue he had thrown over 42 balls or something like thata , we ll guess what he gets hi t, guesss where, on his right arm , his pitching arm..:icon_redface:
i hope the coach did not put the kid up to hitting my grandson:lighting: ,he is teh one with hen house ways !! he wants hsi kid to pitc hso bad tahta the kid will litter cr ybeaccsue he is presssuerd so much!!People like tah ats hould not be allowed to coach.....

04-02-2008, 06:16 AM
Back in the early 60's Coach Fred Acres was our high school coach and he taught us 2 things ,Good sportsmanship and the fundamnetals of the game:applause: , maybe 1961-62...Now we are teachin gour kids to hurt the other players and how to cheat. :( Cody my grandson pitched teh 1st game they won , 2nd game he could not pitch casue he had thrown over 42 balls or something like thata , we ll guess what he gets hi t, guesss where, on his right arm , his pitching arm..:icon_redface:
i hope the coach did not put the kid up to hitting my grandson:lighting: ,he is teh one with hen house ways !! he wants hsi kid to pitc hso bad tahta the kid will litter cr ybeaccsue he is presssuerd so much!!People like tah ats hould not be allowed to coach

04-02-2008, 08:22 AM
as in "the" Fred Akers of TU fame?