View Full Version : Reality of Smokeless Tobacco

06-28-2008, 10:28 PM
Found this link..... I truely think it was a sign from above. I was browsing the internet one night, shortly after my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer. I stumbled onto this site http://www.outdoortexan.com/...I don't think that it was an accident that I was directed to this site. I think that it was meant for me to find this site. I guit the smokeless tobacco right then and there...can't say that it was easy...every day is a battle.


Ole Bill
06-29-2008, 07:03 AM
back when i was smoking i use to use it when i couldnt smoke never did aquire a taste for it tho never did care much for it but dippin can sure be a nasty habit plus the fact it can kill ya

06-29-2008, 10:33 AM
"You dont always die from tobacco somesimtes they cut out your tongue"

Good comercial. Straight and to the point.

06-29-2008, 02:38 PM
When I was a kid, chewing snuff (DIP) was not discouraged. I remember walking into the corner store when I was in seventh grade and buying the stuff. As kids, we thought it was really cool to chew....like the big league baseball players.

Bill Barrick
06-29-2008, 04:34 PM
Right on Junebug, I quit cigarettes when they put on the warning label. Started with Day's Work chewing tobacco because it killed toothache pain. We were working on the F105 fighter plane during a national emergency. The company would not allow time off to go to the dentist. A friend from Tennessee talked me into putting a small amount of Tenn Twist tobacco on it to kill the pain and that started the habit. I tried every way I could think of to quit, but could not. I asked God to take it away from me and said I would leave it up to him and I was through worrying about quitting. About a month later I found out one day at noon that I had "forgot " to put a chew in my mouth that morning after breakfast. I knew then that was some power acting on me, so I began to praise God for taking the habit away. Each time a nicotine fit would begin, I would say "that is a Nicotine fit" and immediately it was gone. These events took place often at first and would return up to a couple of years after just one in a while. I have been free from nicotine since Pesident Reagan had his colon surgery and that is a long time ago. Hope someone else can benefit in the same way that I did.

06-29-2008, 04:46 PM
I dont dip but I have a few buddies that do, I will tell them about trashyourcan!

Besides the fact that my momma would be dissapointed in me those pics of the surgery are a GREAT reason never to start.

06-29-2008, 06:16 PM
I am so proud of you oto. When I see the younger generation smoking/dipping, I am baffled. With all of the info that is available now and the cost of tobacco, why would anyone start using it?? It just doesn't make sense to me. I often encourage young people to stop while it is easier.

I dont dip but I have a few buddies that do, I will tell them about trashyourcan!

Besides the fact that my momma would be dissapointed in me those pics of the surgery are a GREAT reason never to start.

06-29-2008, 06:20 PM
I am so proud of you oto. When I see the younger generation smoking/dipping, I am baffled. With all of the info that is available now and the cost of tobacco, why would anyone start using it?? It just doesn't make sense to me. I often encourage young people to stop while it is easier.

It is the same now, as it was when we were youngsters......let's call it the "cool factor", kids like to do what the other kids are doing - peer pressure. I hope that my kids seeing my dad with his lung cancer, and with other smokers in the family with emphysema, hopefully they won't have the desire to start smoking. As far as the smokeless tobacco, I am not going to allow it, like my parents did.

06-29-2008, 08:44 PM
i dipped two cans a day of skoal wintergreen longcut for about 5 yrs and my wife got pregnant so i decided i wanted to be with my family for as long as possible