View Full Version : Cigarette boats on Conroe

07-12-2008, 05:40 PM
I guess they were having some kind of race today on Lake Conroe. We went up to the north end this morning and were fishing the stumps and I kept hearing them running up and down the lake.

Later we decided to try fishing under the bridge for awhile but after about an hour here came the boats. They must have gone to Pappa's for lunch because about 130 they were back in force. There were about 14 cigarette boats plus a half dozen smaller trailing boats and a helicopter.

As if the wind wasn't stirring things up enough, those boats kept going back and forth, up and down the lake. For some reason that I cannot imagine they chose the pilings near us to cross under. We were fishing #32 and they all, all 14, crossed at 34/33/30/29/28. The Constable was out there for a while and did stop one of the little "tenders" but I really didn't see the cigarette boats going too fast under the bridge. That was a plus but the waves they made getting to the bridge really ticked me off.

The boats appeared to be racing from the dam area (Pappa's, I guess) to some point up by Cagle, then back again. They really messed things up for me today.

I understand they have the same rights to be on the lake as anyone else and I have to say that other than speed and being inconsiderate they weren't doing anything else wrong that I could tell.

Really though, what's the point of having that kind of boat on a lake? I have never seen anyone fishing on one, I have never even seen one pull a skier, hang glider or tube behind one, so what's the point? Getting from one end of the lake to the other before your beer gets warm?

Guess I am just in a really crummy mood today. Cry Baby Place is the right place for me today.

07-12-2008, 05:57 PM
you miss the point i think not you hit right on the head to go as fast as you can and mess up everyone else day and drink beer

07-12-2008, 06:20 PM
a few years ago they did that to us and we started tryin to catch them as they went by. came close a few times and they moved over for a while

07-12-2008, 07:15 PM
I dont know I caught myself feeling a little yupset today but the cig boats, wake board boats and fishing boats have just as much right to be on lake conroe as anyone. Such is life. It's a beautiful lake next to the 4th largest city and we have to remember it's a resource that we wll have a right to enjoy. Such is life. If I had it my way...................never mind. Be patient and life will come

07-12-2008, 07:18 PM
they have the same right yes but they can be considerate of others. we dont disturb them why can they disturb us

07-12-2008, 07:33 PM
hand held torpeto shooter

07-12-2008, 07:52 PM
That would be what is called a poker run.

07-12-2008, 08:06 PM
lol. yea sure woulda been nice

07-12-2008, 08:19 PM
Idiots, they have the whole lake to go show how fast they can go but no they have to run right next to sports folks fishing , it should not be right !!!!:lighting:!!!!!!

07-13-2008, 09:20 AM
Yep, its getting bad even during the week. I guess it will pass when school starts back and these whimpy kids go back to school. Its the parents that should be spanked for letting them do that.

07-13-2008, 10:32 AM
Yep, its getting bad even during the week. I guess it will pass when school starts back and these whimpy kids go back to school. Its the parents that should be spanked for letting them do that.

Doubt those were kids.

07-13-2008, 11:23 AM
i wouldnt be so sure grey, I know a guy who lives on the lake and as far as he is concerned he wishes they would ban fishing on conroe. He used to tell me that it was hard for his 16 year old son to go out and have a good time in the boat (which is a cig) I once asked why do they have to run so close to fishermen and this is what he said, "If I had it my way we wouldnt run close to them we would run over them, and cut thier lines with the props", he also went as far as to tell me that they go out sometimes to look for jugs and trotlines to cut them so maybe the fishermen would get the hint. So sometimes it is kids runnign around in Mommy and Daddys $100,000 boat.

07-13-2008, 03:00 PM
Ok, that guy has issues but I think most dont understand the fishermans perspective and are not doing it on purpose. Just my thoughts, I could ber mistaken, but I general give everyone the benefit of the doubt untill they prove otherwise.

Ole Bill
07-13-2008, 04:54 PM
I have found from experiance that people with that kind of money to burn especially at todays gas prices have little concern for those they think are beneath their station in life and that we are just nusiances to be flicked aside. granted there are rare occasions when you will meet one that seems to care all i can say they cause me grief and i live through it i will be rich or satisfied one way or another

07-13-2008, 07:20 PM
Just the reason I moved to the country. Last month I went out in the middle of the week and put in at Scotts Ridge and was working the banks west of the boat ramp just past the new park there and here comes 4 kids in their daddy's 100,000 ski boat and started skiing up and down that area along the shore with their mucis blasting. Everytime they came by I would have to turn my boat into the waves.

07-13-2008, 08:16 PM
that fella needs an attitude adjustment. hope he goes broke
i wouldnt be so sure grey, I know a guy who lives on the lake and as far as he is concerned he wishes they would ban fishing on conroe. He used to tell me that it was hard for his 16 year old son to go out and have a good time in the boat (which is a cig) I once asked why do they have to run so close to fishermen and this is what he said, "If I had it my way we wouldnt run close to them we would run over them, and cut thier lines with the props", he also went as far as to tell me that they go out sometimes to look for jugs and trotlines to cut them so maybe the fishermen would get the hint. So sometimes it is kids runnign around in Mommy and Daddys $100,000 boat.

Ole Bill
07-14-2008, 12:00 PM
and if you move to another spot they follow and do it again i have had that happen. i just take boat numbers and pics if they are acting in a careless manner and turn it over to game wardens or police officers.

07-14-2008, 12:59 PM
You know I met one of the constables out on conroe this weekend. I flagged him down. He was super nice and very accomidating. You can look at it in a number of different ways. I knpow some of the boats that ride up and down the front of 1097 can be really annoying for those under the bridge, but thewy might not even have an understanding of there wakes and being tied up under that bridge. Truth be known, they are being inconsiderate but it isnt a no wake zone. I had a guy on a wake board boat come back me and John one morning about 4 times. It was difficult balancing, running the trolling motor and trying to cast. I was a little annoyed but then I thought about it he has just as much right to be here as I have. Hey its a good point with no wind to ski on. I respect him for getting up at daybreak and getting out there while the water is good. Wakeboard boats do what they are suppose to and put up a wake thats for sure. I took solice in the fact that it was fun to watch him. Hey if it upset me that much, I would go to Lake Raven where there is none of that. I know what its gonna be like on conroe on the weekend. It's not like it's a suprise. If one area gets too rough. I can always beet myself to death and make the run up north. I dont know what each individual situation is. Some people are just rude. I had a cig boat last year miss me by about 20 feet and got me completely soaked, so dont take this as defending anyone. Conroe is a beautiful lake that is sufficient for many vessels. Im just saying in general practice we can not be made at others for enjoying the beautiful resources of Texas in whatever way they deem appropiate for them. They need to abide by the laws and show some matter of common sense but everyone hasa a right to be there. Fisherman, wakeboard boats, cigarette boats, houseboats, and even that slow moving sailboat that is so graceful. Heck I had a guy in thousand trails pull right out in front of me when I was hopping across. He was talking to someone and never saw me. I accidently threw it in reverse trying to stop in time. He just kept pulling out like I wasnt there from his no wake zone. Didnt speed up. didnt slow down. Just put himself ona collision course and maintained. I was aggrevated but thats life

07-14-2008, 01:23 PM
I had a cig boat last year miss me by about 20 feet and got me completely soaked, so dont take this as defending anyone. Conroe is a beautiful lake that is sufficient for many vessels.

My opinion is that Lake Conroe is "not" big enough for cigarette boats, especially on the weekend, when there are so many boats out there. The speed at which these boats go is so dangerous and it looks like it would be hard to see over that long front. There are a lot of boaters that drink when they get on the water (I don't) and that intensifies an already dangerous situation.

Speed kills!! Slow down, be considerate and give room; before a terrible accident happens!! Going slower than full blast also saves money on fuel. I know; if you have deep pockets, it doesn't matter. But that is also causing our oil prices to increase. It is the law of supply and demand.

Another thing is... I always launch at the closest ramp to where I want to fish, to save on fuel. Why should a cigarette boat be allowed to make me waste my gas and oil to get out of his area of play?

07-14-2008, 01:59 PM
Sorry, once agian he is not making anyone leave. you choose to. lol

Cajun Raider
07-14-2008, 02:04 PM
Thanks for pointing out the "parents" lack of control that has a lot to do with the way young kids act today. Respect for others someout was left out of the latest "formula's for raising children.

07-14-2008, 02:49 PM
Thanks for pointing out the "parents" lack of control that has a lot to do with the way young kids act today. Respect for others someout was left out of the latest "formula's for raising children.

Walt, I totally agree with you on that.

Sorry, once agian he is not making anyone leave. you choose to. lol

Scott, you missed my whole point. Speed kills and those boats are dangerous. I was only speaking theoretically about being made to move and waste "MY" fuel because of speed boats since I don't want to be bounced around a bunch or have my boat beat up.

I rarely go to Lake Conroe on the weekend, except at night. Even then, it reminds me of my swimming pool with a bunch of kids in it, with all of the waves.

07-14-2008, 02:59 PM
Susan I am just having fun. I do know what you mean. lol

07-14-2008, 03:01 PM
Im fixing to get off and enjoy some of the none crowded fishing that Conroe providuring the week

07-14-2008, 07:49 PM
Cool Scott, hope you get some fish and pics.

07-14-2008, 10:39 PM
Post tomorrow. It sure was smooth but no other dummys except me, John and HD braved the rain and lightning and stayed on the lake. lol

07-14-2008, 10:56 PM
Seriously Susan, I almost got ran over by a wake boat today and did throw it in reverse. He was coming out of the last cove on the right going into stowaway, he was in a red wakeboard boat and never saw me. There was 5 guys and I would of been suprised if one was over 17. This is a true story. I threw it in reverse and for some reason it didnt cut off. Anyway, it was pourinig and he was probable trying to see out a rain covered window. I dont know but I was wondering why he was going so fast in the rain. I could not see at that time and was going pretty slow. I had seen a lot of debris in thousand trails there was 2 10 foot boards that looked to be 8x2 floating. There is a time and a place for all that speed. Some are very inconsiderate, I am just playing devils advocate about everyone having the right to enjoy the lake as they choose. I realize some of them are completely out of control. LETS FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-15-2008, 07:53 AM
Hey Everyone
I live on Conroe, and I deal with the big boats all the time U have to realize its a
PUBLIC LAKE its not just a fishing lake or just a pleasure boat lake its everybodys So my suggestion is if u dont like the traffic ( who does) then maybe consider fishing somewhere else.
I say this because I am a AVID Fisherman who will take his kids out to play on the water once in awhile so I use it in all different ways
You have to also realize that as much as I would agree with you all on the cig boats I have had my feathers ruffled behind Wanna Bs in their new bass boat
I have come to a conclusion MOST of the people who cause all this BS on the lake are not from the lake area they come from Houston so if we could keep the freaks in Houston we should eliminate everyones problem

07-15-2008, 08:12 AM
GREAT attitude!

You know I met one of the constables out on conroe this weekend. I flagged him down. He was super nice and very accomidating. You can look at it in a number of different ways. I knpow some of the boats that ride up and down the front of 1097 can be really annoying for those under the bridge, but thewy might not even have an understanding of there wakes and being tied up under that bridge. Truth be known, they are being inconsiderate but it isnt a no wake zone. I had a guy on a wake board boat come back me and John one morning about 4 times. It was difficult balancing, running the trolling motor and trying to cast. I was a little annoyed but then I thought about it he has just as much right to be here as I have. Hey its a good point with no wind to ski on. I respect him for getting up at daybreak and getting out there while the water is good. Wakeboard boats do what they are suppose to and put up a wake thats for sure. I took solice in the fact that it was fun to watch him. Hey if it upset me that much, I would go to Lake Raven where there is none of that. I know what its gonna be like on conroe on the weekend. It's not like it's a suprise. If one area gets too rough. I can always beet myself to death and make the run up north. I dont know what each individual situation is. Some people are just rude. I had a cig boat last year miss me by about 20 feet and got me completely soaked, so dont take this as defending anyone. Conroe is a beautiful lake that is sufficient for many vessels. Im just saying in general practice we can not be made at others for enjoying the beautiful resources of Texas in whatever way they deem appropiate for them. They need to abide by the laws and show some matter of common sense but everyone hasa a right to be there. Fisherman, wakeboard boats, cigarette boats, houseboats, and even that slow moving sailboat that is so graceful. Heck I had a guy in thousand trails pull right out in front of me when I was hopping across. He was talking to someone and never saw me. I accidently threw it in reverse trying to stop in time. He just kept pulling out like I wasnt there from his no wake zone. Didnt speed up. didnt slow down. Just put himself ona collision course and maintained. I was aggrevated but thats life

07-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Hey Everyone
I live on Conroe, and I deal with the big boats all the time U have to realize its a
PUBLIC LAKE its not just a fishing lake or just a pleasure boat lake its everybodys So my suggestion is if u dont like the traffic ( who does) then maybe consider fishing somewhere else.
I say this because I am a AVID Fisherman who will take his kids out to play on the water once in awhile so I use it in all different ways
You have to also realize that as much as I would agree with you all on the cig boats I have had my feathers ruffled behind Wanna Bs in their new bass boat
I have come to a conclusion MOST of the people who cause all this BS on the lake are not from the lake area they come from Houston so if we could keep the freaks in Houston we should eliminate everyones problem

You are right.I grew up playing on the water.The kids would rather be in the water on hot out of school days.

Ole Bill
07-15-2008, 11:38 AM
yes everyone has rights on using the lake the point misssed is no one has a right to act in a careless or dangerous manner. wake boats cig boats bass boats who cares if they pass within 20 feet of you at top speed that is careless and dangerous and i would never condone it with the statement that they have a right to use the lake.

07-15-2008, 04:30 PM
Wait now, I am a FREAK from houston. Sorry, I really dig Lake Conroe. I am goning to keep on coming and dealing with it. Wish I could help you out on that one though. Dont worry as soon as we get some nice 29 degree weather though, I will start going to Fayette County. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha

Hey Everyone
I live on Conroe, and I deal with the big boats all the time U have to realize its a
PUBLIC LAKE its not just a fishing lake or just a pleasure boat lake its everybodys So my suggestion is if u dont like the traffic ( who does) then maybe consider fishing somewhere else.
I say this because I am a AVID Fisherman who will take his kids out to play on the water once in awhile so I use it in all different ways
You have to also realize that as much as I would agree with you all on the cig boats I have had my feathers ruffled behind Wanna Bs in their new bass boat
I have come to a conclusion MOST of the people who cause all this BS on the lake are not from the lake area they come from Houston so if we could keep the freaks in Houston we should eliminate everyones problem