View Full Version : Clean the deck...

10-22-2009, 02:11 PM
on your backporch. Last night I stepped out the back door onto a wet wood deck and both feet went out from under me. It was slick as ice. All 193lbs slammed to the ground. I think my **** hit about the same time my shoulder blades hit the brick threshhold. Man did it huurt. I didnot know I could fall so fast. I am ok but sure was stiff this morning.

Note to self....clean/scrub the deck and add door mat.

If you have been putting off using the pressure washer on your deck, there is no time better than the present, before someone falls and gets seriously hurt.

10-22-2009, 02:55 PM
Good advice !!
I use a cup clorox to a gallon water to presoak my area to be cleaned, let it soak for for about 30 minutes then put the pressure washer on it :Chammer:

10-22-2009, 11:43 PM
Good info and good advice. Thanks

10-23-2009, 08:08 AM
Thanks for bringing this up. I have some outside stairs that could cause someone to slip and go bang. i think I will use Ben's formula to get them clean. After they are dry, a little paint, then coat with sand. Let it dry, sweep off all loose sand, paint again. NO SLIP

10-26-2009, 01:34 AM
Good idea RodSmith thanks