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11-23-2009, 10:22 PM
I have a story that keeps me knowing God is in my life. I put my snake story a while back. That showed me he protects and helps me. This one isn't life threatening.

BFT, Jay and myself were going hunting. We stopped at Bucky's in Wharton Tx. As we were walking out we were asked by a lady if we had any money. I said Not any I can spare. She asked again. I answered the same. She said she needed money to buy gas. All I have were large bills in my wallet so I didn't want to pull it out. She said I have a come-along in her truck she can sell me. I said I don't need one. She said she take $15 for it. I said no thank you. She said ok I'll take $10 for it. I checked my pocket and had $6 bucks. I told her this is all I have in cash on me. She said ok she would take it. I gave her the money and I put come-along in truck. We were back on the road and I told BFT man people sell anything for money. We got to ranch and hunted the morning. That afternoon worked at brush hogging the senderos. Then guess what I got the tractor stuck. Good thing I bought a come-along HUH??? We got tractor out and got back to work. Well some one not me or Jay got the truck stuck. LOL. So yes come-along to the rescue. So much for thinking I didn't need it. I am a firm believer in all things happen for a reason. Big man above knew we would need some help on this trip. $6 saved me a lot of digging, sweating and helped me know things happen for a reason. Worked great and I'll never leave home with out it. LOL.

Anyone else have any stories like this one?

11-23-2009, 10:42 PM
Good story vETT O, ARE YOU PART JEW??

hERE'S m ystory, I took the Warden by the $1.00 store tonight and this ole guy was asking everyone went in if they had any change, satt here and wathc thsi gu ywork thne a voicetalked to me sdaid look for somre change ,i looked and found 2 dollor coins , i called hi mover naqds aid heer . i usually don' t give to beggers (onl y thsoe who don't beg:confused: but I felt like God was talkin to me ..I talked to him for a little bit said he'd been living under a bridge since 1996........he took off wen ti nteh store tehn came ou tsaid A'MR YOU FROM tEXAS? I said yes sir , he ran in the store , Wardn came ou twe were leavin gas he came running out and hollering ; holding something up . I STOPPED , he ran u pand handed me something ,"He SAID HErE MR IT WAS A MAGNETIC plagues said I love Texas.

11-23-2009, 11:13 PM
Lol no Ben. I forgot to mention it was at 3am and she was on her way to her b-day party. Lol.

I was thinking she needed money for something other than gas. But I could be wrong.

11-23-2009, 11:14 PM
Thanks for your story Ben.

11-24-2009, 04:18 AM
My wifes grandmother had a stroke and was at ben taub downtown, me, my wife, and my sister in law all went down to the cafeteria and there was a guy in a hospital gown. He was asking everyone for something to eat because he was rushed to the er from corpus because of his diabetes and the ambulance didn't grab his wallet. Everyone kept tellin him no, including me. I don't carry cash on me because I have my debit card. We got our food and I kept watching him keep asking the same thing, saying "I don't want any money, I just need something to eat." After I got my food, I told my wife I was going to buy him something to eat. I walked up to him, told him to buy wat he wanted from mcdonalds and I would pay for it with my card. He looked at me and said "r u serious?" I told him yes to order him something. He put out his hand for me to shake it. I shook it with an extra firmness looked him dead n the eyes and told him the next he gets the chance to return the favor for someone else he better or remember my face n his sleep. I believe in life u have "tests", u either pass or u fail. I DONT WANT TO BE A FAILURE IN LIFE

11-24-2009, 05:25 AM
great story MIKE kindness is payed back when you least expect it.

11-24-2009, 05:32 AM
I feel I'm being payed back everytime I look at my family, honest

11-24-2009, 09:03 AM
Every year, the P.D. I work for does a toy drive and distributes the gifts to children who are recommended to us from the local schools. There was one address we were having trouble finding as we were looking for a house. We finally determined that the address we were looking for was a storage facility. We went to the office and found that a family was living in a storage unit. When we went to the unit we discovered a man and woman with two young children. They did their cooking on a hot plate and they used the restroom in the storage facility office. We delivered the gifts to the now crying parents and excited children. Several of us were on the verge of tears also. We went back to our office, took down our Christmas tree from the front lobby and took it back to the family and redecorated it so they could have a tree. We also collected money from a few of us and gave it to them. After returning to our office we made contact with a social service to help these people. Side Note: I checked with the school about the kids and found that even it such rough conditions the children had never missed one day of school. It just goes to show that no matter how hard you have it, someone always has it worse. Count your blessings. Have a good Thanksgiving.

Lea Ann
11-24-2009, 12:49 PM
In 1981, my little Dwayne was around three months old. I had fed and bathed him and put in down for a nap in his room. I put him in his bed and as I left the room I closed the door and walked oh, about 35 to 40 feet down the hall way. As I took a seat at the dining room table, I heard a voice say to me, "Go check the baby." I turned to look in the direction of the voice and there was no one there. So, I thought to myself, "I just came out of there." Then in a more urgent tone, she said, "GO CHECK THE BABY." Well, I thought, "What's the harm, I just came out of there, but I'll go make sure he is ok." As I opened the door I looked to the right where fire was raging upward to the ceiling. I looked up to the ceiling and there was a blanket of smoke and I noticed that it was lowering to the floor. I can't really describe in words the terror I was feeling. I was frozen with fear. This was all taking place in a matter of seconds. I screamed so loud that my mother heard me all the way in the kitchen. I was thinking, how am I going to put the fire out,
when I heard this voice say to me, "Let the room burn down. Get the baby out of here." And that's exactly what I did. I grabbed him and ran down the
hall way out into the back yard. I was a mess. I was crying and I am not kidding when I say this, my finger nails and toe nails were shaking that's because I was shaking so much. My mom was able to put the fire out and everything turned out fine. I have often wondered how would I have been able to live with myself had I not listened to what must have been Dwaynes guardian angel. He is 28 now and doing well.

11-24-2009, 01:02 PM
Man, that's crazy. Glad everything turned out good

11-24-2009, 04:44 PM


Bass Fishin Tejanos
11-24-2009, 09:02 PM
Yep that come a long came in hand I tell ya, our Lord work in mysterious way.

Bear I got choke up with your post there bud. Sad to hear about that family, have you y'all kept in contact since then?

Lea Ann that sure was trebbile what happenend to you and your son. It had to be his guardin angel that spoke to you.

Lea Ann
11-24-2009, 09:05 PM
Yes, the fire started in a candle. I had bought this awesome candle from a cool store called, Wicks-n-Sticks. It was big and chunky and looked like a log. After the fire was out we saw that the candle had wood chips in it. Who puts wood chips in a candle? My mother and I couldn't believe it. After I had put Dwayne in his bed that afternoon, I had glanced in the candle and there was no flame that I could see. There was no reason for me to feel that I should be concerned about anything. I can't in no way take credit for this situation turning out in the positive. My consciousness had nothing to do with this. This was nothing less than divine intervention. No dought !
I had a mirror behind that candle and after the dust settled, we realize that the mirror had cracked in the shape of a cross. We knew a 'miracle' had just happened.

11-24-2009, 10:31 PM
wow vetto thats crazy!

11-24-2009, 11:11 PM
WOW great stories thanks eveyone

11-24-2009, 11:16 PM
yes they were great

11-25-2009, 01:04 AM
I feel I'm being payed back everytime I look at my family, honest

Well put Mike.

11-25-2009, 04:54 PM
The family moved away I think to Arkansas where a cousin of the woman was going to help the man with a job. That was about 3 or 4 months after Christmas. I just hope things are better for them now.

11-25-2009, 06:59 PM
I went to fellowship of the woodlands Sunday and the message was about when your in a bad place you are actually in a good place! God wants you
to trust in him and then he will bless! I was like yada yada yada, so comercialized! then Monday hit. Good thing I heard that. Lol

11-25-2009, 07:45 PM
Hey scott, we got kicked out of their church! My son was only a few months old and asleep, my wife was holding him and a guy came up and told us we had to take him to the nursery or leave. HE WAS ASLEEEP AND ONLY A FEW MONTHS OLD. No way I'm leaving my kids with a stranger. I literally wanted to choke that guy in gods house. My temper is short enough and this guy is insulting my family?!?!? A good friend was with us and he just kept wispering in my ear, " pls don't kill him mike, pls don't kill him" sorry to hijack the thread, I just needed to let that b known

11-29-2009, 01:02 AM
The family moved away I think to Arkansas where a cousin of the woman was going to help the man with a job. That was about 3 or 4 months after Christmas. I just hope things are better for them now.

Prayers going out that things are going better for them.