View Full Version : Oil Leak

06-15-2010, 03:45 PM
So, i am listening to this girl who is 20 years old. Started teaching engineering at 18 got her degree at 13. She was speaking of redundancy and simplisity which in engineering language is important but not always feasible. She met with BP and had her idea a pipe filled with concrete. 12 tires up and down pipe. Her solution lower to hole. Due to preasure ypou cant use a plug but you could stick this pipe in the casing and then fill the tires with hydraulic fluid which is not affected by temp extremes. Tires would seal it. Tonight we have another press conference and I expect the same tired viral rhetoric that I loving call the blame game. Non-productive waste of time. If I am a leader, I would be meeting with BP and asking pointed questions like why we are using 40 year old technologie that at present is only 20% effective at present time. Thats what I want to know? I dont want to hear this viral finger pointing. Lets be completely honest if you have ever put gas in your car or turned on a light switch than you are responsible. It's tragic but no one is asking Toyota to quit building new cars. Why in the world would you stop drilling. I want solutions and what we are doing for preventive and predictive problems in the future. Thats it! As with everything in life, it's a trade off. Yes, the planet is a little less pristine than if we are not here. Lets save the corn to feed the hunger, potatoes for.....the russians really need that. When you make a lithion ion that is cheap, small and reliable...call me. Just saw due to this, they just opened the first hydrogen fueling station in LA. You know what, wait till preasured hydrogen goes off in an urban area. Save that for the controlled enviroment of a plant. If you find a way to get to work on a pad of notebook paper and some elmers glue, more power to you. Hope there is a market for it. Untill then quit trying to shove this unproven, unsafe technologhy down my throat. Give me some safe reliable fossil fuel. It sucks this happened but let one of those hydrogen stations have a leak in LA on an urban corner take out a few kids buyin sodas and candy. Do you know how volatile preasured hydrogen can be and the logistics of transporting it safely. Seriously, this is the solution! Symbolism over substsance but this is worse, its more dangerous. Love to hate big oil but oil has made us a great nation since industrial revolution. Would you undue all that to take away this tragic accident. We need solutions and preventiveness. Learn from history dont undue it! Dont try to shove unproven, unreliable and technology which has the potential to be more dangerous because what.......You believe the country is tired of BIG oil. Got news for you, we are not. Most can see the true reality through your viral scare tactics and thats all there is to say about that. :) Seriously, over reaction with unproven, unsafe technologies can be worse than the problem they are trying to eliminate. You realize, we have not built a reactor since three mile island. Do you realize how much safer and reliable the technology is today but due to one partial meltdown, we are left with the archaic system that caused it. We could have up to date -system with better fail safe checks. History, learn from it and move on.

See a snake, kill a snake, don't appoint a committee on snakes. -Ross Perot

Got an interview for a three year contract though swift tech for a electrical superintendent job for pacific drilling. Love you guys, just wanted to make sure my heart and rhetoric was right!!! lol

06-15-2010, 04:10 PM
Some times I think your posts might be a little out there. lol But you hit the nail on the head with this one.

06-15-2010, 05:10 PM
We should be a 3rd world country in oooo say 6 months. On the fast track now

06-15-2010, 05:11 PM
Some times I think your posts might be a little out there. lol But you hit the nail on the head with this one.


06-15-2010, 08:00 PM
Thanks! This lady at Swift was telling me the buck would stop with me in all matters electronic and electrical and this fleet is actually all deep water drill ships. She wanted to know my take on what was going on. I generally have an opinion. lol. She said that was the most thought provoking intelligent answer she had heard. She then asked if I wanted to get into politics. Thats a ship that long since sailed. She said you would be a great spoksperson then. I am way to opiniated ,m vocal and emotiuonal for that. Some just dont want to hear the UGLY TRUTH! lol. Thanks for the feedback.

06-15-2010, 08:23 PM
Couldn't agree more Scott. I think alot of the peoples problems is not that they want to stop fossil fuels, i think that they actually love thier 10 mile a gallon suv's. I think they want fossil fuel, they just want it in someone elses back yard.

06-15-2010, 11:05 PM
Good luck on that job interview. I think a large factor is that they are trying to work one mile below the surface and no one has every done this before. I would give BP some credit for trying. ** I have a solution that would eliminate any future off shore accidents and spills. Let them drill in Colorado, N&S Dakota and Alaska where they have found oil supplies that would last for another hundred years or more. That's from memory and it could have been longer or shorter in the years they have projected. IT'S there, just waiting for us to tap into. And all of these areas are on dry land and would never effect the ocean if a well was to blow. Regulations have forced them to drill off shore.

06-15-2010, 11:59 PM
U know what's sad? When I worked offshore, my company layed pipe to the WORLDS largest oil strike. Less than 100 miles off the louisiana coast. Guess wat shell was told to do from the gov't. CAP IT!!!!!!! No joke. They were highly upset when told to cap it. Until the gov't gave them "tax breaks" and "bonuses". No joke. The company rep and I had a lot in common so we discussed many "untold" topics

06-16-2010, 02:24 PM
T.Sebastian, I started a blog about oil and fixin to open the page up on facebook. You can post your link you were concerened about here. I encourage anyone who is concerned to subscribe to this blog and feel free to add to it. I was waiting for your link to open it on FB. I have quite a few friends on FB and it will hit quite an audience. I hope fishingtx.com doesnt mind me posting this link. I thought some of us could get some stuff off our chest and the topics stay not so contreversial on the fishingtx.com board. If this is a problem, feel free to bleep me.


06-16-2010, 05:22 PM
Does the US Government have legal rights to claim oil from 100 miles out? I thought we had a simple 2 mile limit for enforcement of US laws... That could have been for fishing on the west coast though, not sure...

06-16-2010, 10:08 PM
Good post Scotta. I agree.

You hit it baitfish. The California and East Coast solution. You can't drill here but we'll keep on driving our cars.

For all the environmental groups out there, I don't recall ANY of them believe in it enough to go back to a team of mules or horses and turn off the air conditioners. It's only the Amish and that's not for environmental reasons.