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06-23-2010, 10:57 PM
I was reading this editorial in sundays Houston Chronicle and thinking, whoa what happened to staying after school. Writing I will not disrupt class a 100 times. HISD called the police over 5000times for students disrupting class. I know some kids are incorrigable but 130 plus times were for kids in elementary school. They were issued a class c misdemenor which can be anything from a fine to 30 days in jail. I was then thinking of the enhancement clause and the fact that some over zealous DA could actually charge a kid with a class a misdemenor after two of these. Class A carries a sentence of 180 to a year in jail. I realize in a few instances this might of been appropiate action but seriously 130 plus times it was elementary KIDS! Here is the thing if you can not find a way through tact, creativity and just being an adult with authority to control a 7,8 or 9 year old, it might be time for a career change! Seriously, what good can come of a 7 year old having a record. HISD should be ashamed of themselves! Here is the article about HISD and all it's glory.


06-24-2010, 03:38 AM
When I was a kid, you got paddled. The school called your parents and you then had all day to think about it until dad got home!

The thinking and waiting for dad was almost as bad as the spanking!

06-24-2010, 07:39 AM
Spinner, I know what you mean the anticipat5ion is as bad as the event. My dentist will tell you my conscience truly believes that. She began and my nails gripped the chair my body tensed and my back arched. I was in pain. She was like Mr. Aubrey thats just the cotton swab. My mind was so anticipating the pain, my conscience truly felt it. lol.

06-24-2010, 07:40 AM
When I was in elementary, disruption class in school got a paddling. We didn't have a phone so I had to take a note home and get it signed. Got a paddling from mother. Dad comes home from work, reads note, got another paddling. Go to school next day. Absolutely no disruption. Problem solved.

06-24-2010, 07:41 AM
Rod you need to be fishing.

longhorn daddy
06-24-2010, 08:17 AM
Spare the rod spoil the child.Worked wonders when i was a kid.Now its 1,2,3 kids run the house,then they send them to school expecting the teachers to teach them good behavior and the kids act like they do at home.When they do get any kind of dicipline at school mom and dad call it abuse ,so last resort is to call in law enforcement.Thats what our society has come to.We need to get back to living our lives according to Gods Word

06-24-2010, 09:09 AM
I agree with Longhorn Daddy. Spare the rod and spoil the child.

This mess all started when some so called expert wrote a book that said kids who got a whipping lost their self esteem. Now kids expect everything to be handed to them. I am not aware of games anymore where the kids can play and make their own rules. That shows too much partiality. The kids can’t have a captain who can choose the kids they like or the ones they think are the best player. Everyone had to be picked for a team or the last kid chosen will lose their esteem.

Kids who exert no effort in class are not held back. Everyone in school has to pass or they lose their self esteem. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference about them learning anything. There are no kid left behind. There is no failing that grade and doing it over until they learn the lessons. The smart kids have to put up with the same low class teaching (set by the school system and not the teacher) that the dumb kids receive, so the dumb kids will not lose their self esteem.

The adults who were raised by parents who believed the material in this book continue to make rules which made darn sure no kid looses their self esteem.

What the devil are we raising? Inquiring minds want to know.

06-24-2010, 09:31 AM
I honestly think that kids love and respect someone who takes the time to correct them as to someone who doesn't!

Just like anything else, the time put in is the time you get out but, with children, they are a reflection of their environment.

While I don't watch network tv, I came across this video. The young girl definitely has an attitude. Luckily, she has at least one family member there. Judge Judy pretty much brings her down to size. I feel for her and hope that it strikes home.

Judge Judy Bullys The Bully [1 of 2]

Judge Judy Bullys The Bully [2 of 2]

06-24-2010, 09:44 AM
You may laugh and say I am reaching but interpretation is destruction. Look Over zealous DA's and interpreting laws into arenas that the author never intended. This kid did this hat for an art project, memorial day. He was suspended for one day under the zero tolerence gun rule. I assure you the rule was meant to not exempt toy guns that are so realistic they pose a threat due to relism not this. Interpretation breeds agendas. The complete seperation of removal of the word God, when in reality the forefathers just didnt want a ruling all powerful church. Look what the Taliban did withthere interpretation of the Korna. Koresh and the bible.

06-24-2010, 03:24 PM
Scott said, "Here is the thing if you can not find a way through tact, creativity and just being an adult with authority to control a 7,8 or 9 year old, it might be time for a career change!"

Scott, started this thread because you questioned the validity of the HISD calling the cops on kids in class.

Then you all proceeded to explain why that is.

Teachers aren't allowed to properly discipline the "children" and the brats know it. You cannot control a child who is out of control by "reasoning" or using "tact and creativity". You don't have any authority unless you can cause that brat some pain.

They don't understand common sense or reason ... it doesn't matter to them.

So ... call the cops, they'll understand that.

06-24-2010, 05:31 PM
my sister was having trouble with my nephew 9 an
at school so the teacher sent him to the principal
he inturn sends him to the nurse there the nurse called my sis an told her to take him to the Doc so they can evaluate
his brain for disorders an he could not return till he had a Doc, release well she didn`t take him 2 day`s later the school called the law against my sis well she ended up taking him to the Doc an they gave him Pills A,D,D
well that didn`t help cause now he`s in jail for DRUGS

SO WHO CAN YOU BLAME besides him

06-24-2010, 06:19 PM

06-24-2010, 06:33 PM
There is an extremly high correlation between dyug abuse and ADHD. ADHD, ritalin, is an amphatmin. You give speed and to ADHD disorder and it slows them down. Some of us may have experience back in our youth. Some people you cant shut up still others wont say a word. This would be typical of ADHD vs. Normal. Sorry to here that Gilbert.

06-24-2010, 08:40 PM
Too many parents today are quick to blame the schools for all the problems of their children. Then they call their two bit lawyer who is willing to sue the school district looking for deep pockets. The district settles for a small amount to keep from going to court to defend this bogus suit. The teachers and Principals can no longer control the child becuase of the parents so the police are called to see if judge can deal with it. ALSO charges, including citations for class C misdemeanors cannot be issued to anyone under the age of 10. Stories of citations to anyone under 10 in Texas are false.

06-24-2010, 09:53 PM
Then on the other side of coin you have Mass handing out condoms to elementary kids and the town where the Mayflower landed has no opt out clause. Puritans must not be feeling very pure. The thing about it if you give my 7 year old a condom, opt out are not, it will be the last time you hand one out. Im friendly, except in matters of youth and the innocence of. These minds are impressioanble and open for experminting. This is too much sex ed for a first grader. I remember when I was 7 and my fatherr came home. I had my YZ 80 apart and he asked WTF. I said, I wanted to know how it work. Carry that to your program...It is dishartening to me there is no opt out for parents so they can....well......parent! You cant tell me a mother and father shouldnt be allowed to make those decisions. No wonder home schooling is one of the fastest growing. People are tired and private school has become to expensive for the common folk. Get some neighborhood kids together and rotate parents. These communties have similiar values and no politics! EWhat happened to the daysw when you seperated the boys from the girls, drew some stick figures and learned about the body chaNGING, thats all a 1st, 2nd 3 rd, 4th or call me crazy 5th grader needs to know. Hey your voice might change, might have hair. Thier phylosophy lets get em a room and let them find out! R. Kelley would be proud.

06-25-2010, 01:06 PM
And every one of those programs you mentioned, Scott ... you can thank the democrats and liberals for. I'll say it again. VOTE!!!

Vote for which ever party you want ... just be sure to vote against the incumbents.

06-25-2010, 01:45 PM
I have to wonder how many kids and even people who are diagnosed with ADD have a limited access to the outdoors. The reason that I say this is too many people sit on their couch or behind their pcs.

When I was a kid, I was on my bike, in the woods, fishing, hunting, doing something! Kids today are to distracted with computers, gaming, the tv, cellphone or some other BS.

I honestly think that I have had more fun stepping into a a cow paddy than some kids today have ever had!

06-25-2010, 04:13 PM
I was diagnosed with ADHD and you are absolutely right. My fav commercial is by Honda saying get out and ride some day a kid may be playing you. You know computers have thier place and games provide a time to windf down and great hand eye coordination but as with anything, moderation is the key. Some kid today might not know what a cow paddy is. For the price of just the gaming system, one could get a used canoe and still have money for gear. My dad bought me a john boat with 9.9 mercury when I was 5 or 6. Paid a 100 bucks I think. I sure wish he could of rode in my skeeter. He road in a lot of boats but he never had the thrill of skipping across the lake at 70mph. He might of learned to like fishing. lol

06-25-2010, 09:38 PM
When I was a kid I was run out of the house to go do something. We lived close the the bayou, woods and a lot of open area. We fell in the dirt, got bumps and bruises and rode our bikes without helmets. We climbed trees and jumped from limbs. We played sports and kept score feeling good to win and learning how to lose without crying and pitching a fit. In 0ur area and probably yours they have FFPS (Fun, Fair Positive Soccer) where nobody wins and nobody loses so nobodys feeling get hurt. What a bunch of ****. Kids today are spoiled rotten or have no one in their lives to show them what fun is. I'm sorry, ya'll got me on my soap box.