View Full Version : Who has had enough of this "change"?

08-01-2010, 06:45 AM
I sure as heck have! My new flag. Mods, you can remove it if deemed too political.

08-01-2010, 08:14 AM
:winner::winner: Looks great to me. :winner::winner:

08-01-2010, 09:33 AM
There probably be some get their drawers wadded up in a square knot we'll just have to see??:thinking:
The master has given his blessing !!:winner:
This is what I see from my drive way!!



08-01-2010, 09:40 AM
We got a change allright. Just not a change in our favor. I'm ready for work to pick back up for us all

08-01-2010, 09:41 AM
Looks great to me. Long live the Republic!

08-01-2010, 09:06 PM
I know I sure have. I hope we get rid of this clown come election time.

08-01-2010, 10:33 PM
I do also, the past two we have had are both clowns, but politicians are undesirable from nearly every angle, unless you are one.
The mess we are in didn't just happen, its been headed this way for a good while, but 90 MPH down a dead end street as the current administration is headed may bring on a big change when it crashes.

08-03-2010, 12:57 PM
This is on another thread, but it fits better here. Beware, everybody, America IS under attack from within the White House.

Yep ... y'all better vote the incumbents out of Congress ... put new conservatives in there.
There probably won't be an election in 2012. The dictatorship that is now shaping up in the White House will cancel any further elections.

With Healthcare reform, and Finanial reform, the White House now has all the power it needs to do that ... hopefully a new congress can put the brakes on it before it's completely powerless.

08-03-2010, 05:58 PM
I see a revolution coming. I willdefinitly participate. A friend I know has am artillery ranging from mortars to rocket launchers to 50 cal rifles. He spent almost 60k when he found out mr president was gettin elected

08-03-2010, 07:55 PM
Wow, give an inch and they taketh a mile...lol. Nice flags you political activists you. LOL

08-03-2010, 08:05 PM
You cant blame the economic crisis on any president in my opinion. The thing is accountability in a free market. Freddie and fannie would buy any mortgage. So banks would give anybody a loan even if they couldnt provew they hada job or income. Liers Loans. You cant pay the down payment? No problem 0 down thedn they would do a 70 30 loan. Great can you see the issue. Banks didnt care Good ole fred and fran had their bank so when the housing market crumbled because banks had no incentive to make appropiate loans to people whoi copuld pay the,m. The american dream, buy something you cant afford on credit and wqorry about it later. Anyway, presidents cant micro manage everything. Bailouts? Where is the incentive to make good decisions if you know a bailout is waiuting. AIG. Business fail but to say someone is too big to fail...Ford would pick up GM's slack over time. No one is too big to fail. Enron failed and the world still turned. Anyway, with freddie and fannie bailing every bad loan from the banmmk perspective who wouldnt loan first ask questions later. Banks fault? No, A phylosopher once eloquently stated that the worst thing a governement could do is give handouts anmd freebies. And please dont blame bush on the price of gas that was pure speculkatorts fault. Thats kind of l;ike Bethany, I wish I was half as good at picking up woman as her jealousy gave me credit for. lol

08-04-2010, 07:29 AM
Scott, the "economy" isn't about the bailouts and the mortgage crisis. The "economy" is about the 13 trillion debt the Country is in. That IS to be blamed on the president.
All one needs to do is look back to the Reagan Era. He actually put the Country back in the Black.

08-04-2010, 10:25 PM
It's time to clean the House and Senate of ALL incumbents. THEIR best interests are no longer the best interests of the country. They are out of touch. Rangel and Pelosi and Reid and Barney Fwank and Maxine Waters and the list goes on and on.

Conservatives believe in limited government intervention and I was sorely disappointed in George W's bailout of banks on his watch. If you really believe it's not the gubbamints job to bail out everyone, then you have to let them fail so the stronger businesses can take over. We'd be starting to make a recovery by now and WITHOUT a 898 BILLION dollar deficit to repay. The country would still hurt for a while but would be stronger in the long run.

And we went on to this current president. I am hoping for a change. Who voted this guy in? His whole agenda is blame Bush, apologize to our enemies, appoint more bureaucrats and throw money at something that has nothing to do with the original problem.

08-05-2010, 03:51 AM
I fly two flags as well. One on the front porch and one on a flag pole. And I flew one behind my boat on the 4th of July.

The good news is that Carter was so bad we got Reagan. Maybe that's what it takes to have a real leader step-up to the plate.

I read this morning about all the folks in Sealy about to get laid off and thought about this Hope & Change guy all over again.

08-05-2010, 09:54 AM
I heard it put this way just recently . . . "We can survive the Change, but we can't survive the people who voted for the Change." Too many people wanting government handouts . . . I doubt that will ever change.

It's pretty simple . . . start lowering taxes and decrease spending, and the economy will heal. It's a proven technique. You don't spend your way out of a financial crisis, don't increase the national debt 4 - 5 times in less than 2 years (and claim it fixed the economy when it obviously hasn't worked), and don't give loans to people who can't afford them in the first place. And, why in the heck should I be paying for someone else's health insurance when I'm paying my own?

This "blame Bush" game played by the Libtards is getting real old, and now they resort to playing the race card when they have no facts to back up their arguments on the issues. They seem to forget that the Democrats took the majority of Congress in 2006, less than two years before the economy started heading downhill. This "regime" needs to go . . . but the conservatives need to get their act together as well.