View Full Version : Someone is trying to take the Happy out

08-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Saw they are blamin child obeisity woth the happy meal toy. This subject is no joke but for be it for me to remind society about calorie intake vs. exercise. To blame obeisiety on the TOY. You can not sayb that with a straight face. This is the same person eating bacon wrapped steak, twice baked poatoe washing it down with an ESG weight gain shake and then blame the plate. :applause: Good call causde it takes the focus off.....

08-05-2010, 10:30 PM
Happy meal toy causes obesity

BIC lighters aren't child-proof allowing kids to burn the house down

Joe Camel and Marlboro man cause teens to take up smoking

We need the gubbamint to protect us because we're too stupid to to do it ourselves. It's all a scam for more government intervention in our lives to control us.

08-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Heres a thought promoted by Honda, get out and ride and one day some kid may be playing you. Took the ;last part off\, sorry mods about bottle and blaming society. Anyway, symbolism over substance. Those san francisco people crack me up. They wont allow sodas in soda machines due to Sugar but you have you have drive through medicinal marijuana dispencers with on site doktors to make sure you dont leave empty handed on every corner. You can actually get a licence to grow it but a sugarv infused soda is causing issues. I have no problem with either truth be known I dont drink sodas and gave the other up in 1995 but I can see the humor in this thinking....The ABS of cali...-schwartzenger