View Full Version : upcoming flounder run

10-28-2010, 01:55 PM
It used to be fun ya know go all the way down there to Galv side of ferry landing that was when you could catch 10 if your lucky and keep them:p but now the rules have changed two fish limit per person so let me see I waste $10.00 in gas and $6.00 on live mullet to catch 2 fish :icon_question: :icon_frown:no ty I will go to Wal-Mart and buy them frozen for $7.00 and save money what do yall think??

10-28-2010, 02:01 PM
The limit is there to protect the fish during their prime fishing time. Need to make sure we have them for our kids and their kids to catch.

To me going fishing is more than catching fish. I like fishing and haning out with my fishing buddies. Catching fish is a bonus.

But limit of two is tuff when you go and want to good and catch some to have for dinner and some to put in the freezer.

10-28-2010, 02:35 PM
vetto i agree except Louisiana and Mississippi and Florida are not doing this. just Texas and yes maybe there's data that tells them we need too except i sat in a meeting in liberty and was told by tpwd person that the new law about one alligator gar per person was passed in and became the law before the study was even completed so i have to ask do i trust Texas parks that there is a problem with the flounder. don't really know but how can new restrictions be put in place before you even know if there's a problem

10-28-2010, 02:39 PM
You only waste 10 bucks in gas. What you drive a volt. I waste 10 bucks getting out of the drive. lol

10-28-2010, 02:45 PM
Jsut two cents which is all I got. The rewgs were two liberal and now they are just ridiculous. Cant they ever find middle ground, say 5 fish. You cant even make a meal with two. You know Livingston has a 50 catfish limit 100 in possession. Hate to rain on anyones parade but you put that lake near H town and no water body can support that. I dont know why something has to be a problem before it is addressed then its 'over' addressed. The problem with the fall run is that everyone who has ever picked up a rod and can pronounce mud minner is fishing the passes and all those flounder have to go through. It's almost like cattle to hay but two fish thats ridiculous. Try high island good right now before run while limits arent @@2

longhorn daddy
10-28-2010, 06:29 PM
Hey Crosby,this is what i do .I go out for the half day trip on the Texsun II and then hit the flounder fishing then take a ride down the seawall or down to crystal beach and enjoy the surf.Just an idea

10-29-2010, 07:48 AM
This is just my opinion:
TPWD is a lot more informed than most think. I'm not talking about directors appointed by Gov. Gudhair but people with wildlife degrees and PHD's that have a long history of study in the field. Back in the early 80's they placed a ban on red drum, the commercial fishermen had protest and allowed they would not follow the new law. They taxed the backpocket of those caught with over limits and illegal fish. At that time red's were getting hard to catch, bulls near impossible, but in a few short years they made a comeback and are now once more plentiful.
I'm not saying TPWD never makes mistakes, but the percentage is low.
There's probably more people fishing from the Houston area than in the state of Lousie-anna.
Catfish population is very high on Livingston therefor the 50 fish limit. If the yearly shock and net surveys show a decline the bag limit will be lowered.
The decline of fish population can much better be addressed early before it becomes a large problem.
Most forward thinking cities address expansion of water, sewer, schools, and roads before the need is out of hand. I believe TPWD is trying to do the same.

10-29-2010, 09:15 AM
The reason for the 2 fish limit is to get folks to quit fishing for a month so the flounder can get to breeding again. I was down at seawolf park last year during november and the Vietnamese didnt know what a limit was........saw several of them take way more than their limit away and I called TPW and they were sitting there waiting on them when they left.....
Just wonder how many dont get caught...
BTW, I got my 2 flounder limit in 30 minutes and moved to the pier to fish for reds.......the folks were shoulder to shoulder fishing for flounder over by the ships.
I had a fun day of fishing and a great supper that nite with stuffed flounder.

10-29-2010, 09:36 AM
sorry guys just venting a little I will probably go once but I want to put my jon boat in somewhere down there anyone know where ya can.

10-29-2010, 09:58 AM
I dont like the 2 fish bag limit as a consumer, but as a father.... I think it is the best thing for my kids.

I can remember just 10 or 15 years ago, we could gig up 3 or 4 limits in about 4 hours at San Loui Pass.... last year, you didn't even see the imprint where they had been laying.... sad to see such a decline. If I can give them a rest for a month over the next few years, they will be better for it and our kids will have abundant flounder populations.

Regarding seeing others with more fish than they should have..... Operation Game Theft pays for information leading to the arrest and conviction of game law violators. No one should get away with stealing our game!

10-29-2010, 10:34 AM
sorry guys just venting a little I will probably go once but I want to put my jon boat in somewhere down there anyone know where ya can.

I know you can launch your boat at the galveston yacht basin just across the bay from seawolf park for $10.....
you can also launch at the texas city dike........
also at Fatboys Bait Shop at Tiki Island exit just before you go over the big bridge to galveston. free launch and free fishing pier.

10-29-2010, 03:17 PM
Those regulations are in place due to the abuses in the past and they work! The redfish population was depleted after years of abuse due to their popularity as tablefare in the restaurants, not to mention at tables across homes throughout Texas. With the regulations in place, the redfish have really come back and are in good numbers now as I can attest due to my recent catches the past year. I HATE regulation by the government, but it is up to us to "police" our sport or the government will step in, thus the regulations.

Okay off my soapbox and on to a public service announcement while we are on the subject of flounders. Sea Center of Texas will be conducting a restocking program where you, the angler can help them reach their goal of 1,000 flounder to help in their restocking program. Sea Center will have tanks at Seawolf Park the Saturday BEFORE and Saturday AFTER Thanksgiving for anglers to drop off their flounder. You will not leave empty handed as Flounderpounder Baits will give each angler one flounderpounder for each LIVE flounder donated to the restocking program. Not a bad deal as you give nature a kickstart with restocking and you are rewarded with one of the best flounder baits around. Here's the websites for Sea Center and Flounderpounder Baits: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/visitorcenters/seacenter/ & http://www.flounderpounder.net/index.html

10-29-2010, 11:00 PM
WOW thanks Chicken:captain:

10-29-2010, 11:42 PM
It used to be fun ya know go all the way down there to Galv side of ferry landing that was when you could catch 10 if your lucky and keep them:p but now the rules have changed two fish limit per person so let me see I waste $10.00 in gas and $6.00 on live mullet to catch 2 fish :icon_question: :icon_frown:no ty I will go to Wal-Mart and buy them frozen for $7.00 and save money what do yall think??

Funny how some times people just don't get us simple folks huh?!?! I definetly feel your pain on the 2 fish limit.

I have come up with 2 solutions to the bag limit problems that accompany fishing. I scrape and pinch every dollar I make....or I just won't make it....

The first is to take your family with you....2 bag limit....PER PERSON....:icon_mrgreen:

The second is to make it a weekend trip or a multi-day trip....what ever time & $$$$ allows. That bag limit is per day....

Other than that, the only thing you could do is to target multible species at once....Something I do on every trip....anywhere....

Tight lines Bro....HH

10-30-2010, 07:51 AM
Funny how some times people just don't get us simple folks huh?!?! I definetly feel your pain on the 2 fish limit.

I have come up with 2 solutions to the bag limit problems that accompany fishing. I scrape and pinch every dollar I make....or I just won't make it....

The first is to take your family with you....2 bag limit....PER PERSON....:icon_mrgreen:

The second is to make it a weekend trip or a multi-day trip....what ever time & $$$$ allows. That bag limit is per day....

Other than that, the only thing you could do is to target multible species at once....Something I do on every trip....anywhere....

Tight lines Bro....HH

Or you could get old like me and buy a Texas Senior Fresh/Salt Fishing License. Launch in Johnson Bayou (Sabine Lake, Louisiana). Fish Louisiana limits. Of course, this is no reason to keep everything you catch, because catching is a lot of fun for everyone. You only need what you are going to eat and cook up for a fish fry. The bottom line is "In Water and Out of Water in Louisiana", Louisiana limits. "In or Out of Water in Texas", Texas limits.

10-30-2010, 01:11 PM
Or you could get old like me and buy a Texas Senior Fresh/Salt Fishing License. Launch in Johnson Bayou (Sabine Lake, Louisiana). Fish Louisiana limits. Of course, this is no reason to keep everything you catch, because catching is a lot of fun for everyone. You only need what you are going to eat and cook up for a fish fry. The bottom line is "In Water and Out of Water in Louisiana", Louisiana limits. "In or Out of Water in Texas", Texas limits.

Now that sounds like a plan....except the getting old part....:icon_eek: I have always wanted to fish Louisiana....especially the costal bayous! If I could spend a week in that, I'd probably get confussed and think I done died and gone to heaven.:icon_mrgreen:

10-30-2010, 06:23 PM
OR, you could do like a Vietnamise guy I work with does. Everyone in his family goes ( all 16 ) Him and his brother do all the fishing, when they have their limit, they give it to one of there family members, who puts them in "their" ice chest, and continues fishing doing the same with everyone. Oh, and he showed me his fake bottomed ice chests ( yes plural )

10-31-2010, 07:31 AM
OR, you could do like a Vietnamise guy I work with does. Everyone in his family goes ( all 16 ) Him and his brother do all the fishing, when they have their limit, they give it to one of there family members, who puts them in "their" ice chest, and continues fishing doing the same with everyone. Oh, and he showed me his fake bottomed ice chests ( yes plural )

What they are doing is illegal... But the Vietnamese don't really obey our game laws anyway. Why don't you go with them one day and if that is what they are doing, call the game warren...

10-31-2010, 02:12 PM
I went last yr. to Seawolf when they were slaying them. I did not fish, but was just there watching. There were 6 GW's there checking EVERYBODY who was leaving the park. Ice chests, water jugs, even inside the vehicle and under the seats. They did bust a few people who had more than what they were allowed. Shoot, 1 group had fish wrapped up in some clothes, packed up in a back pack and they were caught. :applause: But there were quite a few boaters, who anchored and got out and waded to the area that was producing. I watched a couple of guys catch 10 or 12 flounder, putting them in the boat, and leaving. Hopefully where ever they had put in, a GW would be there. I jumped on the guy I work with about it, and he justs laughs. It's guys like him that ANGER! me.:bang:

10-31-2010, 08:45 PM
OR, you could do like a Vietnamise guy I work with does. Everyone in his family goes ( all 16 ) Him and his brother do all the fishing, when they have their limit, they give it to one of there family members, who puts them in "their" ice chest, and continues fishing doing the same with everyone. Oh, and he showed me his fake bottomed ice chests ( yes plural )

as long as they all had fishing lincense [unless under 16] i don't see a problem with that. there are all types of people that bend every rule that exist. those that break the law will have their day one day, if i had anything to do with it it would be sooner than later. i have a couple co-workers that used to keep under sized & over the limit fish but after one of them came & was explaining what they had to pay the other guy stopped the nonsense he was doing. some people learn from someone talking to them & some has to be spanked into learning. i always hate telling someone "i told you so" but all i could do was laugh at the both of them.

the fake bottom coolers will get him a really nice *** ticket & maybe even a trip to jail.

10-31-2010, 08:47 PM
*** is not a bad word is it? thats what went where the dots are.

11-01-2010, 09:07 AM
As much as I dislike a rat or a tattle tale ..... I won't tolerate poaching and have the regional game warden office's number handy.

OPERATION GAME THEFT has toll free number - pays for information leading to arrest/conviction of game law violators.

11-01-2010, 01:23 PM
yep me too cant stand poachers

11-01-2010, 09:06 PM
I agree, as long as everyone has a fishing liscense keep what's legal. But when ya start hiding fish, just because your greedy, that's where I get upset.
He was all excited today, telling me he can't wait till they start stacking up at seawolf. I told him I wanted to go with him one time to see the action, and for him to show me his secrets. He was all for it. Of course, I'll probably be sure my cell phone has a full charge, and have all the numbers on quick dial just in case. :icon_mrgreen:

11-02-2010, 09:48 AM
If he is prepared for multiple ice chests, just let him get them full before you call. I've been told that the reward is based on the fines that are given. One white bass over the limit is something like 150.00 in civil restitution... imagine what 10+ xtra flounder will cost them!

11-02-2010, 03:32 PM
yep sounds about right

11-07-2010, 06:28 AM
Good morning gentlemen. Back to normal at work, almost, gotta go in today to work. On the flounder, I have visited with Chester Moore on this and he has the right idea, restocking. Got my invite for the flounder Roundup at Sabine Nov. 20th. He organizes roundup at various place. Now, me being close to La. I could go across the Causeway and catch my 10 and be legal, as long as I got my La. licence. I know there are guides that are offering flounder trips to Calcasieu. But as usual when the government gets involved, it's the recreational fisherman that suffers. Hence, the 2 snapper limit. How many of y'all have come out with 10 flounder limit? Are y'all reaady, how bout we stop nite gigging too? Ca'nt catch and release one that is 13.5" long after he has been stabbed with a 3 prong gig. Shrimp bycatch. How many of you have every gotten frozen shrimp and find little flounder in there? I have.
Just wanted to share some of this with my friends on here. Stuff like this makes me wonder, well if all the big bucks are killed during the rut, well u ca'nt shoot nothing over 6pts during the rut. I know that sounds ridiculous but hey, it's the government we are tallking bout. Which by the way, thanks to the 13" inch rule, I'm still scratching my head bout the 8pt that walked by at 20 yds, and I'm at full draw, would not stand still for me to go measure him. Was he 13 or 13.5? Skillet heads, be warned, I need my venison. Enjoy the great outdoors and remember, "Treasure Every Sunrise". Benner, miss visiting with you big fella.

11-07-2010, 08:09 AM
Hey bro we were at my daughters new pad for a meal de other night friday ,Angry MAn and my son were there m my new ex wanna b son in law was too! bwhahahahha yo9 ugotta star tanswering ur phone ... fried soem freezer burnt catfish and some steaks weren't bad, not at all.

11-07-2010, 11:52 AM
youCant regulate human error so the 13.5 inch goes to fish food

11-20-2010, 08:22 PM
Those regulations are in place due to the abuses in the past and they work! The redfish population was depleted after years of abuse due to their popularity as tablefare in the restaurants, not to mention at tables across homes throughout Texas. With the regulations in place, the redfish have really come back and are in good numbers now as I can attest due to my recent catches the past year. I HATE regulation by the government, but it is up to us to "police" our sport or the government will step in, thus the regulations.

Okay off my soapbox and on to a public service announcement while we are on the subject of flounders. Sea Center of Texas will be conducting a restocking program where you, the angler can help them reach their goal of 1,000 flounder to help in their restocking program. Sea Center will have tanks at Seawolf Park the Saturday BEFORE and Saturday AFTER Thanksgiving for anglers to drop off their flounder. You will not leave empty handed as Flounderpounder Baits will give each angler one flounderpounder for each LIVE flounder donated to the restocking program. Not a bad deal as you give nature a kickstart with restocking and you are rewarded with one of the best flounder baits around. Here's the websites for Sea Center and Flounderpounder Baits: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/visitorcenters/seacenter/ & http://www.flounderpounder.net/index.html

BUMP! If you missed it today, you can go next Saturday.

minner skinner
10-28-2011, 09:47 PM
i believe these #s led to new regs. a gigging guide gets a commercial license which = 25 flounder + 4 paying customers = 40 flounder. now that 65 flounder was just before midnight and another 65 after midinght. 130 flounder x # of gigging guides per a night. thats alot of flounder not able to reproduce that year. the new regs shuts down commerical and gigging during the month of Nov. reduced limits and daily limit of 2 = possesion limit of 2. the spring run back in should really be outstanding and the fish taken have already replaced themselves.