View Full Version : You know how...

12-07-2010, 08:56 PM
You know how sometimes you get away from something you love and before you know it, it's been several months..... I'm back guys and gals! Boy I missed being on here on fishingtx.com each day reading all the posts and seeing all the pics. I've been knee deep in the workshop making Christmas Yard Decorations and other things. Got myself a website now and am in business. Business is good too. Been real busy, but you know what, I'm having a blast. My family is working with me in my business and we are having a great time making all sorts of stuff for people. Only problem is.....I haven't been fishing in 2 months!!! That's a record for me I think. After the holiday season things should slow down a bit and I'll be able to drop a line or two in the water. If anyone's interested, check out my website.

(dub dub dub dot) unclejoesworkshop (dot com)

For those who have been emailing me at my old email address, I have a new email address, please use that one. [email protected]

Boy it's good to be back on FISHINGTX.COM. I truly missed you all! Christmas is around the corner! God is great!!

12-07-2010, 09:02 PM
Website looks good. Pictures on some sections do not show.

12-07-2010, 09:17 PM
Nice. Everything showed up for me.

12-07-2010, 09:35 PM
Welcome back and your web site looks very nice. It is really nice to see someone willing to work and have the support of their family. Good luck and hang in there as things can get better and will. Get back on the waters and cast a few lines and keep us posted.

12-07-2010, 11:05 PM
Welcome back. Great to see you posting again. Congrats on your business and website.

12-08-2010, 04:47 PM
I was starting to wonder what happened to you ! Did you see our Saturday get together at chuckie cheese ? I bet your bible study class party is that same night .