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View Full Version : GM is flaking out

08-20-2011, 11:28 AM
This just ain't right in so many ways. I'm a big fan of GM's but it looks like a change is in order. When a company will not stand behind a bad mistake they know they have made. I'm beginning to believe in its newer title Government Motors.

08-20-2011, 01:15 PM
LOL.....we already bailed government motors out, why should they stand behind their product. Its a sad place we have made the United States with too much litigation. We are not what we were, and we are not what are forefathers strived for.

08-20-2011, 01:15 PM
That stinks for the customer but sadly that is one of the benifits financially for a company that has filed bankruptcy protection .

08-20-2011, 07:47 PM
and to top it all off I have been a Chebby man since the 70's, but this latest GM deal is the one that I really don't like. I do not have a vehicle that is in question, but feel sorry for those who do.
This will come back to bite GM in the backside and I for one hope it does.

Uncle Doug
08-20-2011, 09:19 PM
I knew there was a reason I have not owned one in 30+ years.

08-20-2011, 11:25 PM
Jackie, looks like Government Motors is starting to be run by our government officials telling them what to do(since they own GM now). Could it be that they will run it like Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac???? Hope not

08-21-2011, 11:07 AM
Uh - appears they are not "GM" any more.
But then calling themselves the "New GM" might be called false advertisement. IMO calling themslves "new GM" implies a connection with the "old GM" beyond name only.
Just another case of government wrangling to have things both ways.
Might be a lot of congress getting kick-backs.
Wait, did I say "might"?
How silly of me.
Personally it will be a cold day in h**l when I buy a GM or Chrysler product.

08-21-2011, 03:50 PM
Yes, fort is not one of my nor has it ever been a favorite, but Chrysler is out of the question. I was in the car bidness for a while and resale and Chrysler don't fit together.
Looks like Import (Toyota, Honda, Nissan) will be my only choice, oh well it's time I stepped up to some quality anyhow.

08-21-2011, 10:38 PM
My Toyota 4 runner is almost 15 years old but I can't see getting rid of it . I have never really broken down . Still have the original spark plugs, and never got a tune up even . The battery, tires and brakes is all that I had to do and it has almost 200 k on it . It's weird driving this because I still remember driving my 14 year old in the back in a baby seat when she was a few months old . Doesn't seem like that long ago !

08-23-2011, 09:08 PM
I own an auto repair service and have always favored GM, but I can tell you in the last 3 years they all do everything they can to turn down any kind of claim. We make repairs all the time that should have been under warranty. I am not replacing ant of mine.