View Full Version : Louisiana Refugees

08-31-2005, 03:50 AM
A good friend of mine (Eric Johnson) and I will be in Mont Belvieu Wed. or Thursday evening cooking and serving food for the Louisiana Refugees (118 people). Our plan at this time is to keep it fairly simple. We are planning on cooking chicken, hot dogs, and hamburgers. We will have all of the fixings. I thought that with all of the good people on this site. I would make a post for those of you who may like to help or donate to feed these people in their time of need.
I have borrowed a pretty large pit to cook everything. The plan is to make up individual serving size portions of potatoes, carrots, squash, maybe a big pot of baked beans, and what ever is donated.

08-31-2005, 06:56 AM
Where will you be at Luke.??

08-31-2005, 02:20 PM
Mr. Ben the plans have adjusted slightly. We are cooking for the folks at the MOTEL 6 on HWY. 146 about 1/2 mile north of I-10. The motel is on the West side of HWY. 146. We talked to them today. The manager at the desk said they have 4 families that have ran out of money for the room as of today. The hotel is helping them out by allowing them to stay free, but these folks also do not have the money for food. The hotel is really excited to have us coming.

08-31-2005, 04:00 PM

Could you possibly post a list of items that you guys could use some help with. Paperware, hamburger buns, hotdogs, canned food, drinks, and we could possibly select a location where folks can meet or drop off the items for you to use for the meals.... God bless you guys for helping those in need in times like these. You guys are truly the lords shepherds.

08-31-2005, 04:44 PM
Good job, Luke.

08-31-2005, 06:00 PM
Luke man ,Put me down for $100.0 you guys have really took on a big job and that's the least that I can do on behalf of Fishingtx.com...

09-01-2005, 06:38 AM
Mr. Ben I have you for $100.00.

Crappie Tracker I hope all is okay with your brothers personal damage.

Call me on my cell phone. We will be cooking on Friday. We will begin to cook around 1400 at Eric Johnson's in Mont Belvieu. After the food is done we will put it all in pans and back on the pit to keep warm. It is only a couple of miles from Johnson's house to the hotel. We are set up to serve the food for 200+ people at the motel 6 on HWY. 146 north of I-10.
Yesterday Johnson and myself helped out a lady in need for food for her 4 month old baby. There were several people really excited about what we are doing for them. Eric and I are going this morning to get the rest of the food for the cook. We are accepting donations (time, money, gift cards to wal-mart for $10-$20 each). Any extra money we recieve over the cost of food will go towards helping some of the people in need. Eric and myself have worked out an agreement with a couple of the very caring people at the Motel 6 service counter. They will contact us if they here of some people in bad need of help.
One good thing the Motel 6 is doing is allowing people that have run out of money to stay at this time. There has also been a cap of $20 dollars put on room rate.
My cell phone number is 832-217-9944.
The things these folks need most is the things we take for granted (food, clothes (your clothes that do not fit any longer may make some else day), tooth paste, soap, towel, sheets, blanket, pillows, baby formula, diapers, wipes, ect....

Thanks for everyones support,
Luke Reed

09-01-2005, 07:58 AM
Thanks Luke I will call u after a while!!!

09-01-2005, 02:42 PM
We have quite a few refugess in Tyler in both hotels and shelters. The local radio statons ahs set up numersous sites for cash donations to both the shelters and to the Red Cross. I went by to drop off a donation this morning and was pleased to find a lot of local residents doing the same.

Later this morning, I was in Lowe's. Lowe's had signs at the check-out stands saying that they would match any contributions made to the disaster fund. You can add the donation to you bill as you check-out. This is a good way to effectively double the amount of your donation.

09-02-2005, 08:14 PM
Help where we can !! :multi: :multi:

09-02-2005, 10:10 PM
We had an amazing turn out today. We showed up to find out that the past two days they had served between 275-325 people each day. It was because of the great volunteers we had that brought some extra chicken that we made it. We cooked over 300 lbs. of chicken quarters and 100+ hot dogs with beans,corn, chips, and cokes. We had no food left over. My best guess would be that we feed 300-350 people. Thanks to everyone who has pitched in to help in anyway. Thanks to the folks who donated to make the purchasing of the food for this many folks, all of the people who helped cook and serve all of this food, to Pasadena for the use of their BBQ Pit, and to who ever was in anyway involved. We were also able to supply some kids with formula, diapers, wipes, and we paid for some gas for folks to get to relatives house to be housed by family. There were many of the folks we all helped that wanted us to tell everyone thanks so much. Eric and myself will continue to help people in the community.

Thanks again,
Luke Reed

09-03-2005, 03:45 AM
Luke. thank you, Eric, your families, the whole group for your patience and tenacity in this tremendous situation.i know for those poor folks it's either feast one day and famine the next depending on who God puts in their path. "Many are called ,but few are chosen", because few will answer the call like you all did.
May God Bless you, your friends and families through this hard and dificult times.

09-03-2005, 08:42 AM
I thought some of you would really appreciate this great email sent out to many by Eric Johnson about some of the folks he met yesterday.

*****The shrimp boat captain was at the BBQ pit from when we arrived at 1100 until we finally left the hotel parking lot at about 2000. He was fully of energy and was always smiling, but he had a story behind all of those wrinkles. After speaking with him for only just a few minutes, one could easily tell that he was a good man with a great outlook on life and despite loosing his home and everything it held, he was glad to have made it out alive. He said that he still had his boat, but was unsure of how the shrimping industry would be affected by the hurricane. Larry said that he was lucky, and numerous times he told me, "I feel bad for those poor people." Imagine the strength that it takes to tell me, a stranger, that he feels sorry for someone else when he has lost most of his worldly possessions!

There was an I&E tech that lost it all, tools included. He said that he was now searching for work, he said that he would do anything to make some money. He was also greatful for the meal we provided.

The elderly couple that needed some gas to get home and see what was left was thankful for the gas that was purchased for them.

Gerard, who lived in Metairie, was so glad to see that we were there for them. He was floored at the hospitality that was offered to him and anyone else that asked.

One man even wanted all of our names so he could put them on a prayer list and he said that we were touching the lives of the hurricane victims.

Two gentelmen were simply trying to find some gas cans to fill and take back with them so they can run a generator and make repairs to what was left, if there was anything. They were amazed when some of the people in our group started calling around on cell phones and was able to locate two gas cans. The men said they were impressed with the sincerity of our assistance.

Today we had the chance to spend a small amount of time with some of the victims of hurricane Katrina. The people were impressed with the hospitality that was shown to them and a few even became emotional as they expressed their gratitude towards us. I am thankful that I was entrusted with so much from my friends, family and co-workers. Everyone pulled together to make this small idea grow into a large event for the victims.

Thank you for all the donations of money and material goods. Every word of encouragement was greatly appreciated as this quickly came together. It really was an honor to work shoulder to shoulder with each and every one of you!

Eric Johnson

09-03-2005, 09:18 AM
Thanks for sharing that, Luke.

09-03-2005, 12:02 PM
"Freely you have received, freely give" that is what the good book says and that should be one of the commandments we live by and why we here at Fishingtx.com would rather show you how to make a jug, than sell it to you. We will sell them but we offer to help you and show you and as is with is unfortunate people we need to be doing someting to help them .
If we can't get involved then lets help the guys who are on the front lines getting the mission accomplished.
The story about the Captain at the BBq brought tears to my ole eyes and is why I do not hesitate to help with money since i could not be there, nor take any thing down.
While everyone from the XXX cross to the XXX is asking for donations most of it goe to pay for staff salaries and when i give this guys some money i know it is going straight to the people in need.
I may not get to go to the muster in oct but i know the 100 dollors we gave made alot of people happy and that's what we are all about is helping people and making them happy!!
Stay with it guys and we will continue to help however we can!!

09-03-2005, 12:27 PM
You better go in October. That is, if you ain't skeered!

09-03-2005, 02:36 PM
We will keep all of you updated on things we have accomplished. We will be stopping by the motel daily to check on individuals in need. Eric is also working with a church in the city of Mont Belvieu.

09-03-2005, 02:37 PM
Good work guys!!

09-03-2005, 06:29 PM
I am proud of you guys. It is the same way here in Tyler. So many people and so much need.

09-03-2005, 11:20 PM
I just talked to my dad up in Philly. He said that the said that the city took in over 5000 refugees. Im glad to hear that the states futher out are helping.

09-04-2005, 11:35 AM
Applause to Ray Hilton of Liberty for furnishing 79 Bibles for the Mont Belview refugees. They were delivered on Saturday 9-03-05 along with 7 cases of reading material and a van load of personal hygene products.
On Friday, I mentioned to GB the need for Bibles and he made a call to Mr. Hilton to start the ball rolling-----thanks, Ben--- many folks appreciate your response.