View Full Version : Are there any Bull Red fishermen here?

08-01-2012, 08:52 AM
Typically I'm told the Bull Red run starts the last weekend in August and is great through October.

I caught my first bull red last October 29th and it was 42" long

Here is a picture of my fish Becky held for the picture


I am hooked on this kind of fishing so I went and bought some heavy duty fishing gear to do it again and still haven't been back to use them.

Oh well I'm looking forward to the next trip to the Galveston Fishing Pier to do it again soon.

Comments welcome and tell me if you like fishing for these monsters as much as I do.

08-01-2012, 09:41 AM
Wow awesome catch.. I Tried really hard last year to catch one but didnt get lucky enough. If you ever need some company out there Let me know!

08-01-2012, 10:08 AM
I would LOVE to catch Bull Reds....I havent had the chance to experience that yet....But one day! :) Thats a great looking fish you caught!

08-01-2012, 10:49 AM
Used to catch lots of them back in the day. September is the time all right. They like to hang out near the ends of the jettys, especially the north one, as they migrate in to the bays to spawn. Freshly killed half a crab with the carapace peeled off is the ticket. Circle hooks of course. I never used 80 pound offshore tackle, but it was heavy enough I guess. They make great long runs and it takes forever to wear them down. What a blast! In the late fall/winter, 27 to 30 inch reds stack up near the ends of the jettys. They will go offshore the next year.

Lou The Fisherman
08-01-2012, 01:49 PM
Joey I'm sure Vett0 and Bass Fishing Tejanos will chime in with some details and know how. They do the Bull RED fishing every Fall.

08-01-2012, 10:49 PM
Someone said Bull Reds??????????????????/

Do these count? If so Yes, I love catching them. They are the underwater freight trains.





08-02-2012, 11:45 AM
Whats the right size rod and reel combo for catching bull reds?

08-02-2012, 11:47 AM
What was the bait of choice for them big guys.? live mullet?

08-02-2012, 12:10 PM
I've only caught one and used the head off a big shad. I hear people love using crabs too. Nice fish Vetto!!!

08-02-2012, 03:48 PM
I've heard alot about the crabs as well, How would you go about hooking one?

08-02-2012, 06:40 PM
Peel the carapace (top shell) off while alive, break them in half lengthwise, and hook through the lower shell.


Bass Fishin Tejanos
08-02-2012, 11:22 PM
Yup I''ve been know to babel hooking up with those freight trains. They are a blast to set a hook on to and hear the drag scream. Crabs are typically the best to use since the bulls love eating them. And the liveliest mullet do the trick too. As far as tackle used,well that's up to the fisherman. We normally take our 6'5 to 7'0 Med.Heavy to Heavy Rods. Reels would be Garcia's with the clickers or Calcutta 400. Lines, spider wire 30lb and up. Hooks Med to Big. I can't remember the sizes to be exact.lol And heavy leaders 3' to 4' long.

08-02-2012, 11:24 PM
Whats the right size rod and reel combo for catching bull reds?

Thanks guys


I like Garcia's or reels like this style with a bait clicker. 6.6-7ft Med-heavy to heavy duty rod. My Opinion ideal set up would be a Calcutta 400, 50 lb braid, 7 ft heavy duty rod.

I started to load reel with braided line. Where I'm fishing we don't get hung on bottom much. Also the braided line being so thin I can put a lot of line on the reel to help cast farther.

I set up with a Carolina rig 1-2 oz weight and a 4/0-5/0 circle/kale hook. 3-5 ft metal leader. Due to sharks are in same area we fish. Those are a blast to catch as well. 3ft shark will hit mach speed and peel line off reel so fast you would think you caught a bullet. LOL

Big reel + Big rod +Big test line + Big hook+ Big bait = BIG BULL RED

Live Mullet is my bait of choice. Second would be live Croaker. Third would be live crab or 1/2 of a fresh one. Forth ??? go home ..LOL JK Fresh Cut Bait...

Here is one of the posts I posted a while back. I have more of them is you do a search for bull reds.


08-03-2012, 09:09 AM
Man you guys got me antsy now thinking about it..LOL This is definitely on my to do list this fall. I can not wait! I finally have a few rod and reels that will handle a bull. We should all just play hooky for a couple of days and hit the beach When the time comes!

08-03-2012, 09:10 AM
Peel the carapace (top shell) off while alive, break them in half lengthwise, and hook through the lower shell.


Thanks MP 400!

08-03-2012, 06:14 PM
Thanks guys


I like Garcia's or reels like this style with a bait clicker. 6.6-7ft Med-heavy to heavy duty rod. My Opinion ideal set up would be a Calcutta 400, 50 lb braid, 7 ft heavy duty rod.

I started to load reel with braided line. Where I'm fishing we don't get hung on bottom much. Also the braided line being so thin I can put a lot of line on the reel to help cast farther.

I set up with a Carolina rig 1-2 oz weight and a 4/0-5/0 circle/kale hook. 3-5 ft metal leader. Due to sharks are in same area we fish. Those are a blast to catch as well. 3ft shark will hit mach speed and peel line off reel so fast you would think you caught a bullet. LOL

Big reel + Big rod +Big test line + Big hook+ Big bait = BIG BULL RED

Live Mullet is my bait of choice. Second would be live Croaker. Third would be live crab or 1/2 of a fresh one. Forth ??? go home ..LOL JK Fresh Cut Bait...

Here is one of the posts I posted a while back. I have more of them is you do a search for bull reds.


Wow.....What an awesome day that was! That sounded like a dream fishing trip :) If you ever have an empty seat I would love to split the cost to tag along! Looks like fun :) Looking at some of the other post you've had several GREAT Bull Red trips.....Thats awesome!

08-08-2012, 06:37 AM
I once caught a few, and used 6500 Abu, strung with 20# test Ande line, on 8'6" Lightning rods, 4 0 kale hooks, live bait or cut. If you ain't fishing where the fish are bait doesn't make much difference. If you are in em most of the time it doesn't make a lot of difference. I love 6500's, long rods, kale hooks, big bait, and Ande line.
A good drag and quality line is probably the best advice I can give ya, hold on tight for a string stretching good time with the "Underwater Freight Trains".
I still get a call or two a week for a Fairfield redfish trip.

08-08-2012, 02:45 PM
Go to High island in the surf around daylight from now until October. Use 20# monofilament on a 7'10" kicker stick or similar heavy jig rod with a 1/4ounce head and a Texas Red Killer in fire tiger. Ride the surf until you hear the big boys drumming and the pogeys flying up out of the water. They will move up and down the beach front chasing pogeys and you can catch one after the other until your arms get tired. I prefer to go immediately following a cold front when you have a light north wind. Make sure you bring plenty of jig heads because generally one fish one jig head as they come in partially straightened out every time. You should start now by getting a curl bar from Academy and working on a stringent two week bicep workout as it only takes a few and you are ready to go home.

08-08-2012, 08:27 PM
"We should all just play hooky for a couple of days and hit the beach When the time comes"! Great idea Justin. Jackie, I also like the 8.5' rods with a 6500 or maybe my Tekota with 50 lb braided line. I am all in when it comes to going to the beach or piers to give this a shot. I have not landed a red larger than about 25" since coming home and am very anxious to do so. Let's do this

08-09-2012, 12:05 AM
I once caught a few, and used 6500 Abu, strung with 20# test Ande line, on 8'6" Lightning rods, 4 0 kale hooks, live bait or cut. If you ain't fishing where the fish are bait doesn't make much difference. If you are in em most of the time it doesn't make a lot of difference. I love 6500's, long rods, kale hooks, big bait, and Ande line.
A good drag and quality line is probably the best advice I can give ya, hold on tight for a string stretching good time with the "Underwater Freight Trains".
I still get a call or two a week for a Fairfield redfish trip.

Once caught a few??? That is an understatement. I fished With Jackie and he had us catching them A few at a time. Learned a lot from Jackie. Wealth of knowledge second to none. Him casting a castnet is amazing.

08-09-2012, 07:27 AM
Yes, but sadly those days at Fairfield are just a fond memory. Breaks my heart and flattens my pocketbook, but life goes on.
If I'm lucky I'll get to go to Sabine Pass and fish the BRR with BR549(BR549 is Gator)

08-09-2012, 06:08 PM
Jackie, have you heard word of any improvement in the fish population on Fairfield lately? I sure miss fishing there.