View Full Version : What I learned at the gate

09-17-2015, 08:29 PM
Got an email today I'm sure it was in reference to the Magnum auction.

What I Learned at the Gate
I recently attended an equipment auction at the site of one of the leading companies in our market that recently closed its doors. By any measure, this was one of the leaders in our industry. A company built by the blood, sweat and tears of a great man who was both a customer and mentor to me. As I drove my truck into the parking lot, my eye caught a glimpse of the most unusual thing. For some reason I noticed the security gate.

As I looked at the keypad where the gate entrance was, I flashed back to my many visits to this company. I remember when I could just pull in, walk in the building, greet the receptionist and hear my friend from the back office say "come on in John". I flashed back to days walking through his shop discussing market trends, brainstorming about new and better ways to solve issues and yes occasionally listening to a complaint about my failure to satisfy his needs or improving upon my performance. I remembered the pride in his face when he first moved into the facility and I recalled the previous facility he started in some 30 years before. I watched with pride and great happiness as this company grew before my eyes into the industry giant it was. They were a great success and I was the beneficiary of that success as well. Some of my greatest orders came from them. Some of my best lessons learned and career goals accomplished happened because of the relationship we had. So why was I so focused on that security gate?

I think it is because that gate wasn't always there. It only appeared after my friend sold the business to a large investment group. When it was built you were not allowed to "just drop by" anymore. Brainstorming sessions, creative dialogue and informal interaction were no longer encouraged. That office behind the reception area became a penthouse suite that only could be accessed with special permission or clearance. What really hit me most was; that security gate was only three years old almost the time exactly that the company changed hands. That is when my mind grasped the lesson I was about to learn. While time is always short and schedules are required for success, at what point do we grow so big that we lose touch with the things that made us successful? Do we really ever outgrow the need for communication, education and interaction with our vendors, customers and partners? I vowed that day as I stood by that gate that I will never own one.

At SMI MACHINE TOOLS we want you to know you can walk right in and have a conversation. We want you to be able to see whomever you want to help you with your manufacturing needs. Talk to an owner, talk to a service technician, application engineer or salesman the choice is yours and it is our honor to serve you. Whether you choose to purchase our products or contract our services we are here and willing to see you because at the end of the day YOU are our greatest asset, our customers, our vendors and our friends. It is my sincere hope that we never forget that because I don't ever want to attend another auction of a company shut down and surrounded by a fence. Thank you to every one of you who has been a part of our success, I look forward to talking with you again and I hope that we can do it often.

SMI Machine Tools
5829 West Sam Houston Pkwy Suite 804
Houston, TX 77041
(713) 937-7771
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SMI Machine Tools | 5829 West Sam Houston Pkwy. | Bldg. #804 | Houston | TX | 77040

09-17-2015, 08:31 PM
Flathead Fred worked for this company for about 13 years and I worked there for 10 years.

09-17-2015, 10:02 PM
Dave. This seems to be whats happening to our company we have New young management that are changing everything our company once was we now have a lot of overhead that we have to change high prices in order to make payroll I been with this company for 22 yrs abd I can see our doors closing if things don't change back like it was before, these young pencil pushers look at numbers not quality, we made this company what it is today with our blood sweat, & pride, but our new young management don't see that, Mr Shaffer the owner is now old and is being booted out now that we're Incorporated he's being pushed out, I can see the doors closing in the near future cause our customers are starting to go else where, this are the things that American Companies are facing in today's work place, the bad thing is that this guys only stay 3,4,or 5 yrs and leave a mess behind or close the doors, im prepared for what ever happens

09-18-2015, 05:48 AM
I understand what you guys are going through. My old company, Southwestern Bell, was the strongest of all the baby bells in the nation. We bought Att , They took over administration. Sure enough all local control was lost. They took the heart out of my company. Made it impossible to work for. But retirement is the best feeling.

09-19-2015, 05:49 AM

09-19-2015, 08:43 PM
i know the feeling .

Lou The Fisherman
09-21-2015, 11:14 AM
It just seems like this whole country is changing and some of the things are not for the better.

Flathead Fred
09-28-2015, 11:44 PM
I want the old America back.

09-29-2015, 04:47 AM
sometimes I wish I had been born rich instead of so dang good looking

Lou The Fisherman
09-29-2015, 08:11 AM
Captn Jackie you goin to havta turn up that coal oil lamp a little bit at 447AM in da morning where you can see dem keys a leetle better!

09-29-2015, 02:22 PM
I know but the mirror is mo clearer when I do's.

10-03-2015, 01:11 AM
Captn Jackie you goin to havta turn up that coal oil lamp a little bit at 447AM in da morning where you can see dem keys a leetle better!

Bawhahaha. To funny.