View Full Version : General early for Church

11-01-2015, 09:38 AM
A little FYI ifin you did not move your clocks back and you don't have a Smart Phone you gonna be early fro church, ifin you go to church :D so if you find yourself early everywhere you go daz cuz you did not move your clock back:hammer: , Fall backwards , Spring forward or sumpthing like that it the other way ......:new_Eyecrazy:
Have a beautiful day !!

11-01-2015, 10:37 AM
Thanks for reminder

11-01-2015, 04:12 PM
Speaking from personal experience, Ben?
I set all the clocks last night, before I went to bed. Then, when I got up, some of the digital clocks were off an hour. Then I remember that those are the ones that set themselves to DST and back.
DST was good when most kids walked to school ... gave 'em a little more light to be seen with. It was also, possibly, a way to reduce energy usage. Both reason for it are now obsolete ... and I fully believe we should get rid of the time changes. Keep DST or not, I don't care, just don't change it anymore.

Lou The Fisherman
11-02-2015, 11:48 AM
I 100% agree with you Mike. I don't care which one they pick and choose but pick it and don't change it!

11-02-2015, 02:11 PM
We could always just pick one then boycott the change next time. Now, we may be late/early for things, but at least we never have to worry about moving our clocks. Plus, at least part of the time you will be on time, until everyone else changes again.

Of you could be like my dad and get them backwards every time. He always says, "When I fall, I fall forward", so every fall he sets his clocks forward an hour.

11-02-2015, 05:18 PM
I've heard roomers that Texas is considering staying on one of the times and not setting back/forward anymore. Arizona does not change at all. Would we still be on Central time zone?

Lou The Fisherman
11-03-2015, 11:02 AM
Yep I've heard that to Snap and yes we would continue to be CST.