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View Full Version : TOO MANY Tournaments on Sam Rayburn

Charlie Primero
02-19-2018, 09:49 AM
I've been watching this calendar for months...


Did you know there is an average of SEVEN tournaments on Lake Sam Rayburn every weekend of the year?

I recently returned to bassing after a 15-year layoff. I feel like an old man yearning for the days when Rayburn was not crawling with rude, obnoxious tournament players.

In the past, tournament players were not as inconsiderate and hateful as they are today.


02-19-2018, 10:16 AM
Money=greed, greed=inconsiderate, its all about me me me.....
You ever chase some of those BIG OLE crappie over yonder?

02-19-2018, 05:43 PM
Don't let those folks keep YOU from doing something you enjoy Mr Carlie Primero. As someone who very seldom gets out on a lake, I am curious what these folks are doing that upsets you. In my own personal opinion, I think folks as a whole have gotten more rude, selfish and inconsiderate. Worse in the city. This is one of the reasons I avoid the public except for the job.
But.......I still witness the best of people too. I try to focus on that and let the buttheads be buttheads. Major reason I visit this site on a daily basis. Good folks round here. Dang good folks.

Charlie Primero
02-19-2018, 06:08 PM
You ever chase some of those BIG OLE crappie over yonder?

I do. I get them on worms from my backyard more than anything.

Charlie Primero
02-19-2018, 06:22 PM
I am curious what these folks are doing that upsets you.

They tend to be rude and unfriendly in general at the ramps and throw trash in the parking lots, but I don't mind that.

What I do mind is when they fly into a cove at 50 mph where I'm sitting, cut the throttle suddenly to create huge waves, circle me fast at 20 feet away while staring into their Sonar, then blast out at full-throttle. 5 minutes later in comes another one.

The also run at top speed while it's still dark and crash into people like this...


If you complain by saying something like "Hey fella, please don't run up on us so fast" they scream filthy curses like "F**K YOU DUMBAZZ HILLBILLY!!" or some other hatefulness rather than apologize.

They live in Houston or Dallas, so that don't care if the locals like them. They will be gone to some other lake next weekend.

02-19-2018, 07:44 PM
I do. I get them on worms from my backyard more than anything.

Killa's head just exploded :-)

I hear ya bout running wide open in the dark. See it ANYtime you launch on Conroe before daylight.

02-19-2018, 08:26 PM
It would be extremely unfortunate if someone were to have a malfunction with a flare gun. Simple safety test.

02-20-2018, 12:24 AM
Wow that’s a lot of tournaments. Yes, money driven.

Charlie you bass fishing? 15 years break from fishing? I took a break from hunting and fishing and became a workaholic. That break was about the death of me.

02-20-2018, 10:00 AM
Charlie; those rude abnoxious bass guys are like that everywhere on the road at walmarts in the neighbor hood s . i got one lives up the streeet , he has a very nice bass boat the keeps under a canopy but in his front yard is a junky ole truck with engine laying in the drive way he has about three or four homeowners violations and he does no tcare ,apparently41535

Charlie Primero
02-21-2018, 06:09 AM
Charlie you bass fishing? 15 years break from fishing?

Yes. I hunt the wiley bass, but I'm not particularly good at it. :)

As with motorcycle riding, the point of it for me is to enjoy the "zen" of the activity itself, not to rush to the destination, or score a big catch.

When I was young fishing was a way to get out of the house and blow off steam from the work-week with my best friends on the weekends drinking and jawing and fishing.

When my fishing buddies moved away, I took up motorcycle touring.

Now I don't drink, and sold my bikes. Now fishing is mostly a way to spend time with my elderly Father whom I love a lot. He's not long for this world. Bassing and jugging is about the only activity we can do together away from the chattering women. I dig it.

I admit, this is part of the reason I dislike the rude Tournament Players. They are not there for the Fishing. They are there for the sponsor boat decals, points lists, and competition with other men. To me, that's not Fishing as the Good Lord intended.

Charlie Primero
02-21-2018, 06:12 AM
rude abnoxious bass guys are like that everywhere on the road at walmarts in the neighbor hoods

I know that type Ben. We have them in my neighborhood.

I notice they also tend to have loud pipes on their trucks, and drive like maniacs down our neighborhood streets, kids be damned.

02-21-2018, 09:04 AM
"(Qoute)They are there for the sponsor boat decals, points lists, and competition with other men. To me, that's not Fishing as the Good Lord intended. " must be wh yal lmy bass fisherman left , but i ireally dont care becasue i dont sponsor or look up to those kindah folks .
in case you missed the FTX mission statemen tis to teach people how to fish and catch fish. Porverb says ; givge a man a fiush you feed him for todaty , teach him how to fish and you'll feed him ferever!!
SO most folks what are ompeteive wont stay long eitehr they leave or i cut them out or sometimes liek SK they get a promotion!!
SK is a good example of teh Mission statemen t becasue he cathes fish and shows folks how to do it the y follow him around the lake lie a covey of ducklings then ihad another one clained he was teh bes tand he could cathc some fish bu the did no tontribute and discourage folks fro mcontributing info and pictures , first chance i got and he was gone gone gone !!
Weare gald yo uand your dad are here Charlie primero
Thye acttin g stupid as they sometimes do i wil l take their picss and share them with my Lake PAtrol buddies ..Thye neeed to give you at least 50 f t clearence

02-22-2018, 12:28 AM
Yes. I hunt the wiley bass, but I'm not particularly good at it. :)

As with motorcycle riding, the point of it for me is to enjoy the "zen" of the activity itself, not to rush to the destination, or score a big catch.

When I was young fishing was a way to get out of the house and blow off steam from the work-week with my best friends on the weekends drinking and jawing and fishing.

When my fishing buddies moved away, I took up motorcycle touring.

Now I don't drink, and sold my bikes. Now fishing is mostly a way to spend time with my elderly Father whom I love a lot. He's not long for this world. Bassing and jugging is about the only activity we can do together away from the chattering women. I dig it.

I admit, this is part of the reason I dislike the rude Tournament Players. They are not there for the Fishing. They are there for the sponsor boat decals, points lists, and competition with other men. To me, that's not Fishing as the Good Lord intended.

Great you get out fishing with your dad. That is cool in my book.

Chasin bass is always fun. Combo fishing by adding in jugging I like it.

Charlie Primero
02-22-2018, 05:54 AM
Great you get out fishing with your dad. That is cool in my book. Chasin bass is always fun. Combo fishing by adding in jugging I like it.


My general fishing pattern is:

* Dig up worms from compost heap with flashlight.

* Pick up Dad on the way to lake

* Cast net for shad with headlamp. I cast. Dad picks 'em up from the ground.

* Set out juglines.

* Put poles in rod holders with bobbers and worms.

* Troll around casting for bass

* Reverse

This way I catch bass, crappie, and cats.

I'm thinking of going to a fish trap for shad instead of net casting because the netting eats up a lot of time in the morning.

I would put out the shad trap out when I arrive, collect the trapped shad on my way home in the evening, freeze them, and repeat next trip.

02-22-2018, 10:27 PM

My general fishing pattern is:

* Dig up worms from compost heap with flashlight.

* Pick up Dad on the way to lake

* Cast net for shad with headlamp. I cast. Dad picks 'em up from the ground.

* Set out juglines.

* Put poles in rod holders with bobbers and worms.

* Troll around casting for bass

* Reverse

This way I catch bass, crappie, and cats.

I'm thinking of going to a fish trap for shad instead of net casting because the netting eats up a lot of time in the morning.

I would put out the shad trap out when I arrive, collect the trapped shad on my way home in the evening, freeze them, and repeat next trip.

You got it down.

02-23-2018, 08:15 AM
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