View Full Version : I really hate to bring this up but has anyone heard anything of late about the monkey

05-23-2018, 07:20 PM
I just wonder if Athensmike is improving and abiding by the teachings of his friend.

05-23-2018, 08:13 PM
"The Monkey" please Sir. He insisted.

05-23-2018, 09:57 PM
Senior monkey?

05-23-2018, 10:14 PM
that's what they all say!!!!

05-24-2018, 05:13 AM
chango business

05-24-2018, 04:01 PM
i don't know what all the monkeys have been smoking but I ain't understood a single thing.

06-12-2018, 02:19 PM
That's why they call it monkey business

06-12-2018, 05:48 PM
I have lost contact with The Monkey. But........ i am sure JK has info he is not sharing.

06-12-2018, 07:07 PM
Me and the monkey be tight like two peas in a pod.

06-13-2018, 06:19 PM
I knew things would go awry without the Malinois in the picture. Major fail. I miss The Monkey but am somewhat relieved he has seemed to take a liking to JK. I wouldn't trust him just yet with an unattended knife in the area. He took well to training with a fixed blade. Almost too good.
Please tell him I said hello and he has mail here he needs to pick up.

06-14-2018, 01:44 AM
I knew things would go awry without the Malinois in the picture. Major fail. I miss The Monkey but am somewhat relieved he has seemed to take a liking to JK. I wouldn't trust him just yet with an unattended knife in the area. He took well to training with a fixed blade. Almost too good.
Please tell him I said hello and he has mail here he needs to pick up.


06-14-2018, 02:55 AM
The monkey said you cosigned the note so kindly make the payments, and nothing is free except for the monkey business.
I threated to backhanded the monkey until it pulled the knife on me, we compromised and are now sharing the head monkey position.

06-15-2018, 01:13 AM
The monkey said you cosigned the note so kindly make the payments, and nothing is free except for the monkey business.
I threated to backhanded the monkey until it pulled the knife on me, we compromised and are now sharing the head monkey position.

Hmmm I guess that's team work? That make y'all a backhanding , knife pulling monkey.

06-15-2018, 07:03 AM
The monkey is gone. Left a note that said going to see my Taco Twisting friend down South. Unsure if that is Gilbert, Vett0, or Gentleben. At any rate it's gone just as I had finally finished training.

06-15-2018, 06:39 PM
Well, well, well. He shouldn't have pulled the knife on you JK but..........I did tell you he wanted to be addressed as The Monkey. Not a very hard thing to do in my opinion. And now.........and now..........he is gone. I am sad and terribly worried about the little guy.
Just a little advice to my friends down south when he shows up...........he is A okay as long as you address him as The Monkey. He has also developed a yuge craving for vitamin D milk. 2 glass minimum.

06-15-2018, 07:56 PM
Now it comes to light I was giving it low fat milk started on 2% then moved to 1% and on down to skimmed.

06-16-2018, 02:06 AM
The monkey is gone. Left a note that said going to see my Taco Twisting friend down South. Unsure if that is Gilbert, Vett0, or Gentleben. At any rate it's gone just as I had finally finished training.

Must be why Gil is MIA. They are on a taco feeding around Houston spree.

06-16-2018, 03:39 AM
Great the monkey can be like Gilbert's tenth finger helper and assist him rolingl tacos and whatever else he is rolling. Most likely vacation money and such. How in the heck can a worked hardened person need a helper?
One thing for sure AthensMike can and will be known as the best monkey instructor on fishingTX, probably all of South and Central TX to boot. I also heard he has a grinder and monkey in training for the Blackeyed Pea Jamboree formerly known as the Old Fiddlers Contest. Held on the town square in Henderson County.

06-16-2018, 02:58 PM
I read you loud and clear JK. We are being played like fiddles by our friends down south. I think they are all part of a sinister plot and I still can't quite figure it out. I believe that Gilbert is being used as a diversion. Sources tell me he is being bought off with tacos. Not surprised. I received a text from an unknown number early this morning. It read as follows.......
" I ams afe andl earn ingt totype."
Something makes me think Ben is also involved. Just a gut feeling I suppose.
I guess now is the time to spill the beans. The straight dope. The Monkey was bored with my training techniques. He insisted on rifle training. My plan was to graduate to a small revolver after fixed blade training. But alas, he was fascinated with Vetto's signature photo. If he is not already there, he will be there soon Vetto. Vitamin D milk. 2 glass minimum.

06-16-2018, 07:14 PM
and like the jitterbug that just plumb evaded me.

06-17-2018, 01:29 AM
I read you loud and clear JK. We are being played like fiddles by our friends down south. I think they are all part of a sinister plot and I still can't quite figure it out. I believe that Gilbert is being used as a diversion. Sources tell me he is being bought off with tacos. Not surprised. I received a text from an unknown number early this morning. It read as follows.......
" I ams afe andl earn ingt totype."
Something makes me think Ben is also involved. Just a gut feeling I suppose.
I guess now is the time to spill the beans. The straight dope. The Monkey was bored with my training techniques. He insisted on rifle training. My plan was to graduate to a small revolver after fixed blade training. But alas, he was fascinated with Vetto's signature photo. If he is not already there, he will be there soon Vetto. Vitamin D milk. 2 glass minimum.

Haha. Typing lessons... awesome

06-17-2018, 01:34 AM
Mike, The Monkey must of heard of my sniper training.

I start training them young.


When they get the sniper bug

We start the no fear action


Once I know they are ready it’s sniper training time.


06-17-2018, 02:28 AM
AthensMike we are toast and have been outclassed by a flock of misfits from down South. They have brain washed the monkey and I now feel like Ralph Nader and it's unsafe at any speed.

06-17-2018, 06:27 PM
This was the plan all along. There is an unnamed key player involved that probably provided transportation.
The Monkey is related to the sniper in the lower photograph. It is his mother's brother. Notice how he uses his tail for enhanced stabilization. Fascinating. Teach him well Vetto.

06-17-2018, 07:04 PM
I'll be a monkeys uncle

06-17-2018, 10:25 PM
I'll be a monkeys uncle


06-17-2018, 10:33 PM
This was the plan all along. There is an unnamed key player involved that probably provided transportation.
The Monkey is related to the sniper in the lower photograph. It is his mother's brother. Notice how he uses his tail for enhanced stabilization. Fascinating. Teach him well Vetto.

Hmmm. There is a rumor of a self proclaimed Monkeys Uncle heading south for a so called fishing trip?!?!?!:scratchhead::confused:

11-14-2018, 12:32 PM
Monkey ...? adorable.http://gshort.click/isna/3/o.png

11-25-2018, 05:29 AM
I just returned from Arkansas and at one point I was lost, the GPS directed me to the wrong house, even the wrong area. Only 25 or 30 miles off. I was still in the right town zip code but about three or six mountains over to far. Not to mention off of a paved road and on to a fresh maintained hard gravel pig trail. At any rate the monkey told me he could fine tune my I Phone, so there in may lie the problem.
No really my friend text me directions but I told him I had his address in my GPS. After two hours of taking the scenic route, I discovered my telephone, GPS, nor text was working. I finally got on a high enough mountain to call him. He laughed and said thats why I sent you directions.
Folks if you have never been to Arkansas in the Flippin, Bull Shaols area, do yourself a favor and avoid it at all cost. When the signs say "Trucks use low gear" you can bet your bippy it's a steep down grade. i set the cruse to 25 and was doing 6o by the time I got to the bottom.

11-25-2018, 10:24 PM
Wow. You were way off in da boonies.

11-26-2018, 05:29 AM
jackie did you get flashback of when there was only dirt roads you drove around on.. see the monkey only knows paved
roads so he could well help you with the GPS so you may want to take him next time

11-26-2018, 06:59 AM
I went down roads angels fear to tread.