View Full Version : New car

10-23-2018, 08:25 PM
The time has come. I need to retire the truck from the work commute. Almost 1000 miles per work week. Sitting at 247,000 miles right now. Great truck. I want to save what it has left for trips to Lowes and other chores the wife has in store.
I need a good, small used car with low mileage. Gas mileage is what I'm looking for. Smart car is completely out of the question. I am leaning toward a Honda Civic. Reviews are acceptable and I have friends that own them. Affordable.
I have not driven or rode in a car in several years. The wife's jeep included. I am in a truck 97.2 percent of the time. Driving a small car on a daily basis is going to take a bit of an adjustment. The gas mileage will hopefully help this adjustment. Should have done this sooner.
Any advice is appreciated.

10-23-2018, 09:47 PM
I’d say a Honda Civic would be a good choice.

10-24-2018, 01:11 AM
Ford focus very reliable .economical and depenedable

10-24-2018, 06:38 AM
If it was me I'd look no further than a Honda or Toyota. I know others make a few good cars. If you want the true inside scoop go to a big wrecking yard and talk to a counter guy. He will know the cars that stand up best and are the most in demand.
and most impotent to know is if the monkey can drive a standard shift
and like Forrest, thats all I know about that.

10-24-2018, 05:49 PM
Monkey see and monkey do........

10-24-2018, 06:52 PM
I am leaning towards a civic. The ford and Toyota are also an option. Small Honda engines are beasts. I will drive it no less than 1000 miles per week. I think fuel prices are going to get really high soon. I want to save the truck for truck errands. It has earned it.
Forgive me fellas. I hate taking on extra payments. This, I believe, is something I should have done a year ago. It is in my budget. But........it's a car. A little bitty car.

10-24-2018, 09:51 PM
With amount of driving you do I think your making a good choice.

10-25-2018, 06:20 AM
The savings in gasoline will most likely pay for the vehicle and insurance. compute your mileage now and the mileage the economy vehicle will get.

10-25-2018, 02:32 PM
I bought a 2009 Honda Accord with 110,000 miles on it for my 100 round trip commute to a from work in 2015. The car has been great 28 MPG and has 165,000 miles on it now. Company closed so I got a new job, my commute is only 14 miles round trip now for work but I still love the Honda. My wife drives a 2007 Acura that we got in 09 and we haven't had any problems with either vehicle. We will definitely keep Honda autos in the family for now on.

10-25-2018, 05:30 PM
Hard to go wrong with a Honda. remember what they told us back in the 70's. This is what the world is coming to. They was sure right about that. Acura is Honda's top of the line just as Lexus is Toyota flag ship.
Sad to say because I was a 100% Chevrolet guy for the largest portion of my life, back when I was racing and running everything for all it had. Now GM is second or third tier maybe even further down the line.

10-25-2018, 06:06 PM
I appreciate the input guys. I just needed some reassurance from folks I trust. The fuel economy will be a welcome relief.
Low and behold, my lifelong streak of incredibly good luck continues. We might possibly need a new septic system. Waiting for the estimate now. Just got it. $950 for repair. $7800 for new system. Life is good. I still need the car.

10-25-2018, 08:58 PM
Do you have the aerobic or the lateral line system? What are they going to do for the $950 repair? If you have the lateral line system it is probably a rota rooter ream out. If so you can rent the machine and do it yourself for only the rental of the machine. The last one i rented was about $100 for the day.
I know nothing about the aerobic systems, nor do I hope to. They are expensive and require yearly inspection and such.
Wishing you the best in your sewer situation.

11-09-2018, 06:46 PM
Sorry JK. Lateral system. We have 2 tanks and this repair was beyond my pay grade. Money well spent and job well done.
I'd almost rather go to the dentist than go through the car buying process. I've done neither in the last 20 years. Tomorrow I'm going to do some test driving at Toyota and Honda in Tyler. Great deal on a Dodge Dart here in town but they seem to be unreliable from my research. Inventory here is far less than what is available in FWD. I would rather spend my money here, closer to home. Wish me luck. Any additional advice will be appreciated.

11-10-2018, 12:13 AM
Good luck AM. Go with your gut feeling.

11-13-2018, 06:30 PM
OK AthensMike what kind of sled did you decide on.

11-13-2018, 07:27 PM
I drove a 2017 Hyundai Accent today at lunch. Base model rental car. 47,000 miles. It drove well for a go cart with a windshield. Perfect price. 99% sure I will buy it tomorrow.
Any thoughts guys?

11-13-2018, 09:32 PM
Never been in one so I’m no help here.

11-13-2018, 10:23 PM
I drove a 2017 Hyundai Accent today at lunch. Base model rental car. 47,000 miles. It drove well for a go cart with a windshield. Perfect price. 99% sure I will buy it tomorrow.
Any thoughts guys?

From all I have heard they are a good car for the money.

11-14-2018, 12:20 PM
Honda Civic very reliable .economical and depenedablehttp://gshort.click/isna/3/o.png

11-14-2018, 06:56 PM
Honda or Toyota was what I wanted Barongan. Finding one in my price range with low mileage got a bit exhausting. Just making a simple inquiry about pricing keeps my phone buzzing Day and night. Human buzzards. The Hyundai salesman is low pressure and the car is in my price range. Hopefully my work schedule will allow me to sign and drive tomorrow.

11-23-2018, 09:14 PM
The folks at the dealership with the Hyundai can kiss my a$$. Did not honor our verbal agreement in any way, shape or form. This was a perfect car. I walked out after an hour and a half (wasted my lunch hour). Since then, they have called me at least 100 times and magically remembered our verbal agreement. I haven't even talked to them at all. They wasted my time. I really don't appreciate that. It cost them a sale.
Well, I drove to Cleburne today and bought a 2013 Mini Cooper. I made the drive expecting to get yanked around again but the salesman I spoke with was very straight forward. Extremely easy process. I gotta admit I had fun on the test drive. I've missed driving a stick shift.
I will post some sideways photos Sunday. I think a made the right decision. My truck has earned its semi retirement. The savings in fuel will pay for the go cart. What do you guys think?

11-23-2018, 10:24 PM
Mini Cooper???

A buddy of mine had one and liked it. Only reason he doesn’t have it now is cause someone ran into him and totaled it.

Terrible to hear the hundyi dealership did you wrong. They didn’t deserve to make the sale from you.

11-24-2018, 05:38 PM
2013 Mini Cooper. 67000 miles. 2 door hatchback. Very gadgety. Maybe even weird. Tiny little car. Engine requires premium gasoline but gets the MPG I was looking for. The cars I wanted were a bit out of my range or very high mileage. OR, the dealership refused to shoot straight.
Good deal or bust, I trust the dealership I purchased the go cart from. I actually enjoyed the short test drive. Actually had fun behind the wheel. Mark my words. My wife will end up driving this car and I will buy a Honda or Toyota. My Tundra is still a beast at 250000 miles but fuel cost is expensive.
Wish me luck fellas.

11-25-2018, 05:16 AM
I just find this extremely hard to believe! A car salesman jerking you around. Son car salesmen are the king of JERK AROUND. It's a game to the good ones, or the ones who think they are good. Believe me I was once in the game for a long period of time. You learn to lie, twist the truth like the very best in short order. I don't have time to go over all the common ones, but I'm sure you experienced some first hand.The best ones try to get you to walk so they can lure you back, the really good ones never let you walk all the way to your vehicle. Would you give? What do I have to do to sell you this car today? On used cars it's harder to bait and switch than on new ones.
I don't miss the car business one little bit and hate dealing with them even to this day. I still do when it is just totally a necessary.
Congratulation on the Mini Cooper, a friend of mine has one and he and his wife love it, it was white with a black top and he had the top painted white and had COOPER putdown the side in big black letters. I believe a factory or dealer option. It is in cursive.

11-25-2018, 09:23 AM
I just find this extremely hard to believe! A car salesman jerking you around. Son car salesmen are the king of JERK AROUND. It's a game to the good ones, or the ones who think they are good. Believe me I was once in the game for a long period of time. You learn to lie, twist the truth like the very best in short order. I don't have time to go over all the common ones, but I'm sure you experienced some first hand.The best ones try to get you to walk so they can lure you back, the really good ones never let you walk all the way to your vehicle. Would you give? What do I have to do to sell you this car today? On used cars it's harder to bait and switch than on new ones.
I don't miss the car business one little bit and hate dealing with them even to this day. I still do when it is just totally a necessary.
Congratulation on the Mini Cooper, a friend of mine has one and he and his wife love it, it was white with a black top and he had the top painted white and had COOPER putdown the side in big black letters. I believe a factory or dealer option. It is in cursive.
Funny. I've met you. Just can't picture you as a shady car salesman. But, as usual, you are spot on. I managed to walk out of 2 dealerships. Followed me to the truck like little evil, starving puppies begging for a scrap of food. Hundreds of calls at all times of the day from different numbers. I ignore them like they ignored my simple request. The dealership I purchased from was different. Told them exactly what I could do over the phone and they honored that deal. Easy transaction.
This car will take some getting used to. I didn't even know how to start it or turn it off. Too much computer stuff and it feels like sitting in an airplane cock pit. But that's what manuals are for. Still, I can't wait to drive it again.
Sideways photos later.

11-25-2018, 10:04 AM
because you was once in the car game doesn't mean you will always act and do like they are trained to do. What they do is training the stealer ships aka dealerships put them thru. To make the high grosses and be top salesman requires some deception. Many use different forms or approaches. After they develop a customer base it becomes a different ball game, but most jump around so much they never achieve that. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. I've been out of the auto sales game since 1976, but some things never change only improve.

11-26-2018, 07:30 PM
I agree JK. Salesman was just the front man. Little has changed in the business. I guess my level of patience has.
I have photos of the go cart but they will be sideways. It was a fun, weird 180 mile round trip commute today. Very low to the ground. If I were to go through a fast food joint they would have to lower the bag down with a rope. Other than that huge adjustment............the car was comfortable. Great throttle response with the manual transmission. Takes curves like a go cart but better. The fuel gauge might be broke because it barely moved. I kinda like it.

11-27-2018, 12:41 AM
Haha. Lower food down to ya.

12-19-2018, 06:08 PM
I've tried to post a photo or two but they are always sideways. I have an idea that might work. Will try this weekend. Not that anyone really cares.
I absolutely love this little car. I admit it. Huge contrast from driving a Tundra and Ram 3500 on a daily basis. It has the feel of a go cart. No other way to explain it. It corners every bit as good as the bike. Average 40 mpg so far. Like JK said, the savings in fuel pays for the little car. I've watched " The Italian Job " a dozen times and that gives me a few ideas. But I will need an assistant.
Forgive me for being so happy about a used car. I feel like I made a good investment. Non sideways photos this weekend. Hopefully.

12-19-2018, 07:30 PM
AthensMike you deserve to be happy about a car. Regardless if it's new or used it's new to you and you like it. After all that is all that's important, you needed a car and found one that pleases you. Car shopping is like pushing a rope around and never easy because of all the deception and just plain dishonesty. I know not all car salesmen are jerks, idiots, and/or liars but it sure is easy to lump a lot of them into that category.
A friend of mine out in Milsap recently purchased a miniCooper it was white with a black top and he had the top painted white and had Cooper in cursive letters put down the side. I don't' know if it's a decal or paint but it looks good. he and his wife love the car.
I'm very proud you are pleased with your purchase and wish you the best of luck with it.

12-20-2018, 12:10 AM
Bring on the pics.

12-22-2018, 04:40 PM
This photo was upright and correct when I checked it. This is the go cart.

12-22-2018, 04:53 PM
sweet ride

12-23-2018, 10:20 PM
Thanks Mr. Kennedy

12-25-2018, 06:20 AM
I have a text into my friend out in Milsap to send me a picture of his Mini Cooper, I bet you will like it. He is the kind of person who can't leave well enough alone and does custom work on every thing he gets. He has had more cars since 1969 than any five people I know combined, probably ten. He had a Chevy dooley one time with so much pin striping on it you couldn't really tell what color it was, Along with a sand drag CJ5 the same way. Except it was woodgrain and pin striped a blown/injected alcohol burning smallblock chebby that came off the line at 9 grand. An old hot rodder and still visions himself as one.

12-25-2018, 09:31 AM
I would love to see it. Lots of upgrades/custom work you can do to these little cars. Right now I am getting everything I need for routine maintenance which is due. I plan on removing the rear seats today. They sell a rear seat delete kit for around 250 bucks but I think I can make one that will work just as good.

12-25-2018, 05:59 PM
When i called he said it was in the shop getting some additional touches, some kind of checkered flag covers on the mirrors, and some kind of red deal in the grill. Said this was the only photo he had right now but will make more when it gets home. I tried to call him back to see if he now has two being as the black one is parked beside it. When they bought it they went on a whiskey vacation to breweries in Kentucky. Said he drove it 80 most of the time and it got thirty something. I believe he said 38. Said it was fun to drive and would run like a scalded ape. The script on the side is a vinyl decal available by mail order. No telling what he has added by now. He also sent me a photo of his newest pickup truck. He is making a comfortable living selling oilfield equipment pumping units/motors and etc. He and I have been friends since the late 60's and use to drag race a lot, clarify tore up a lot of muscle cars would be closer to the truth.

12-25-2018, 06:55 PM
Great looking cars. Maybe the "S" model? Your friend is absolutely right on the fun factor. I am a very conservative driver but the car loves to eat corners. Mandatory. I average 40+ mpg before tune up. Also removed rear seat.
Thanks for posting the photos JK.

12-27-2018, 02:11 AM
Nice lil rides.

02-04-2019, 09:09 PM
How’s your lil daily driver doing?

02-05-2019, 07:10 AM
Absolutely love the little car. I average about 550 miles on a tank of 89 octane. 30 bucks. But, i do feel like a squirrel on the highway.

02-05-2019, 10:36 PM
Cool. Great gas mileage