View Full Version : I'm not a football fan

12-02-2018, 06:17 AM
nor do I have a favorite team and don't watch any nfl and only a few college games. At that I don't know enough to base much but just what I observe. The Bama and Georgia game was very excited and I watched the entire game(first one this year). I do think the announcers and the conference wanted Bama to win. I guess thats a good thing and I could just care less. I firmly believe the nfl is very similar to the wwf or whatever they calling the wrestling pro name now(Rasslin). In other words it is fixed and the one with the biggest fan base is going to be there to please the TV folks, advertiser, and most of all the $$$$$. After yesterday I also believe the college or NCAA is headed in the same direction. Follow the money.

12-02-2018, 09:48 AM
I absolutely love the game. Used to watch it non stop on weekends. Studying strengths, weaknesses, tendencies etc.
But the rule changes over the last few years ruined the game for me.
We went to Austin yesterday to watch OU play TX again. Second game I've watched in entirety this season. The officials looked like it was their first game. Just awful in my opinion.
I quit watching the NFL when Bob Costas was allowed to lecture me about owning firearms during half time.

12-02-2018, 12:25 PM
Not a feetball or any other sports fan. Unless it hunting or fishing I’ll watch it. LOL

I really don’t care for nfl after their drama queens added fuel to me not caring about them fire. Guys at work think I’m strang for not liking sports.

12-02-2018, 03:45 PM
I still keep up with scores and stats. I have lost all interest in watching it on TV unless its women's volleyball. :cool:

12-02-2018, 04:27 PM
Not a feetball or any other sports fan. Unless it hunting or fishing I’ll watch it. LOL

I really don’t care for nfl after their drama queens added fuel to me not caring about them fire. Guys at work think I’m strang for not liking sports.

If not liking sports make you strange, then we both strange. I'd don't need anyone to entertain me I can fish and have a great time.

12-02-2018, 07:39 PM
Hear you there Jackie.

I don’t think they are strange for liking too watch guys in tight pants chasing a ball around. Whatever floats their boat.

AM you have my attention on tv sports now. :cheers:

12-03-2018, 05:10 AM
We are all strange, just some of us stand out more than others.

12-03-2018, 06:17 AM
We are all strange, just some of us stand out more than others.

Now you have admitted you are strange, but some of us knew that all along. In truth we all strange in different ways,except AthensMike. He is strange in all ways, somewhat Monkey Strange.

12-03-2018, 06:30 PM
I enjoy being strange. Normal is a bit boring. Monkey Strange is quite similiar to having a beer buzz.
Wife used to mess with me for watching women's volleyball, tennis and ice skating. It's the competition that interests me the most. :cool: What really made her laugh was my obsession with some of the weather women on the Spanish channels. She never bought my excuse of simply trying to learn to speak Spanish.
Typing this actually made miss watching TV. :(

12-03-2018, 06:41 PM
Oh yeah AthensMike is a little mo normal that I gave him credit for I do like the girls volleyball those gals can play some ball. i'd dang sure hate to be on the opposite side of the net when one spiked it.

12-03-2018, 09:19 PM
I enjoy being strange. Normal is a bit boring. Monkey Strange is quite similiar to having a beer buzz.
Wife used to mess with me for watching women's volleyball, tennis and ice skating. It's the competition that interests me the most. :cool: What really made her laugh was my obsession with some of the weather women on the Spanish channels. She never bought my excuse of simply trying to learn to speak Spanish.
Typing this actually made miss watching TV. :(

Haha. You da man AM

12-04-2018, 06:18 AM