View Full Version : This weather is excellent

12-07-2018, 06:24 AM
for ducks or other outside swimming creatures. Not so much for folks who like to fish in somewhat drier and mo normal conditions. It probably is OK for deer hunting being as most are in a stand with some protection. I'm at a total loss for anything to occupy my time, at least nothing I really care to do. We had a 1" total rainfall in the past 12-15 hours and it continues to fall ever so slowly. Currently a 46 degree temp headed to a high of 48. Just not an ideal situation. So glad I got the garden tilled before the rain started. I will hit it again as soon as it dries up some. Trying to bring up seeds and roots that the cooler weather may hamper progress. We managed to let the weeds and grass get a good foot hold and it will be a continues struggle to bring things under control this spring. Gardens are a lot of hard labor intensive work. Often stated as a "Labor of Love". You sure have to love back breaking bending toil to reap the bounty.

12-07-2018, 07:37 PM
Might be a perfect weekend to try out that nap thing everyone seems to enjoy.

12-07-2018, 08:53 PM
Might be a perfect weekend to try out that nap thing everyone seems to enjoy.

Lol. Awesome

12-07-2018, 08:56 PM
Yes Jackie gardens are work. You have big garden which equals a lot of work.

12-07-2018, 10:31 PM
yes bu tthe produce is worth it

12-08-2018, 05:30 AM
OK I'm convinced and once more I'll put my ole self thru the inconvenient toil to raise it one mo time, with Nita's help and close supervision.