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View Full Version : Progress to Date on West Fork Dredging

01-23-2019, 06:18 PM

01-24-2019, 12:06 AM
Thanks for the link

01-24-2019, 07:33 AM
Any news is good news and lots of lakes, creeks, and rivers need dredging.

01-25-2019, 10:41 PM
thank you those
sandmines should be paying to clean their mess!!

01-27-2019, 10:59 AM
thank you those
sandmines should be paying to clean their mess!!

That would be right BUT they filled the right pockets with some of there profits..... Only in our great nation can one get away with this type of stupidity.... Get A Rope....

Bald Eagle
12-25-2019, 12:56 PM
First and foremost none of this dredging is going to help the flooding all it will do is make the rich fat cat richer and I believe that is what our dear friend SK was saying.
Unless they dredge the right of way ditches and get better control of the flood gates at the Lake Houston and Conroe Dams this will never work .. you could dig the lake 10 miles deep but if you keep the level at almost flood stage the residents will flood again. Reminds me of detention ponds they dig them out then they fill with water and when it rains they are already at flood stage so duh. This is my thoughts and many may not agree but that's ok . The sand pit up river have cause a lot of the silting but they are not your worst enemy. the beaurocrats are ..

Train the people operating the flood gates when heavy rains are forecast up river start letting some water out don't wait until Conroe dumps their lake onto you because those folks aer not going to flood . you ever here of Lake Conroe residents flooding, No why because they let their water out to Lake Houston , Lake Houston dumps theirs on the poor folks below the dam and everyone is flooded!! Wake up the folks at Lake Houston flood control gates ( why do you think they have locked gates on the entrance ?)and Clean out and dredge the drainage ditches that carry the rainwater and all will be cool.

01-13-2020, 09:50 AM
First and foremost none of this dredging is going to help the flooding all it will do is make the rich fat cat richer and I believe that is what our dear friend SK was saying.
Unless they dredge the right of way ditches and get better control of the flood gates at the Lake Houston and Conroe Dams this will never work .. you could dig the lake 10 miles deep but if you keep the level at almost flood stage the residents will flood again. Reminds me of detention ponds they dig them out then they fill with water and when it rains they are already at flood stage so duh. This is my thoughts and many may not agree but that's ok . The sand pit up river have cause a lot of the silting but they are not your worst enemy. the beaurocrats are ..

Train the people operating the flood gates when heavy rains are forecast up river start letting some water out don't wait until Conroe dumps their lake onto you because those folks aer not going to flood . you ever here of Lake Conroe residents flooding, No why because they let their water out to Lake Houston , Lake Houston dumps theirs on the poor folks below the dam and everyone is flooded!! Wake up the folks at Lake Houston flood control gates ( why do you think they have locked gates on the entrance ?)and Clean out and dredge the drainage ditches that carry the rainwater and all will be cool.


01-16-2020, 04:50 PM
You be righ tthere Mr BE!!