View Full Version : SK'ed me some crappie this morning.... Limit by 9:15

06-08-2019, 02:12 PM
Well, turns out...it wasnt about what I wasnt doing right. It was more about what I was doing wrong. Turns out a crappie sized fish shows up muuuch bigger than I thought on my depthfinder. I've probably been chasing shad and perch all over the place:oops::oops::oops:

Ran over a good sized school of them in the kayak...looked like floating paper plates. Catching them was the easy part...this time.

I lost a few good ones before they got to the boat. And I opened the soft cooler to transfer the fish from there to the stringer. Bloop....bloop...two of them did a "free willy" on me. Lol. Guess thats natures way of saying leave a few for seed. Lots of 13"ers. Threw back a handful of 10.5s. Still came home with the 25.

Cant tell you how many times I counted them to make sure I wasnt over or under the limit. I felt like SK....even had the potlickers driving by me in their boat marking the GPS. These fish weren't holding on structure...more of a contour. Even had one fella bout splash me with the lure and go over my line....I was nearly vertical jigging:scratchhead:. Felt wierd...no one ever tries to copy my fishing....lol. Hard to believe folks will get so close to someone fishing. Whole part of the lake was open. They flogged the spot up and caught no fish. Glad I was done with the limit or it would have been more frustrating.

Also caught a bass a hair over 6lb. Talk about peeling drag.

Sure was fun finally figuring out what I was doing wrong. Got enough for a fish fry with family and friends.

06-08-2019, 02:17 PM
Couple pics.

06-08-2019, 03:14 PM
What lake?

06-08-2019, 03:19 PM
Awesome job. Good eating about to happen.

Lil pup there to inspect the catch.

06-08-2019, 04:18 PM
Conroe. 15 FOW. Staged 10ft. Caught on jigs.

Lol...thanks Vett

06-08-2019, 06:19 PM
Good job Jeremy. Pup dog lookin' for somethin' to chew on.

06-08-2019, 06:23 PM
Thanks Mike, he crawled in the kayak...was ready to go.

06-08-2019, 09:26 PM
I told you, just need to keep watching thsoe SK videos!! man guess i am next!! come on duthc les go to cornrow!! WTG Jeremy yo uturnin ginto a real fishing fishonado!!

06-08-2019, 09:34 PM
what you were using for bait, sk jigs or minner s ??
Potlickers wanna know !!

06-08-2019, 09:41 PM
Words of wisdom Ben. I only understood half of em...but words of wisdom:D.

SK really does throw out great info. Lots of info is in his details and reading between the lines of what he says. I watch the videos more than once and pick up a little something new each time.

Of course, it could all be a fluke and i just caught a lucky break. Either way, I'll take it....

06-08-2019, 09:46 PM
Tandem rig. Bobby Garland blue ice white head on top. Plain old Charteuse dime a dozen marabou from Wally World on the bottom.

Honestly, I dont think it mattered on the color. Both caught equally. Was what I had tied on just because was a bright sunny day. Pretty sure any color would have worked. Every fish I cleaned had an empty stomach.

06-09-2019, 10:48 AM
Did you happen to get a photo of the BASS???
Really nice to have you here on the forum Jeremy.

06-09-2019, 10:56 AM
No photo unfortunately. Had my phone below deck in a waterproof case. A guy in a boat saw me with the bent pole. I figured it was a yellow cat. He stopped to watch. When he saw it was a bass, asked if I was going to weigh it. I told him nah I didnt have a scale. He had one and I paddled over to him. Was a touch over 6 on the boga grip scale.

It's good to be here. Great group of folks on here. Its a small circle of folks...but a darn good one.

06-09-2019, 10:01 PM
thanks jeremy many of the folks what frequent this board and probbaly many others just come here for what they can get from you/us . they are scared to death that if they post a picture of some fish that someone will go find their spot and catch thier fish icall them potlickers and have no use for them.. but people like you and sk who contribute to this board is what keeps it afloat thank you for your contributions !!
Words of wisdom Ben. I only understood half of em...but words of wisdom:D.

SK really does throw out great info. Lots of info is in his details and reading between the lines of what he says. I watch the videos more than once and pick up a little something new each time.

Of course, it could all be a fluke and i just caught a lucky break. Either way, I'll take it....

06-09-2019, 10:22 PM
No photo unfortunately. Had my phone below deck in a waterproof case. A guy in a boat saw me with the bent pole. I figured it was a yellow cat. He stopped to watch. When he saw it was a bass, asked if I was going to weigh it. I told him nah I didnt have a scale. He had one and I paddled over to him. Was a touch over 6 on the boga grip scale.

It's good to be here. Great group of folks on here. Its a small circle of folks...but a darn good one.

Bet it put up a good fight on light tackle.

06-10-2019, 06:07 AM
Thanks Ben. Wonder what makes some forums busy and some not. Recently noticed a couple other forums getting way less traffic. Wonder if folks are using other social media or just spending less time on forums in general. Would love to see this one active enough to have a muster again.

Yep Vett, he took drag so I unclipped from the anchor and went for a yak ride....lol.

06-10-2019, 12:11 PM
Way to go Jeremy good catch and awesome bass, did you say it was Caney Creek lake Conroe?

06-10-2019, 12:22 PM
Didnt mention Caney creek. Just lake Conroe. I just need to get out and explore more. Cover some ground.

06-20-2019, 08:41 PM
So sounds like all I have to do is watch this videos and I can catch a lot of crappies ?? I ever get back inland I may try some of those tricks thank you for al the information.

06-21-2019, 06:44 AM
So sounds like all I have to do is watch this videos and I can catch a lot of crappies ?? I ever get back inland I may try some of those tricks thank you for al the information.

There's days I come home empty handed, but still learned a lot. SK videos tell you how to increase your chances. Hes spent lots of hours on the water and is giving great advice on what hes learned over the years. It's still up to you to put in the time to do the rest. Crappie fishing seems to be about finding where they are, and what it takes to pull them up...at that moment. What you know one day can be completely wrong for the next. Crappie trends are predictable, but that's a far shot from a stringer full. You've got to pick up on the tiniest of things that are working, and be open to trying new things until something works. Even then there's always a chance to still come home with just a cooler of ice.