View Full Version : Been doing a little woodworking...

10-11-2019, 08:47 PM
So now that we are settled in the house, we are slowly making our way to making furniture pieces. We had a small cheap hope chest to sit the TV on for a while now. We decided we needed something a little better. Off to the pasture to grab a dead cedar. We cut it up using a simple clamp on chainsaw blade mill to cut slabs. Then planed them into boards. Except the top we left one live edge. Cut out all the pieces and began to assemble. Nothing is less than 1" thick. Benefit of cutting your own boards. None of that 3/4 stuff:D. Anyhow, the red cedar is pretty but doesnt go with what we have in the house. Cedar doesnt take stain well at all, so we used steel wool dissolved in vinegar to make a chemical reaction that makes the red wood brown. Darn near like walnut. It doesnt photo well as it's a little lighter than what the pic shows. Anyhow, a few finishes later with some wipe on spare urethane and we are good to go. My wife ordered the barn door hardware kit off Amazon since she liked that look. Should last a lifetime. Really special to us to have furniture made from a tree off the place we are living on. Anyone else do any wood working?

10-12-2019, 05:09 PM
wow no i go to lowes or home depot for all my lumber needs maybe someday may try my luck at some home made boadrs .That is some pretty looking wood ........thank you for sharing

10-12-2019, 06:19 PM

You have link to what you used to cut the boards?

10-12-2019, 07:38 PM
Sure Vett. Heres what I used.

https://m.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200680792_200680792?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Logging%20%3E%20Saw%20Milling%20%2B%20A ccessories&utm_campaign=Granberg&utm_content=58035&&gclid=Cj0KCQjw84XtBRDWARIsAAU1aM2lNn1g-0Esty0pWfL8bgR9DMFb-6nbKAVehrmzDMoH3wFQCpeQBM4aAilREALw_wcB

Thanks for the compliments Ben.

10-25-2019, 12:00 AM

10-25-2019, 05:45 AM
Thank you jeremy may go gte me one to make some boards !!

10-25-2019, 07:32 AM
It's more work but really rewarding when you are finished.