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02-05-2006, 03:49 PM
Here is today's news headlines!!!!

Maryland Legislators Pass Legislation to Prevent Health Care Costs being Shifted to Taxpayers

MARYLAND, February 5, 2006 - WakeUpWalMart.com Campaign Director Paul Blank said, “This is a great day for workers, families and children in the state of Maryland and sends an inspiring message across America that billion dollar corporations, like Wal-Mart, will have to pay their fair share for health care.

This vote makes sure Maryland will stay immune from the Wal-Mart health care crisis. The vote expands health care for workers, stops large, profitable companies from shifting their health care costs onto taxpayers, and makes sure all large, profitable employers pay their fair share for health care.

Maryland state legislators have set a trailblazing example that other states will follow. Already, WakeUpWalMart.com is building on the momentum in Maryland and will introduce Fair Share Health Care legislation in at least 30 states this year.

Unfortunately, even on the eve of the vote, Wal-Mart still doesn’t get it. They lost this vote because the American people are tired of big corporations taking advantage of them. Fair Share Health Care helps expand health care for Wal-Mart’s workers and all working families. How Wal-Mart can hire high-priced lobbyists to defeat this bill, and still look their workers in the face and tell America they support working families, is beyond comprehension.

Hopefully, one day soon, Wal-Mart will hear the message loud and clear - you should not profit by exploiting your workers. This vote proves, if Wal-Mart won’t choose to do the right thing on its own, the American people and their lawmakers will hold them accountable."

02-05-2006, 04:11 PM
As a general rule, I'm against the government telling anybody how to run their business. I am disgusted however that we as taxpayers have to pay for their employees' health care because they don't receive it and usually don't earn enough wages to pay for their own policy.

It will interesting to see how this plays out, and if it does pass how it will effect the retail industry (and Wal-mart's prices). My guess is the prices will change very little, if at all since low prices is their edge on the competition.

I don't like the way Wal-mart supports China and underprices everybody (putting many out of business), but I guess until I quit buying **** from there I don't have a right to complain!

02-06-2006, 09:04 AM
Large corporations have always done what they can to give as little as possible to make a buck. Wal-mart takes advantage of a lot of people and they trade deficit with China is a true example, 85-90 percent of that deficit can be linked to Wal-mart related Business. 60 Minutes did a special on that and showed hidden camera footage that detailed the negotiating tactics to force small business owners to move to China or else lose their contract with Wal-Mart which would put the small companies out of business