View Full Version : Mardi Fishin Gras Officially Over

04-27-2006, 06:57 PM
Just wanted to say hi to all you folks as I haven't had any news or reason to post recently. The little woman is on her way back called from eastern Miss. last night. I tried to stall her buying boudin all thru La. but she's too darn efficient sometimes. Was tryin to sqeeze 1 more fishin trip in but no,wasting my day mowing the lawn, running the vacuum, restocking the fridge. Plus I had to run to WalMart for new skivvies cuz either Randy lied or there's a trick to getting 4 days out of them. I tried to double-down on the wear 1 day turn em inside out but no go. All they did was turn purplish-green and that area off them disintegrated.:mad: I did cut the waistbands out of a few of the better ones and salvaged some sunglass straps.:new_monalisa:
Ya all take care and good fishin.

04-27-2006, 10:36 PM
:surrender: Sounds like we may need to send a case of depends to Jeff bwahahahhahahaahha:icon_razz:

04-28-2006, 07:46 AM
jeff.....you just ain't right....but very funny. thanks for the stories.