View Full Version : Welcome Welcome JollyGreen

06-23-2006, 06:34 AM
Jolly Green welcome to Fishingtx.com :cheers: !! We don't claim to be the best, we don't claim to be the largest but we do claim to be the freindliest website in Texas!!:captain:
This site was made for everyone who enjoys Texas fishing. Whether you are a pro or a novice! Come in and introduce yourself! Share techniques, stories, baits, photo's, etc. If you are skilled at catching fish, please share with the group. If you need help, or would simply like to learn, please ask. We are glad to have you here. :winner: We truly hope you enjoy Fishingtx the best Texas Jugliners website in Texas! After all... this is YOUR group...

I feel impelled to share this with you :
A little something alot of folks don't know I was contacted by the folks of Texas Lakes and Streams ; they offered me a years a "free" advertisement in exchange for a few of my hot fishing spots for different species of fish.I declined after sharing that with the board. well one day while at a magazine rack I noitcied that someone who called himself a guide, could not catch fish, knew nothing about the lake ;except what I had told him , had very seldom fished Lake Houston and lived in Conroe had given him Texas Lakes and Streams all of "MY" hot spots in a very selfish way to help his site grow. Now when I go to my what used to be secret hotspots theer is always someone fishing there.
They follow Luke around the lake just so they can find out where he is fishing, it is sad , for them.
Today his site has a handful of people that have been kicked off just about every board in texas he has resort to jugging trips only cause he still is no table to catch fish but on the juggs.
So I said all of that, to say this;"JollyGreen" help how you can, if you want or just enjoy the site and take what you need ..
We here ta Fishingtx will continue to offer and share fishing info to the ones who need it; at our own expense and that's what seperates us from the rest!!
Thank you for joining!!

06-23-2006, 08:05 AM
welcome to FishingTx......

06-23-2006, 08:17 AM
Welcome to FishingTx

06-23-2006, 09:36 AM
welcome have fun!

06-23-2006, 10:01 AM
Welcome to FishingTx