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View Full Version : Don't get drunk!!

09-17-2006, 03:50 AM
Don't get drunk and come passed my son running into stuff.!!Seems like my son and his wife are coming down hiway 290 when this mexican national passes him up at a high rate of speed , hits a car and then bounces off the curb, A frantic call is made to 911 but they are not fast enough.My son and corey follow this guy into his gated apartment complex. The guy jumps out of the car and heads for his apartment, my son persues, tackles this guy, who by the way speaks no english and gets him in a head lock!! Corey, my sons wife is on the phone with 911 and has instructions to shoot anyone who trys to intervene and help this drunken menace to society deperado ..The dersperado is trying deperately to break free and does not seem to understand what my son is trying to say, so my son puts his knife in the guys eye and tells him i will stab your eye out if you don't stop, he understood that!!Harris County Sheriffs dept arrived shortly and took the man into custody , the drunken desperado was glad to see the cops!! ..While back they, my son and his wife , stopped at a restaurant in Humble Tx to eat.They see this man beating on a woman ,she might have deserved it but my son ain't used to seeing that, so he asks the guy if he'd like to try some of that on him. He start to fight with my son, the cops get there and maize my son cause he had this ole boy down on the ground ............No, the fruit don't fall too far from the tree!!!Reminds me of the time when I,,,, , well, we won't go there tonight maybe some othere time!!

09-17-2006, 04:52 AM
thats too funny.congrats to your son.:winner:

09-17-2006, 06:39 AM
I remember you telling me the Humble story, so I'm not surprised about what happened now!. I'm glad he's out there looking after the welfare of others. Definitely one of the good guys!

09-17-2006, 06:43 AM
Way to go and get that guy.

09-17-2006, 08:04 AM
good for him

09-17-2006, 09:03 AM
We need more just like him.

09-17-2006, 10:09 AM
We need more that are willing to get involved.

09-17-2006, 12:16 PM
Man Don i love that avatar.
While i do not condo nor encourage violence i am proud of my son for standing up for fellow man ,I do however worry about him though cause there are so many crazies out there..
I wish i had the energy and courage this young man has , anymore I am just like the rest I'll turn my head the othere way while i pull out my Colt 45 to assist someone in need but I will not , I repeat myself get close enough to poke someones eye out with my knife or put them in a head lock and your life has to be on the line before I put this his big **** in gear moving in the direction to help YOU!!:secret: