View Full Version : Thanks to Dwaynez and all Fishing tx member

11-16-2006, 03:50 PM
I hope you don't mind me making this public.. but wanted to express my feeling for making me feel welcome on this site and the help I have received

Dwaynez just conceder yourself always welcome. Just let me know when your ready and don’t worry about fishing gear.. I’m pretty covered in that area, Yes I’m a tackle freak….lol... just keep in mind, I mainly go during the week Tuesdays and Wednesday, but sometime on the weekend. On the weekend of the 9th I’m doing the TOBA bull red tourney,, wish you could come, should be a great event and for a great cause.

PS This invitation goes to all who read this, good people are always welcome

PSS Dwaynez ,,Congrats in the new baby coming..

11-16-2006, 03:58 PM
appreciate the compliment, that is whey this site is what it is because we all help each other out and do what we can to make the site better.

11-16-2006, 05:50 PM
I think most addicted fishermen are "tackle freaks", at least I know I am too!