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Thread: redlight cameras in Conroe

  1. #11
    Senior Member FishingTX Angler Supreme SouthernCatdaddy's Avatar
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    Thanks, I drive for a living and was just wondering. I believe the yellow light has to be 4.7 seconds I heard of people beating them because the light was to short. Might check that out. I personally would like to blast them cameras with my shotgun.

  2. #12
    Kingtut, once again, we are on the same page. I through mine in the trash. They take pics at certain intervals and it is still legal to take a right on red. In the last picture you can obviously see I am turning right. My best friend is an attorney and he told me to just pay it. Here is why, tyo me, it doesnt hold any legal weight. You can pay the 75 and it doesnt even go on your driving record. However if you fight it and loose, it's considered a moving violation. You get penalized for trying to 'prove' your innocent. What happened to the presumption of innocence in this country. It either is or it isnt a moving violation but they know most would rather pay the 75 dollars. When you look at the hourly rate a good attorney charges and the fact that if you loose it will go on your record and possible increase your insuarance premium, most people will justv pay it! I got news for Houston, I am way too hard headed for that. LOL!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX gator's Avatar
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    What happened to the presumption of innocence in this country.

    thats my problem with them also
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX GILBERT G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingTut View Post
    No it's not a recordable violation and the State of Texas and Harris County so far are refusing to deny license and registration renewal if it's not paid. It's an on-going legal battle right now. So my second camera ticket is still sitting in my desk marinating as I exercise my right to civil disobiedience! Both of my Humble camera tickets were during rain storms and sorry, I don't stop too fast in rain storms at 4 AM on Satuday mornings! I am not a happy camper about this, can you tell? The pictures show me in the intersection both times, with the light showing red. But they fail to show in both the still picures and the video clip on line, how long the yellow light lasted. Short yellow lights have resulted in court settlements all across the nation thus far.

    Ok, I'll admit, my Wife says just shut-up and pay it!
    I don`t know if you are correct or not but
    I just renewd my license 2 weeks ago an it denied my renewal
    because I had a red light ticket from a street camara so I had to pay for it an than I went to dps an renew`d my license cause I could no longer do it on line.

  5. #15
    Okay, since the red light issue has been opened again, I will again put in my two cents worth.
    Slow down. Simple as that. If it's raining, then you should be doing the speed limit or slower. I hear people ... all the time ... "I usually go about 5 over the speed limit." Well, I am here to tell you, most speedometers are off by 3 mph or more.

    So, lets say that the posted speed limit is 45. The yellow light is programmed to give you enough time to stop ... if you start slowing when you see it change. That programming is set for the worst driving conditions expected. (Iced roads are not considered, since this is not a "normal" condition.)

    Anyone who complains about the redlight cameras is speeding. I bring this subject up quite a bit in my classes, so I am basing my opinion on multitudes of people. Every person who complained about redlight cameras, also admitted to doing well over the speed limit on a regular basis.

    Everyone who obeyed the speed limits as a rule, had no problems with them.

    In other words, all your pontificating about innocence and stuff ... bull###t. You just want to keep speeding until you really do become a statistic and possibly kill someone in the process.

  6. #16
    Mikechel, I generally agree with you but its still legal to take a right on red. Period! If you take a right on red after stoppiong which is legal, the camera 'brain' sees you going through a light thats red with no regards to your stop. This is still legal, period. I speed, heck, you have rode with me multiple times. However, I was just turning right on red after coming to a stop, this is legal. Now if they have a radra ste up with a video I would just have to pay bbut this I refuse to do. I am just hard headed like that. Right is right and wrong is wrong, i dont care what it cost!!! By the way, I still need some windshield wiper blades! Look forward to catching some bass with you soon. Heck, you took my avatar. Hope life is good!!! I just hate big brotherv watching through anythiong other than a person that ahs reasoning and judgement. Reminds me of the phone call you get and when you answer it says, "please hold for....." I hang up if you call me you need to be on the phone, periood. Hope those calls are not imoportant. lol
    Last edited by Scotta; 04-09-2010 at 09:15 PM.

  7. #17
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    I agree with Mike as I have gotten busted by the camera :Chammer:and they have it all; your speed and I rolled before It turn and it says you supposed to stop,so I don't like them but then i do becasue i see poeple going thru red lighst on the cell and have no regard for other drivers me I jusa had my head up my well anyway was not thinking and that's what casues accidents ..Guilty yes did i like it :no:

  8. #18
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX gator's Avatar
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    hey i think we all agree that running red lights is wrong but the difference is the approach on how to stop red light runners. i personal would sure like to see drunk drivers removed from our roads and would support shutting ever bar down that you have to drive too. walk up or cab drop off only. many see this as extreme. kind of like the medical industry every one agrees that something needs to be done but no one total agree which way is best.
    i guess i'm in the more gov is bad gov group. i don't want them telling me i have to have insurance even though i would have it anyway. and remember when it passed they said it would lower every ones rates cause everyone would have it wonder what happen to that? i don't think i should be told to wear a seat belt in my 3/4 ton truck but don't have to wear a helmet but i do. and i don't want to register my guns oh that hasn't happen YET! stay tuned...............
    Give me a sense of humor, Lord;
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