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Thread: Cleaning up after ourselves

  1. #1
    Member Hooked on FishingTX packypaddler's Avatar
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    Cleaning up after ourselves

    I know that I am preaching to the choir here, but it frustrates me to see all the debris and garbage along the water, in the woods, on the edge of the road and in the sand along the beach. I'm sure my list could go on and on. Why are people so lazy that they cannot clean up after themselves? This really frustrates me when I drive the beach to fish and we spend more time cleaning up after others than we do fishing. I have been an avid outdoorsmen since I was a little kid. I was taught to respect nature so that my kids and their grandkids would enjoy it the same. Why the rant? I have worked in zoos for over 25 years and recently I have seen more and more sea turtles coming to the zoo for veterinary care due to people ignorance. Just 2 days ago A Green sea turtle was brought to the zoo that has had a long bout with some fishing line. This guy has had a tough day, but is much relieved to have the line he ingested removed (seen in photo). Both his flippers were also wrapped in fishing line, hindering his movement. He's lucky to have come to us with the help of NOAA Galveston! Granted sometimes we lose fishing line due to breaks, cuts, etc. but the majority is due to ignorance. Attachment 35443

  2. #2
    Administrator Master in FishingTX vett0111's Avatar
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    It's at the point I make sure I carry a trash bag with me just to pick up trash left by others before I start fishing.

    Good to see turtle is doing better.
    Remember, always help who you can, whether you know them or not, blessings come when you least expect it.
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  3. #3
    Administrator Master in FishingTX Gentleben's Avatar
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    I see this mostly on public fishing grounds, but private parks also suffer , I beleive it is the cuture that has been raised without parental care and without God. I even see it at work , employees will be walking out of the construction site and throw their ear plugs on the walkway to the compound, they litter their work areas with their trash. Last friday we had a massive clean up campaign , sat moring as we stood in our tool box meeting there was an employee eatting sunflower seeds and throwing and spitting his hulls on the freshly swept concrete pad. I called him out, he got mad but"come on man" why did i do it "housekeeping" is very important at home and on the job, on the beach and in the park..Please help kee pAmerica beautiful.
    Thank you for bringing this up; gives me a chance to rant and rave for a while .

  4. #4
    Senior Member Master in FishingTX Justin_Smithey's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Each time I go to the beach I always try to pick up some trash. What irritates me is when there is an empty trash can 50 Yds away from large amounts of litter strung along the beach.

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