Vett: That first bass ... I was sight casting to the blow-up seen ... I didn't know the camera had drifted off the spot. That bass launched itself at the fly, but the camera missed it. I am really glad the second fish's hit IS on the camera.

Lou: The Panfish Attractor does sink, but it's a slow drop. On many of the retrieves, I start bringing it back as soon as it hits the water. I try to keep it within a few inches of the surface. I am usually fishing water that is less than 3 feet deep in those situations. But there are areas with deeper water, and there I'll let the fly sink 'til I think it's on the bottom. Usually, the hit comes as it's falling.

LOL The St. Johns River IS a tranquil place, when I am fishing it. I usually don't even put the boat in if the winds are going to be more than 15 MPH. I can handle fishing in the rain, as long as it's not windy. I can handle fishing when it gets a little cool, as long as it's not windy.
I hate fishing in the wind. I control the boat with a paddle and anchors. This gets very frustrating when the winds get too strong.